Kan was talking seriously as he seemed to be giving us a very important task.

"Although you did well at the Festival, even with the twist at the end, I'm proud all of you," he said, "however, to become heroes, you need one more thing."

"What is it?" someone asked.

"A hero name." Kan said, "You'll choose an alias."

Suddenly, I opened my eyes widely. A hero name. I've never thought of that.

Now I think of it… I make a deep frown. Not only had I came with a bizarre hero outfit, if I had a bizarre name, it would be a deal killer.

"Yosh! I'm excited."

"I'll choose a great one."

All of the people around seemed to be excited, even Itsuka and Reiko, who was murmuring. Me, on the other hand, I don't think that JJBA names would work for me.

"I know, picking up your Hero name for the first time would look hard," Kan hit his chest. As if he was posing and telling us how proud he was at his name. I mean, Blood Hero: Vlad King sounded cool. "But I bet most of you had thought of this as kids."

Kan continued, "For that, Midnight would help you picking up one with the right sense."

Then a curvy tall beauty entered and swayed her h.i.p.s inside. Her sight was good that I forgot the dilemma I was in.

Midnight stood up next the Kan.

All of the boys gave attention and I was no exception.

Midnight then made a speech about the basics of the alias name. As future heroes, ours should be short, professional, not a sentence but a name, and most importantly, it must be impactful.

We were given panels and a marker to think. I kept thinking and thinking. Batman, superman… didn't sound fitting and would me cringe. Naming myself Star Platinum wouldn't work.

"Hey…" I turned my head when I heard someone whispering.

Setsuna was glancing at me. She said, "Having a hard time finding a name?"

I only nodded at the dark green-haired girl.

"Try Pillar Dancer. It would fit your outfit."

I laughed slowly and lifelessly, "Your outfit is no less exposing than mine."

"I know. But I'm more of lizard," she winked and then turned to her board, trying to come up with names.

People seemed to choose theirs easily, as they had been prepared for this moment from their birth.

For me, living 15 years as a Quirkless, I'd never thought that I would even need to think of an Alias.

"Are you stuck?"

Said a pretty voice as I felt a hand as smooth as I can imagine wrapping my shoulder before resting on my back.

Turning my face, I saw huge b.r.e.a.s.ts, almost as big as my face, facing me. The costume was tight that I could see the n.i.p.p.l.es stuck.

Ahem… this is better than thinking of a name, but I think that I was staring for long now, as I felt some heat rushing down.

Lifting my head, I saw the pretty face of midnight. She was smiling and scanning my panel with her blue eyes. Is she not aware that she is making me uncomfortable with her chest next to my face?

"I couldn't come up with something," I said, before sighing. "Does it really matter, can't I just use Lee?"

It would be the best one, I guess.

"Nope." Midnight clicked her tongue and patted my head. "A hero name is more important than his costume. Although it's not as important as your job in the field. People would use it to call you. It could be a powerful marketing tool."

"What a pain." I sighed.

"Since you don't care, try any name that is short and come along with your name."

"Well…" I lifted my head. "Angel."

"That would fit if you were only a girl."

I lowered my head. She had a point. Let me just get over this quickly. Think of a cool name that won't make me cringe. A name that makes me like an action star.

That's it.

I wrote the two name that I came up with.

Midnight lifted her glasses and bent down. Her chest rested on my shoulder and she didn't seem to care. I lifted my eyebrows and held my breaths. I didn't mind though… but I was full of energy.

"Hmm… not bad." She murmured, "Jet Lee and Bruce Lee. That would be wonderful for an action movie."

"Hahaha… right," I laughed weirdly. Only if she knew that what she said was true in another Earth. "Really, tell me what you think."

Midnight started analysing that I honestly didn't know how someone can think like that. But I didn't care. I only let her talk as her chest was on my back. The table was hiding my boner, and I was secretly taking the advantage of the hot teacher. I loved the feeling of a huge chest massaging my back.

She took her back up, and I was kicked from the comfort zone. "Good one. Now, I'll help someone else."

I sighed as I followed her back with my eyes as she walked to another person in front of me, and she bent down. Big cheeks… damn it, why didn't I consider that my energy would increase once I absorbed life from Nomu. My poor life.

"Hmmm," I heard a murmur in my left.

I turned my head when I saw Rin, who sits next to me, closing his eyes and his nose was bleeding, and he seemed to be chanting something.

"You should see a doctor," I told him but he kept just chanting. Whatever. His nose his responsibility.

Once I turned again to stare at Midnight, I saw Itsuka staring at me, which made me Stop Time in instant and change my head angle sightly to Rin. This should make it sounds like she was imagining. Good, it passed well.

After picking up names, my hero became Bruce Lee.

Kan announced that tomorrow we would have access to see the heroes who invite us for practical study at the vacation.

As it seems, we won't spend the spring vacation resting. We would be out there, in the field with a hero watching over us. Those who don't get offers would go with Kan obviously.

I wonder from who I would get my offer. But given my performance at the Sports Festival, probably from everyone. I was strong, handsome, and can be popular with ladies… why did I think about Mt. Lady. Sigh. I still feel her full lips' taste in my mouth. Not to mention the Reiko.

In my whole life, I had never expected that they may be interested in me, especially the blonde since I was younger, much less kissing me on the mouth and then leaving while making a lame excuse.

My poor life. Whatever. I continued the classes while these thoughts were bothering me. Not to mention, the fact that I am stronger had made me, as I had mentioned, more energised and slowly satisfied.

But I still wanted to be stronger, despite the price.

After the classes had ended, I had a lunch like always. Ever since I absorbed life from other Nomu, I could eat more. Not to mention that Time Stop would make me hungry from time to a time.

As I was with Itsuka having lunch, Reiko came with her plate and sat down. I knew that she and Itsuka were friends.

She quickly bent in and opened a conversation.

"By the way, what are your names… hero names?"

"Battle Fist," Itsuka said proudly as I was eating.

Good, it seems that I wasn't the one who rushed his name.

"You Lee-san," Reiko turned to me and stared at my eyes. Isn't she getting closer? Whatever. She may have been feeling insecure ever since yesterday, I would understand that.

"Bruce." Letting a sigh, I said, "Bruce Lee."

"So simple," Itsuka narrowed her eyes, "yet, seems to hold action behind it. Reiko, what's yours."

"Emily." She said. Somehow, it reminded me of a ghost girl in American horror drama.

After lunchtime, we're separate. Itsuka called her parent as we had a date, and I called mom that I won't come home quickly. What was Julia's answer when I told her? She said, "Don't do it on the car?" And before I could explain, she shut the call. I only looked around to see if someone was stalking me. Weird, how can she guess my moves. Anyway, the day was impactful and I was pretty much turned on. So, when I was left with my girl alone, in the car, I ventured my feeling to the heart content.

Soon, after a couple of hours, I made Star Platinum drive her home before driving me.

I was less distracted now since my feelings were under control, and I wasn't tired at all.

This means I can train for now. Stopping time over and over, over the days, surely started to show good results.


AN: Once the story reaches 600 Power Stone, a bonus chapter would be published.

AN: 14 advanced chapters at patréon

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