In Name Only

Chapter 118

When a "colleague" came out of the box, "Chen Liangsheng" stepped aside and looked up.

"Borrow a fire?" He spoke in dialect, very authentic.

The colleague took out a lighter and lit his cigarette.

Xu Jingzhe was not sure whether Liang Yu would smoke or not, but he was very skilled in passing his lungs, and after a while, the smoke came out of his nose.

The cigarette butts were burning little by little. After "Chen Liangsheng" took a sip, he stretched his arms on his knees, and the smoke flew in front of his face, and the light bulb on his head was still shaking.

Lin Zhuoyu has never called the card. He actually didn't tell the actors how to act. He only gave a general idea. "Chen Liangsheng" and "Old Zhou" are on duty tonight. It was Liang Yu who played it himself, squatting at the door, smoking and borrowing fire, he acted every step as if the script was written like this, until Zhou Jiulin came over and "big brother" complained to him: "Why do you squat at the door and go in."

"Chen Liangsheng" stood up, and he casually patted the dirt on his buttocks, trying to throw the cigarette on the ground.

"Old Zhou" continued to scold him: "How can you just throw it away, what should you do if you catch it?!"

"Chen Liangsheng" shrank his shoulders honestly. He put out the cigarette butt, clenched it in his palm, raised his head, and smiled shyly.

Lin Zhuoyu finally shouted "pass".

The clearer put away the cigarette butts, Lin Zhuoyu walked over to talk to Zhou Jiulin, the two discussed the next lines, and Liang Yu beckoned to Xu Jingzhe outside the venue.

"You go to bed first." Liang Yu said, "I have to shoot all night today."

Xu Jingzhe refused: "I'll be with you." He looked at Liang Yu's palm, and found that the smoke might not have been extinguished just now, and there was a small cigarette butt mark on his palm.

"When did you learn to smoke?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

Liang Yu: "I learned a bite temporarily, didn't you realize that I didn't smoke later?"

Xu Jingzhe was a little surprised: "I thought it was done on purpose."

"Of course not." Liang Yu curled his lips, he made a slight gān gān gesture, and said seriously, "I'll cough for the second time, that won't work, it's too embarrassing."

Chapter 69 Sticky Fire Spoon and Green Onions

The summer nights in Mohe are very short. Basically, after 3:00 in the morning, the day begins to faintly turn green, so once the actors and actresses meet at night, they have to shoot the big night and sleep in the morning.

Xu Jingzhe sat quietly outside the arena, next to director Lin Zhuoyu, they seldom chatted, Lin Zhuoyu was in the same state as the old monk in the filming, and even muttered to himself at the camera in front of him.

The character of "Lao Zhou" doesn't speak dialect. From the plot that he slowly unfolded, it can be seen that "Lao Zhou" is not a local, but a literate and religious southerner, a university graduate, for the sake of To protect the ecological environment of Dashan, he came here when he was young and became a mountain guardian with his wife.

Zhou Jiulin's acting is very good, sincere, and naturally, he didn't know what feedback Liang Yu would give, but he received it well every time.

The two were chatting in the sentry box, and there were several other local young people. Lin Zhuoyu divided two shots, one shot outside and the other shot inside, facing people.

Liang Yu continued to speak his lines in dialect. He was a newly recruited younger brother from "Lao Zhou". He was just recruited. He didn't understand the rules very well, and he was not interested in protecting the mountains. After a long time, he was forced to come over and find a job.

"Liang Sheng," Zhou Jiulin's lines were very long, and he had to finish it in one breath, "You can't smoke or drink in the mountains, you can't bring such messy things in, don't wander around during the day, your sister-in-law tonight Why don't you come to eat after cooking? What about the book I asked you to read yesterday, have you read it?"

"Chen Liangsheng" was originally playing with the drawstring of his cotton-padded coat, but he raised his head after listening to "Lao Zhou"'s training. He is a simple man with no great ambitions, as if he is too lazy to think about everything, Liang Yu's There was a kind of innocence and dazedness on his face under the camera that didn't match his age, he nodded and said, "Understood."

"Old Zhou" was stunned for a moment, Xu Jingzhe wasn't sure if this was the reaction written in the script, but Lin Zhuoyu didn't call "Ka".

"Chen Liangsheng" still looked at "Old Zhou", like he was well behaved, but stupid.

"Old Zhou" laughed helplessly and scolded: "What do you understand, you bastard!"

Lin Zhuoyu shouted, "Very good!" He could see that he was very happy, and deliberately joked with Zhou Jiulin, "You were brought in!"

Zhou Jiulin shook his head while supporting his forehead. He didn't know what to say. If the reaction just now was normal, he would definitely have to admit defeat, but it was obvious from the director's intention that this was what he wanted, and Zhou Jiulin didn't feel that he had to repeat it several times. He can be better and more natural than the previous time.

Liang Yu had already appeared in a play, and he didn't mess around with others. He sat next to Xu Jingzhe and played with his fingers.

"You acted really well." Xu Jingzhe couldn't help sighing, he said sincerely, "I really want to act with you."

Liang Yu: "Then let Lin Zhuoyu add a role to you."

Xu Jingzhe wasn't too embarrassed. He was not the kind of person who didn't have a sense of proportion, and didn't want to cause trouble for everyone. Just as he was struggling, Lin Zhuoyu called Liang Yu over again and told him what to shoot next.

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