It was too late for Zhang Tong to stop it.

Because Wangcai has swallowed the fruit.

But there seems to be no adverse reactions.

After more than an hour.

They are still alive and kicking, and even go to the stream to catch fish.

Zhang Tong was completely relieved.

Picked off a red fruit and took a bite.




The taste is unbelievably good.

"So delicious?"

Zhang Tong was shocked and surprised, he had never eaten such a delicious fruit.

Or, pick some and sell them back?

The price is 100 yuan a catty.

It is estimated that the supply will be in short supply.

Because it is a unique business, the taste is good.

This is a long term business.

Because there are red fruit trees all over the mountains and plains, some trees are not high, like two meters, but the branches are full of fruits, and you can pick them with your hands.

Definitely more promising than selling sweet potatoes.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tong smiled brightly.

Finally, the adventure was not in vain.

There are still gains.

He ate a few more red fruits and felt full of energy without feeling hungry at all.

more joyful.

Because it can be explored for a longer time.

He went to explore the upper reaches of the creek again, hoping to find the real treasure.

"Wow woof woof..."

Wangcai warned again, while staring at the forest across the creek.

Almost at the same time, a baby elephant the size of a buffalo came out of the woods and stretched out its long trunk to drink.


Zhang Tong feels very kind.

These are animals that exist on Earth.

Not a carnivore.

There should be no danger.

However, the accident still happened.

The elephant was full of water, and suddenly saw Zhang Tong, so it rushed over screaming.

The momentum is indomitable.


Zhang Tong dodges quickly.

Wangcai's speed was not slow, he had already circled behind the elephant and took a bite on the leg.

But it didn't seem to bite the skin.


The little elephant missed a shot, and continued to charge forward, slamming into a tree as thick as a thigh.

The tree broke and collapsed with a crash.

The elephant turned around in a daze and looked at Zhang Tong, as if he was about to attack.

"I have no malice."

A harmless expression appeared on Zhang Tong's face.

The elephant seemed to sense Zhang Tong's kindness, so it didn't attack anymore, it just stomped its feet and swung its nose as a warning.

Apparently they wanted to expel Zhang Tong and Wangcai.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhang Tong didn't want to conflict with the little elephant.

If it attracts a herd of elephants, it will be in big trouble.

He took Wangcai back a distance.

Sure enough, the baby elephant relaxed and started eating the leaves.

Leave them alone.

"The area above is estimated to be the territory of elephants. The bones I saw just now may belong to an elephant."

Zhang Tong judged secretly.

On the contrary, I am very happy.

Because it is next to the elephant territory, it should be regarded as a relatively safe place.

After all, elephants are kings on land!

He explored lower down the creek instead.

Soon, there was trouble again.

"Ho Ho..."

Two cheetahs came out of the forest, approaching with cold eyes.

A strong murderous aura rose into the air.

It was taller than the cheetah killed by Zhang Tong last time.

Clearly, the lower reaches are cheetah territory.

"Wangcai, prepare!"

Zhang Tong pulled out the hatchet and raised it high.

"Wow woof woof..."

Wangcai yelled, as if to say: "Got it!"


The two cheetahs were ferocious, they moved at the same time, leaped high, and rushed towards Zhang Tong fiercely.

As for Wangcai, they completely ignored it.


Wangcai was so furious that he dared to ignore the super dog?

I will teach you a big lesson today.

It crouched and jumped up suddenly, even faster.

Hit hard on the waist of a cheetah.

With a bang, the cheetah was knocked into the air.

He jumped up again and bit the cheetah's throat hard.

Shaking his head frantically and tearing.

The cheetah screamed, struggled, and slowly stopped moving.

The other cheetah had already had half of its head chopped off by Zhang Tong and died on the spot.

Zhang Tong and Wangcai, who have cultivated the strength of the sky, are really extraordinary in combat power.

Not a problem at all against cheetahs.

"Okay, Wangcai, let go."

Zhang Tong patted Wangcai on the head.

Silly dog, the cheetahs are dead, why are you still biting them?

Don't you feel tired?

"Wow woof."

Wangcai let go, and wagged his tail at Zhang Tong triumphantly.

Seems to be asking for compliments.

"Yes, yes, I will reward you with a leopard leg later."

Zhang Tong is still very satisfied with Wangcai's performance.

Before the leopard approached, Wangcai knew about it, let alone killed one!

Future expeditions will be much safer.

He disemboweled and skinned the cheetah.

Spread the prepared seasoning and salt.


A rich meaty aroma came out.

"Wow woof."

Wangcai's mouth is watering, and he can't wait to start eating right away.

"Give you."

Zhang Tong tore off one of the cheetah's legs and threw it to Wangcai.

Wangcai devoured it hungrily, showing no signs of poisoning.

Only then did Zhang Tong start to eat boldly.


It's just that the meat is a little tight, but al dente.

I explored for a while after dinner, but found nothing.

And it was getting dark.

Zhang Tong returned to the cliff, slept in the middle of the night, and practiced boxing in the middle of the night, and finally realized that Baoxing's night is 24 hours the same as the day.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Tong took Wangcai down the cliff and came to observe the land reclaimed yesterday.

The sweet potatoes sprouted and grew foot-long vines. Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, green onions, garlic sprouts, wheat, corn, potatoes, rapeseed. It has also grown, as high as a finger, green and delicate, quivering in the breeze. Exude vitality.

"It grows so fast! At least three times, or even five times the size of the earth."

Zhang Tong was surprised and delighted.

Don't worry about it now, even if you explore here for a year, you won't be hungry.

You can grow your own food completely.

Just bring it in with salt.

Or maybe the world also produces salt.

Just haven't found it yet.

He took out the pots and pans.

Boil leopard bone soup on the spot, put a pot of noodles, put Chinese cabbage and scallions in it.

Unbelievably delicious.

The cabbage is very sweet and tender.

Green onions are also super fragrant.

It made Zhang Tong almost swallow his tongue.

"Earth's dishes will mutate in Baoxing and become much more delicious."

Zhang Tong came to a conclusion.

He crossed the stream and headed up the mountain.

Wangcai explored the way ahead, urinating and enclosing the territory from time to time.

After walking for more than 20 meters, I came across a huge boulder lying under a big tree.

At least half the size of a truck.

I just don't know if there is any emerald in it?

But Zhang Tong pushed the boulder down the mountain without thinking about it.

Soon he found a strange tree.

The trunk is smooth and straight, like a long javelin.

Knock it loudly, just like the sound of steel.

Even the hatchet couldn't cut it in.

"Iron tree?"

Zhang Tong's eyes lit up.

Take out a small and exquisite saw, which is a tool for sawing steel.

Saw down a cycad tree as thick as a wrist.

Slowly forged it into a long spear with a length of two meters, and the tip of the spear was sharpened.


Zhang Tong took a gun flower and stabbed it hard into the trunk of a big tree.


Into a depth of half a foot.


Zhang Tong laughed, this time he has a long weapon.

Not afraid of birds attacking.

Who can stand a shot in the stomach?

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