After making my question clear to Julia, she narrowed her eyebrows as I had mentioned that my Aura can absorb strength and transfer it to others.

It sounded very similar to the online legend, All For One, who could absorb Quirks and take them for himself.

Of course, I had noticed the comments from the old people, who had said it's true, but most people thought that they are trolls anyway.

In my case, my Hamon life absorbing technique sounded more like a power absorbing. Though, the power-up isn't limited by doubling the strength, or how much strength the Nomu has. Just by how strong his life force is.

Julia at first narrowed her eyes and said, "Shouldn't you get it for yourself. It would at least assure your safety."

"I already got it. I'm offering you this one." I said as I went to the side, and lifted a rock, which was bigger than me easily and could throw it a bit far. Julia had a stun on her face.

"You became this strong already!" Julia only coughed, as she looked at the Nomu. She seemed to hesitate about something.

"They aren't humans, I can tell," I said.

After I had told her how the first Nomu was considered an artificial beast, using the results from the police, after I had captured him, Julia accepted my answer.

She just said, "But…" Then, she lowered her head and clenched her fist before looking at me. I know that body language. She was clearly worried about my safety.

"In this case, I'll see it." I smiled.

Using the Hamon, I controlled the Nomu on the ground. Then, I used myself as a medium and repeated the same move I had used on the Nomu for the first time. After breathing, the life ripple from the Nomu was transferred to me, then to her. She opened her eyes widely, showing shock on her pretty face.

I'm not sure if this will make her learn Ripples or something, but I'm sure it'll increase her strength. At least, I would assure her safety here and when she works.

You know, as I watch the TV and seeing how many heroes are dying, I would feel worried no matter what. Well, I care about her that I'm willing to offer her this power-up. Besides, I am waiting for the other Nomu to reveal himself.


Once the life Hamon transfer was done, Julia looked at her hand repeatedly. Then, she walked to some big rock, same at my size, and she could lift it. "I am not using my quirk! Is this real!"


"How long have you been hiding this?" She looked at me and then threw that rock far. That one was a result of her Quirk.

"From the day at USJ incident," I narrowed my eyebrows as she frowned.

"You didn't tell anyone, did you?"

"I didn't." I know who to tell and who not.

I saw her breathing in relief when I told her that. She gave the Nomu a look before giving him a strong kick, which seemed to add more to his suffering.

"Good," she got closer to me and gave me a hug, a strong one and I only gave her a pat on the back.

She continued, "Keep that a secret, and use it on yourself if your conscience allowed you."

"What, no human rights." I sounded sarcastic.

"You know you mean the world to me," she said, " I don't want any harm to happen to you, even if the world got burned. Use it on these creatures as you want. As long as you're fine, I'm in your side."

I was emotionally touched again. Come on, like all of that love that I got, which started from my 16th year at the soul, wasn't enough already. I turned my head and scratched my chin, "yes, whatever."

Julia let me go and held her fist, "Now, if someone messed with you, I'll be done quickly with them… Hehe. Physical strength was the only thing my Quirk take advantage of. More importantly, my rank may raise to first in my country." That was right, as she workout a lot, more than me in fact.

"Good Grief,"

"Dang it, I missed that." Julia stared at me and bit her bottom pink lip. "Yes." I chuckled as she hadn't got my line at the right time. It's a victory.

"Lee, why aren't you relaxed yet?" Julia asked.

"There is another one, he's hiding." I had a feeling that the winged Nomu didn't run, but was hiding and waiting for the chance to strike.

"That… leave it to me." Julia hugged me again and whispered, "let it think your guard is down, pretend to chat with me."

"Okay," I nodded, although it was unnecessary since I have Star Platinum as a guard.

As we were applying her strategy, I kept looking at her back while she did the same.

The winged Nomu soon appeared on my sight. He was so far that he had appeared like a dot to me.

Here he is, my next Ripple Juice.

Although I didn't know if there would be a side effect from getting more of them – except for extended life – I didn't care so much and thought that I would stop once I felt it would harm me, or, I'll just transfer a bit to others.

I was waiting for Nomu to approach and called the Stand. As the Nomu got near the cliff

I smirked and was ready to age him.

However, a big hand appeared from nowhere and held him easily. After the hand, I blonde hair and giant tits and curves followed. Looking at the titan who appeared and held the Nomu, I knew. "Mount Lady!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Lee, we'll talk later." She didn't look at me but seemed to hear me.

She held the Nomu easily and slammed him to the ground, causing a strong impact, which forced me to make Star Platinum stand as a shield for me and Julia.

