In MHA With Star Platinum

Chapter 3 - Chapter3

I was finally back to my apartment.

I think that I won't be able to play cards with the neighbours today, as my thoughts needed some organisation.

Now I think that I finally had the time to organise my thoughts.

Today was not my usual day. I have a Stand. And I had tricked them by calling it a quirk with name Aura.

One needs to know how much I was frustrated. To be reborn and having none of the power that 80% of the people have. Still, I'm thankful I don't look like a humanoid dog or a rat.

Commanding the purple humanoid out of my body, I stared at him, while he did the same.

Star Platinum has Self-Preservation, meaning it possesses the awareness and the reaction speed. Even If I'm not aware, he would protect me, like it did in the store.

This means I have a guardian angel. Hey, my last name is Angel as well. What a coincidence.

Commanding it, it grabbed a pencil and a paper.

As I remember from watching JJBA, Star Platinum is very precise, more than a surgeon, and have far eyesight. I commanded it to draw my neighbour, who happened to be next to the window. And damn man, when I saw how detailed her draw was, I couldn't help but praise the Stand.

But that wasn't its best power.

"So, for some reason, I have power from Jojo."

I rubbed my chin and stared up. 'If I remember correctly, there should be Ripple Energy, and most importantly…'

As I remembered, the Star Platinum could stop time. I know, I had died when he did that. Unfortunately, I didn't live long enough to see the end of that part.

"Let me try this," I lifted my arms, threw the book up, and yelled. "Star Platinum!"

Since all Dio did was lifting his arms and yelling at his stand name, I thought that it may work.

The book fell on my head. I rubbed it a bit and stared forward at Star Platinum who didn't stop it from hitting my head. For some reason, it was smiling at my face.

"Don't laugh at me, stop the time."

I talked to it, commanding it. But no time has stopped, and there was no reaction from it.

The stand is so loyal. Unless I command it to do something, it won't unless it was for my protection.

Okay, let's try this. Lifting both my arms again, I yelled "The World!"

Nothing happened, again.

They were the same type of Stands. Shouldn't I just yell in their names and something like that should work?

"The World: Time has frozen!"

Okay, this may only work in T.V.

"Star Platinum: Time has frozen!

I know. You would bet that my neighbours about think that I am crazy, for me to yell like this.

Okay, I may need to train, or do something so I may awake the time stop freezing ability.

Star Platinum was fine as it is now. It can kick asses as it is and that is the important object.

All I have to do now is to think of tactics to make use of it.

Also, I have to write my application to the UA high school, to attend those heroes academy. Or I don't, I have a recommendation letter already pushed to them.

The good thing about it, I think, was that you can spend most of your time at gym class.

Very soon, my mother had called me. I had a simple chat with her, asking about her life, she did the same, and asked if I have enough allowance, I said everything was fine.

"So, when did you plan to tell me you have a quirk?"

"You heard."

"Ha? I'm very disappointed, Lee."

I hate it when she says that. She made it sound like it was something I was hiding from her.

"Don't misunderstand," I said, frowning. "It wasn't a thing I could see; you were there when the doctor said I didn't have a quirk."

"Well, I believe you." She sighed, "I may visit you once I'm taking a holiday. Just stay away from the thugs, and if someone gets close to you, use the Aura you have."

"Okay. I'll do. Good night."

"Love ya, bye."

Now, it was time for me to take a bath.

My purpose was, of course, to discover the Ripples.

Since I had power from some anime, I think I should have access to another power.

Usually, I would laugh at someone if he said that. But, the Stand was next to me.

Ripples, or Hamon, was the energy used in ancient martial arts from that anime I watched. It's so useful to manipulate thing, and even people. Once one master it, he or she can walk on the water and do other kinds of things– limited by creativity.

The best way to discover that was by entering the bath, and breathing.


I was breathing at different rates, trying to feel something while looking at the water.

Your next line, would this work.

I don't think so.

All I did was trying different methods of breathing while trying to remember details from an anime I had watched 15 years ago.

I barely remember a show that I had watched a year ago, so let alone something I watched a long time ago.

All I have to do is to feel the ripple from breathing, then, to the blood flow, and finally, the skin.

But the water was so warm. I was so tired from the events of today, and the may I breathed deeply, had me sleepy, and so I slept.


I sneezed.

the water really turned so cold, and I felt like freezing.

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