End of the world, or rule it.

Translated by NotBlueYet

Edited by Kingavent

A huge demonstration right in front of my parents’ house; house arrest from the state; public opinion, both national and international, working to get rid of me.

Too …… strong a force makes humans instinctively fearful, like nuclear weapons or poison gas.

That’s why I had to pull some weight.

I knew that, and I still fought because I didn’t want the world to be ravaged by demons, but I didn’t think it was this bad – this stupid.

I thought that if I showed them that much power, they would understand that protests and demonstrations are meaningless, that persecution of me, who could easily destroy the world, is only counterproductive.

At any rate, I decided to do something about it from the noisy demonstration outside for the time being, after giving it some thought.

The protesters were calmed down by intimidation for now.

When I became a human demon, all of the skills I gained through skills became memories through repeated trials, so that some skills that were partially uncontrollable, such as intimidation, could be controlled almost perfectly with the correction of repeated trials.

Specifically, that no one other than the protesters were knocked unconscious by the collateral damage.

´”As usual, you’re amazing, Sashima-kun.”

“Well, I mean, why you, Komei-kun?”

“Well, there’s a lot of things going on over here about that. …… I’m with these people, and I was taking on the protesters.”

Implicitly, which one do you want to hear it from? Komei-kun asks.

To be honest, I can kind of understand why Komei-kun is with people like the favored stars and the like – I mean, if you look at me and -Ichika-chan, Komei-kun is one of the best in his profession and skill set, so I can kind of understand why they would follow him ……

“I’d like to start with why you protected my parents’ house from the protesters, and then I’d like to thank you.”

“You’re welcome, though it probably wouldn’t have mattered much if we hadn’t protected, since Yasu’s followers would have.”

Well, I was still happy that he was protecting them.

“This is because I have a reason here, so let me tell you earlier that the movement of the demonstrators and the persecution of Sashima-kun are by no means the consensus of humankind in the world.

Rather, only a few radicals said this. There is no one who criticizes Sashima-kun, but on the contrary, he has protected them from monsters, has captured many dungeons, and has cooperated in arresting violent criminals by occupation. Quite a few people are grateful for that. Rather, this is the majority. “

In all likelihood, people will stand up for criticism, but few people will take major action to say, “Thank you for defeating the demon!” so only criticism is noticeable, Komei-kun added.

I kind of understand what you’re saying.

In short, that’s it, most people don’t have any criticism of me, they appreciate me but don’t want to get involved with the extremists who criticize me because they’re dangerous and they don’t want to know me.

Well, if I were in the opposite position, I’d just pretend I didn’t know what was going on, and I wouldn’t criticize the people on the sidelines.

Still, that didn’t change the fact that I was greatly disappointed.

However, I somehow understood the reason why Komei-kun was in front of this house.

“Honestly, I think the world’s reaction to Sashima-kun is so disgusting and disappointing, and yet only a small percentage of people want to hurt him, so please don’t destroy the world.”

Komei-kun-kun said, and bowed to me.

We’ve been friends for over three years now, Komei-kun.

…… Looking at this situation, he thinks I’m going to destroy the world. And I’m sure you know that if you can bow your head like this, you’ll think again.

Komei-kun hasn’t done anything wrong. Still, it’s not easy to bow your head.

But even so, you also understand that it doesn’t change the fact that the world has messed with the people I care about.

Still, Komei-kun is much smarter than me.

So there is a continuation of this, I answered with silence and urged Komei-kun to continue.

“It’s just that, now that we’re in this situation, there’s no guarantee that Sashima-kun or his family will be threatened by malicious intent in the future, so why don’t we create …… Sashima-kun’s kingdom to combat that?”


My cheeks lifted involuntarily.

A kingdom, I hadn’t thought of that, but I thought it sounded kind of interesting.

“With Sashima-kun and that machine soldier, we have enough military power, and if Sashima-kun is the master of a country, no foreign country will be able to touch us easily.”

“So, where will you build your kingdom?”

“I think the U.S.A. …… would be a good place to start, with abundant resources and vast tracts of land, most of it active and not frozen, unlike Russia and Canada.

Moreover, the United States is the only superpower in the world that has never been at war with a foreign country.

If we can take over, the world will have no choice but to shut up to Sashima-kun’s power.”

The United States of America is a country with unparalleled geographical resources and an abundance of land, which is why it has developed into what can be called the strongest country in the world.

And that’s in 2011, so it’s not like China is closing in on us, so they’re head and shoulders above the rest of the world.

If I were to conquer such a country and become its king, the world would have no choice but to shut up.

And I’m strong enough to do it.

I thought if I was going to do it, I’d either destroy all the world or control all the world, but creating a country might be pretty interesting.

“I see, it sounds interesting, but I also want to discuss it with …… Ichika-chan, can you give me one night to think about it?”

“Yes, of course!”

Feeling a little relieved by my words. Komei-kun shook my hand.

At night, me and Ichika-chan were at the far end of the usual Kanahebi dungeon.

My parents, grandparents, and Ichika’s parents were also there, so there was no room for me and Ichika.

That’s how I was thinking about destroying the world during the day.

Just then, I told them that Komei-kun proposed to me that we create a country.

While hugging me tightly, Ichika-chan

“I don’t care if the world falls, if you rule everything, if you create a country, as long as Yasu-kun is by my side.

If gentle Yasu-kun is hesitant to destroy it, I can go back in time and recreate that attack on March 11th, and if you want to control it, I’ll do my best to help.

Ah, but …… if Yasu-kun becomes the king, I’ll be the queen, although I hope you won’t take any concubines if Yasu-kun becomes the king.”

That’s what she said.

A reassuring voice that fits in my ears. Ichika-chan always accepts me like this. She’s a cute and gentle girl that is a waste for me.

“No matter what happens to the world, I swear I will love only one person, Ichika-chan, from my previous life until the next.”

“Me too …….”

Icika-chan kissed me on the mouth and then smiled.

A country where Ichika-chan will be a princess. Ichika-chan is a princess to me, so it doesn’t seem like a bad idea to make it happen.

My mind was leaning towards creating a country.

But more than that, I was crazy about the cuteness of Ichika-chan.

“Ichika-chan: ……”

“Okay, come on. ……”

I never had one in my previous life; for the first time in my second life, I made love to the girl I loved most in the world.

Needless to say, I didn’t sleep a wink until morning after all.

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