Two weeks passed since the exams, and we, U.A students, were in vacation-like, doing nothing but waiting for the school to call us for the camp, which, of course, after we get the results of the exams.

These days were good for me. I was at Yu's apartment, sitting on the couch between Yu and Itsuka.

"Lee… that thing you do, is good," said Yu, looking like a drunk, and have a large grin.

Itsuka looked sleepy, as well as she leaned on me, resting her head at my chest.

"I know," I said; A silly smile appeared on my face.

Usually, I wouldn't act like this and wouldn't make such an expression.

But I was high. We were high.

During the last week, using Hamon, I made the century discovery.

Remembering the knowledge I had gained on the brain, I could make myself, or someone else high, without using drugs.

Since I wanted to please Yu and Itsuka, and give them a reason so they wouldn't leave when the relationship may get dull, I decided to introduce this to them. Of course, only an idiot wouldn't try to keep two women happy with him.

That's a blessing that I decided not to waste. So, I added some healthy addiction. Of course, this new technique could be used in fighting, to make enemies lose balance.

The girls had been hesitated about the idea at first. But when they had tried it and realised that it's not harmful at all, they were excited about it each time I had suggested doing it.

"Hehehe… I should arrest you for this." Yu leaned a kiss on me, to get some ripples from my cheeks, which messed with her brain a bit to produce the hormones. "But you're my weed. I don't want to share you."

She usually wouldn't say this if she wasn't this high.

Itsuka leaned and kissed me as well. "No, No. Yu, think of it. He's the drug, not the dealer. What if someone else stole him?"

"I'll crush them to death." Yu stood up and formed a fist, before falling on me.

Good days.

*Dring* *Dring*

Itsuka's phone rang, and she picked it up. She raised her eyebrows. "It's mom. I can't talk to her like this. Should I…" She then looked at me, like she didn't know what to do.

I realised what to do.

Putting my hand on her head, I channelled the ripples, and she was awakened from her drugged-like state before standing and talking to her mom.

"Coward…" Yu murmured as she looked at Itsuka, mocking her for not having the courage to talk to her mom without being totally awake.

"Like you have that courage." I turned to her.

"I have courage. Do you want to make a bet?" Yu turned to me. "I will call Grandma and she won't think that I'm different than usual."

"Really," I smirked. "Call her. 200.000 Yin on that."

"Hehe…" she leaned back and rested her legs on my lap. "But you don't have that much money anyway. No thanks. Anyway, give me another dose," she said as she snatched another kiss.

"Lee…" Itsuka suddenly called. "The exams…"

I lifted my eyelids a bit. "What about them."

"Their results are out." The now awakened Itsuka said. "Stop being high! Remember, our car is on the line."

Our car, is she sure?

Unwillingly, I woke up from my high state and stood up, leaving Yu to lean on the couch.

As I saw my phone, I saw that there were three missing calls from Julia. Oh… that's not good. As any mom, I bet she would think that villains had attacked me.

"Do you have the results?" I asked Itsuka.

"They sent them us by mail."

"Ah…" I let a sigh. "UA is such an advanced high-tech school, but they can't use E-mail."

Japan, in my previous world, had kids who could make robots. In this world, despite being advanced like 200 years in the future, they are still using mails. Well, that because of the great wars that happened due to the many wars that the sudden appearance of Quirks introduced, which paused the development of the technology. – I have learned this because of the History class.

"Right," Itsuka said. "Well. I guess they don't want us to lie to our parents. Anyway, let's see our results."

We called our parents and talked to them to send us a pic of the results. My mom, I couldn't tell if she is sad, pretending to be sad, or is just messing with me, so I asked her to send me the results on the phone.

Itsuka seemed to be very anxious about them. More than me.

"Ha~" Yu sighed as she picked a random magazine and murmured. "Results and old days."

"I got 80/100." Itsuka huffed her chest happily and clenched her fist. She then turned to me, to see me focusing on my phone.

"How much did you get?"

"Wow." Even I didn't believe the results I got. "The f.u.c.kers!"

I seriously cursed.

"What did happen?"

"They gave me 99.5/100." I clenched my teeth. How could this be possible? I had used the human's brainpower, and even cheated my way… yet they…

"Lee." Itsuka, eyes wide opened, clenched her fist and pointed at me. "If you dare to say that again. If you dare to say that again." She shook her eyelids.


Itsuka didn't believe it.

He is complaining!

Her boyfriend got almost a perfect score. He even beat her.

Although she knew she should feel happy, somehow, it sounded sore, to see him complain like that.

Lee was a strong and reliable person. She thought of herself as the smarter girl in this relationship. They complete each other. However. He was a person who had never studied. Even Lee's mom told her that Lee had never gone to the library or picked up a book in his life before.

She had been studying for the whole year. He just studied in the library for one week, yet got this score. This totally made her look for a fool.

Usually, she would be happy for him….but dares to complain… Her pride was touched.

Lee shrugged his shoulder.

"Geez. Relax. I think I made a typo in the English exam. I used British Spelling." He lifted his head and murmured. "I think Present Mic doesn't know the difference and thought I made a typo."

"You were sleeping in his class. How would you know? How can you be so shameless?" Itsuka felt like crying.

"Look at the bright side. We still have the car."

Oh. She remembered this.

The good mood came back.

"Use your aura. I need to get high a bit."Letting a sigh, she approached Lee.

"Only if you paid me." Lee extended his hand to her.

"Now you are dealing with it. That's illegal." Itsuka put her hands on her h.i.p.s.

Lee smiled and hugged her. "I don't need money from you. I need something else." His hand danced on her back, fingers caressing her waist, and she was getting aroused from it.

She understood what currency he's dealing with. Her body.

She smirked. "Well. I thought we would leave that for the night."

"I thought so, but I have to go home early." Lee's hand swept all the way down, before holding her butt.

"If you say so, then." Itsuka felt that she was melting and aroused from his touch, as he was squeezing her ass-cheeks. Her face got red as she rested her head on his chest, before deciding to let him have his way with her.

"I'll join the party." Yu stood up, increased her height a bit, and came behind Lee. Itsuka flinched; that cheater, she's using her quirk to gain more stamina in what's coming. But whatever. She'll get high with Lee.


20 chapters ahead at patréon


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