The second calamity

The way I see it, the world I lived in my last life and this world are infinitely similar and subtly different.

The only things that have changed are the dungeon in Nakagoshi three years ago, the appraisal skill I saw the moment I was reborn, and me and Ichika-chan having memories of my previous life.

This world is, without a doubt, a parallel universe.

But there’s no proof that it wasn’t in my previous life, either in terms of dungeon appearances, skills, or regeneration, or maybe I just didn’t know.

And when it comes to dungeons, I’ve been training too hard, and I’ve been deploying enough magic power to swallow an entire prefecture without having to put it away in an item box or anything.

I don’t know if this has anything to do with it or not.

However, the general history has not changed so much as the 9.11 terrorist attacks in 2001 and the Chuetsu earthquake in 2004.

However, I regret that I don’t have much reference data because I don’t have many major incidents that I remember in year-date units after the day I was born again.

As far as I could find out from TV reports and the computer I got as a gift for passing the junior high school entrance exam, there were no irregularities such as dungeons except for the Chuetsu earthquake.

That’s why I’m wondering if I’m in any way affected by my own magic …….

Well, actually, the consideration of that area is rather unimportant.

“”–There’s a good chance that the dungeon will occur again around before this summer vacation, so why don’t we attack it together?”


“I remember there was an earthquake in Niigata before the summer vacation in 2007.”

I wasn’t at my grandfather’s house at the time, but I remember having a conversation like, “Another earthquake! It’s terrible.”

The reference data is from the last Chuetsu earthquake, so I don’t know if the dungeon will appear at the timing of that earthquake.

It’s hard to believe that the dungeon only appeared that one time.

“Besides, if you conquer …… dungeons, your level will increase, and as a reward, your skill level will increase, and the base value of your status will increase.”

I want Ichika-chan to be strong to some extent.

In the past, it was more about not dying until I could at least protect you, but now it’s more about wanting you to be strong enough to not break when I hug you with my status.

I can’t hug her back because I’m afraid she’ll break, like when we hug.

That’s something I’ve talked to Ichika-chan about before.

“Okay, so the Chuetsu earthquake is in Niigata, right? When is it going to happen? If it’s a holiday, I want to stay at Yasukuni’s grandpa’s house again.”

“Well, that’s not …… what I wish.”

There are many benefits to having Ichika-chan stay over, such as seeing her in her pajamas, seeing her after bathing, and chatting with her secretly at night.

I remember the day she came to stay with us before, and was aware that his face was a little hot.

“I think it was a weekday.”

“So how do we get there?”

“That’s the thing. ……”

“Wa- Wa- Wa- Wa- Wait a moment!”

It takes less than a minute to run from my house to the epicenter in Niigata (over 500 million agility value).

On Monday, July 16th, around noon, I sneaked out of school to take Ichika-chan away during lunch break, and after checking the epicenter, I carried her in my arms and ran slowly to the epicenter.

The speed of sound has long since been surpassed, so use your magic to mitigate the impact so that the sonic boom doesn’t create a roar and shockwave, while also preventing sound leaks.

Ichika-chan was holding it with magical power to prevent all the load and wind pressure associated with high-speed movement.

With over 250 billion in magic power, nothing is impossible.

“So, here we are.”

“‘Ha, ha, I thought I was going to die!”

Ichika-chan, who approaches me with tearful eyes in her arms, may not be good at roller coasters. I feel like she’s been closing her eyes all the time.

I apologized lightly, saying I was sorry for scaring you.

“I should have told you at least that I should have left school early by pretending to be sick.”

I thought Ichika-chan, with her resentful eyes, was as cute as ever.

While I was making peace with this, I was looking around the epicenter of the quake.

“Hey, Yasu-kun, is there really a dungeon here?”


“Because we’re in the middle of the ocean!”

Icika-chan is clinging desperately to my neck circumference to keep from falling off.

“No, because of the Chuetsu earthquake. ……”

There is nothing in the sea that can’t be captured if you use magic.However, even if you look under the sea, you can’t find anything like that.

I put up a membrane of magic to see the sea, and when I dive into the sea, I feel warm.

I ran lightly towards the land and took a quick look around and walked around the areas that seemed to have suffered the most damage from the earthquake.

Last time I didn’t do anything special, but today it was in front of Ichika-chan, so I searched for signs of people and if they were buried under the rubble, I would have acted hypocritically enough to use magic to get rid of it.

I thought I don’t want to live in a house that collapses at intensity 6 in this earthquake-prone country.

As such, I detect an unnatural presence.

Yes, I found it, the first dungeon since three years ago.

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