In Name Only

Chapter 73

"Okay." Liang Yu saw Xu Jingzhe approaching and interrupted Yang Jerry's complaint, his tone was a little stiff, "You can make a statement on Weibo about this kind of thing, you don't need to tell me."

Yang Jerry: "You think my statement is easy to write. What is the content? Explain in detail why he didn't respond? Do you know?"

Of course Liang Yu didn't know. He had checked a lot on X-Ban before, and there were various opinions. Anyway, the final result was "break up, he doesn't love you". It wasn't that Xu Jingzhe hugged him and kissed him at night, and his sweet words made his ears hot, and he felt that he couldn't record the next program.

Liang Yu knew that he had this problem. When he didn't talk about feelings, he was a normal person. When he talked about what a normal person was, he didn't know.

Xu Jingzhe stood a little further away and didn't bother him. Zhang Man should have seen the hot search too, so he didn't dare to call and sent a WeChat message to ask him.

"What's the matter?" She was not as anxious as Yang Jerry. After all, Song Chen and Xu Jingzhe had a good relationship, and the variety show effect was also very good. There was no need to be frightened when Weibo went viral, "Are you okay with Liang Yu?"

Xu Jingzhe replied, "No, what does it say on Weibo now?"

Zhang Man didn't talk nonsense with him, he posted a few Weibo posts of popular marketing accounts for him to read, some of them were rhythmic, and some were reasonable and reasonable, but the "no" to Song Chen was just a joke. mentality, but he is quite fond of talking about the "no response" recorded in the program.

These two sentences are still from Liang Yu's mouth, and they will inevitably be used by people with intentions to repeatedly mention the popularity. Of course, some of them are really unpleasant, and it is gentle to call them tying up business to deceive the public. Jingzhe Xu Jingzhe, who is clearly heterosexual and still pretends to be gay, doesn't care, but there are a few trumpeters who don't know who they received, and wrote a long Weibo post about Liang Yu. The key is that they don't know where they dug from. The black material that came here is also straight-forward, saying that Liang Yu is morbid to control, and that his ex would break up and give resources to cover his mouth. My character is extremely bad. The original family, saying that he did not know how to give birth and support, abandoned the family, was cold-blooded and selfish, was an unfamiliar white-eyed láng.

Xu Jingzhe didn't show any expression after reading it. He thought for a while, and then sent Zhang Man a message: "Let's make a statement, and just sue me for those who talk nonsense."

Zhang Man: "..." She has worked with Xu Jingzhe for so long, and she has rarely seen her boss treat the social media so aggressively. It was the first time for Xu Jingzhe to say that he would sue directly.

"Which one do you want to sue?" She couldn't help but ask again, "Is it the one who scolded you or said you were selling fake business?"

Xu Jingzhe: "Sue that Heiliangyu, sue me to death, if he opens a few trumpets, I will sue him for a few trumpets, you can find them all for me."

Zhang Man: "..."

Liang Yu had already hung up the phone, and Xu Jingzhe couldn't ask him how Yang Jerry planned to deal with it. He asked Zhang Man to make a statement that the two of them were in a stable relationship. As for suing Heizi Xu Jingzhe's studio, he was always resolute, no nonsense and direct. A lawyer's letter is issued, so some preparation is required.

He told Liang Yu all this, and Liang Yu laughed when he heard it: "Why are you more angry than me?"

Xu Jingzhe said with an expressionless face, "Their mouths are like shit, they need to be cleaned up."

Liang Yu was stunned for a moment, smiling quite happily. He waved at Xu Jingzhe and said, "Come here."

Xu Jingzhe walked over, Liang Yu looked down at him slightly, his eyes turned around Xu Jingzhe's face, Liang Yu is a person who is very good at using his eyes, his vision is like a three-dimensional liquid, and it crosses every place he thinks. A place to look carefully.

"Have I said," Liang Yu suddenly said, "It's a pity that you don't have sex with this face."

Xu Jingzhe frowned slightly, he looked at him, and said helplessly: "What nonsense." He paused, then said, "And I can't have sex either."

Liang Yu seemed a little surprised. He smiled, thinking that Xu Jingzhe was joking: "What do you mean?"

"It literally means." Xu Jingzhe lowered his eyes, he didn't look at him again, his tone was calm, "I can't have sex with anyone, it's not as simple as with a woman or a man."

He was silent for a long time before looking at Liang Yu again, Xu Jingzhe opened his mouth, and he finally said, "It's not that I didn't respond to you, I just can't help it, psychological ED, you know? I've been like this for many years. "

As Dr. Chen said, some secrets may indeed need to be shared. When Xu Jingzhe said the last sentence, he had a feeling that the guillotine on the top of his skull finally fell.

Of course, at that moment it was no more than a nod, but then he still had to live with his headless neck.

Liang Yu's expression didn't change much, Xu Jingzhe was a little unsure whether he didn't understand or what, the man just looked at him so straight, and it took a long time to confirm it and asked again: "You mean you are impotent. ?"

Xu Jingzhe: "..." It doesn't need to be said so directly.

Liang Yu looked at his expression for a while, then looked down again, directly aiming at his waist.

Xu Jingzhe couldn't hold back anymore, he was a little embarrassed: "What's so beautiful?"

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