Nomu was put to the ground and wasn't as strong as the first one I had thought, so he would need time to regenerate.

"Take this!" Mt. Lady showed an angry face as she slammed the Nomu who was still regenerating. Over and over. He didn't even have time to regenerate as big fists were crushing at him with the pressure of more than a thousand ton. Poor one. She then lifted a big rock– 20 meters giant can lift a lot in fact– then, she slammed it on him, followed by more hits. The cliff was almost destroyed.

'Another kill steal,' I thought and sighed as I and Julia continued watching the show.

"It's okay, you know you should keep that card hidden." Julia patted my back.

"I know…But," I said when the ground was quaking. But it was painful to see the Nomu getting beaten to a pulp until his regeneration had stopped.

Kill steal over and over. This woman didn't change.

"Don't let greed blind you."

"I need more power," I said firmly.

That was my thought. If I wanted to be safe and to assure that in a world with crazy Quirks, I needed power.

"Chance would offer itself again to you. Besides, you are crazily strong already" She said, "And her being here would attract the other heroes' attention. You don't want to be a media's enemy. Trust me, it's a pain."

"What a pain."

Once Mt Lady was done from Nomu, who lost conscious, she stood on the pile of the destroyed rock and went back to her original size. Then she came toward me directly, a worried expression was drawn on her face.

"Lee. Are you fine? Did you get hit anywhere?"

"Ah." I nodded as I felt her hands scanning my body upside down. Julia took a step back, stared at me, and lifted her eyebrow. We knew each other, I could tell that she thought of that.

But it was kind embarrassing to see Mt Lady throwing herself at me like that while scanning my injuries.

A mature woman like that would rise hormones inside of me like that. Not to mention that she had been my crush.

Yu smiled, her chest on my shoulder and she was obvious of that as she looked at the side to the Nomus. "You took care of yourself, as expected from you."

Her body was so close, and she was my previously-crush… still now.

'breath you don't want Julia to see you having a tent while being hugged by a mature curvy woman like Mt Lady.' I needed to calm myself again.

Yu exclaimed her admiration as she looked to the now white Nomus. After that, she lifted her head and looked directly at my eyes.

Seeing her deep purple eyes, which were attractive, staring at me for a brief, my eyes shook and I asked when the silence got long, "what."

She giggled, "You're going to be a strong hero in the future. But don't let yourself get hurt. I like to take care of my fans."

She then let her face get closer to my cheek, and landed her lips there, pressing her chest on me.

But the thing was, it's like the last time. She let her lips stay there for a longer time, and I opened my eyes when I felt that she was licking, and added that her smell was nice. That left a rippling feeling inside me.

Her lips were plump, pretty for sure, and her body was hot for me to melt in. I really was taken within that charm of her, and let the feelings on my cheek invade me, as it was a super slow kiss.

Feeling like that, I found that I have no choice but move a bit to the side, so Yu's body would hide the tent inside me.


Oh, here she has sucked my cheek and let her tongue ran across it.

The ripples were working hard to calm me, but she didn't seem to be affected and continued playing with my cheek. It was hot that I breathed slowly.

"Hey, Lady," Julia exclaimed, arms crossed, as she looked at Yu.


Yu gave a long kiss as she moved a bit, and gave me another kiss. She seemed to be enjoying the feeling. Oh, right, the calming Hamon, it must be it. I figured out that she may stop once I disable it, but for some reason, the way she kissed my face and sucked it disturbed the necessary focus to control my energy. No, I can't use Star Platinum to stop her. I'll have to wait.

"Ahem!" Julia came from behind and pulled Yu back from her shoulder, stopping her. "Didn't you take a long time?"

"Oh, right," Yu opened her eyes wide as she seemed to be awake from a daze. Her cheeks turned pink as a silly smile appeared on her face.

"What was that," Julia asked and put her hands on her h.i.p.s.

I was just dazzled looking between them.

"Just a fan service." Mt. Lady waved her hand on Julia, "I know him. And I was so worried, so I thought a kiss from his favourite heroine would calm him. Right, Lee."

I put a hand on my cheek, and I could tell that I had turned red from her kissing marks. I think that I have to deal with this mark before meeting Itsuka.

"Oh, right, now I remember, I saw your pic on social media with him," Julia said.

But then, a voice cut the mood we're at.

"Ahem, guys, girls, I hate to disturb your meeting." A stranger's voice said. "Lee, you forced us."

"Plan D."


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