The shadow trembled slightly, as if the signal was not good, but the words were clear.

The dark eyes looked calmly and indifferently at the huge old toad in front of him - the Great Toad Sage of Myōboku Mountain.

The life that had existed since the time of the Six Paths Sage in the original work.

"You know me?"

The big toad fairy narrowed his eyes slightly, lowered his eyes to look at the shadow in front of him, and said calmly, as if he was not surprised by the arrival of"Scorpion".

"I've heard of it."

Scorpion said softly.

The Great Toad Sage waved his hand at the glaring Fukasaku and Jiraiya, and said,"You go out first and guard outside."

Jiraiya wanted to say something, but was stopped by Fukasaku. The other shook his head and walked out of the hall.

The Great Toad Sage has absolute authority and status in Myoboku Mountain, and no one can refute it.

As the two left.

The Great Toad Sage said again:"My outsider guest, I have been looking forward to meeting you for the first time, but I never thought that this day would come so soon. This meeting seems to be caused by Jiraiya, and there is a misunderstanding between the two parties. I'm sorry, maybe we have some misunderstandings with each other."

"I think so too. Myoboku Mountain, as one of the three great secret realms of inheritance, has always been a peace-loving place. I also love peace and do not like war. This time, I fought with Jiraiya because he was so aggressive and I was worried that my friends would be hurt, so I tried to stop him. But something unexpected happened during the fight. I am very sorry."

Scorpion explained softly, as if he really regretted killing Shima Sage by mistake this time.

"I already know about Shima's situation, but she is not really dead. You just need to stick this talisman on her body and she will be able to come back to life."

The Great Toad Sage slowly raised his hand, and a talisman emitting a green halo floated up and rippled in his palm.

There were black lines on it, and a word"sage" was engraved in the center. It was covered with chakra visible to the naked eye and full of vitality.

The talisman of the sage.

In the original work, Otsutsuki Hagoromo used it to revive his dead brother.

Scorpion looked at this thing and recognized it instantly, and was a little surprised.

What exactly does the Great Toad Sage mean.

He actually took out this thing.

Either this thing has special restrictions, or it is a trap to lure him in.

Scorpion doesn't think the other party is really so kind.

From the words the other party said at the beginning.

Scorpion understood that this big toad had predicted some of his future information

"As expected of the legendary Myoboku Mountain, it even has such a magical object that can bring the dead back to life. Since this time the mistake was made by me, I will be responsible for rescuing the Toad Sage."

Scorpion said softly.

The big Toad Sage seemed to be very sincere in resolving the contradictions and misunderstandings between the two sides. He handed over the Sage Talisman floating in his palm and floated it in front of Scorpion.

Scorpion controlled the insect-shaped reconnaissance puppet to fly over, and a pair of small front claws grabbed the talisman containing the fairy chakra.

"This immortal talisman can not only bring the dead back to life, but also restore the damaged body."

The Great Toad Immortal seemed to have said something unintentionally.

Scorpion's heart tightened, and he looked at the Great Toad Immortal deeply, and then said very politely:"I will revive the Immortal Shima as soon as possible and let him return. Goodbye."


The next moment, the mark of the Flying Thunder God was activated and he disappeared from the spot.

"No matter what you choose, you will be on the path of destiny."

The big toad immortal watched the scorpion leave and murmured to himself:

In the underground cave full of magma.

Clone No. 5 and Clone No. 4 looked at the Immortal Talisman brought back by the insect-shaped puppet in front of them.

Scorpion was in a slightly depressed mood at the moment. The old toad was indeed more powerful than the so-called witch. The other party must have known his details. How much he knew was not clear for the time being, but since the other party did not tear his face with him, and even expressed his willingness to resolve the conflict in a very polite manner.

There was only one possibility, that the other party wanted to treat him as a chess piece, and he was worthy of his use, so there was no need to turn against him.

As for the Immortal Talisman and Shima Immortal.

These were deliberately sent to him by the other party, and he did not seem to be worried about his research.


The other party also hoped that he could do research. He even hoped that he could practice the immortal arts of Myoboku Mountain.

There is no good without reason in this world.

Especially for these lives that stand at a high position and overlook the entire world, there is only one possibility for the other party to express goodwill to you, that is, they have some purpose for you.

Otherwise, the other party has no relatives or friends with you, why would he help you?

Because you are handsome?

Scorpion looked at the talisman in front of him, which contained a strong chakra of immortal arts. It contained a strange energy that was enough to bring the dead back to life, and it could also directly restore the broken body.

It was not difficult to see what the big toad immortal meant.

With this immortal talisman, he could even restore his original body.

"It's really exciting~"

Scorpion muttered, then shook his head, and had already made up his mind.

He knew that this thing was a bait.

He was not so stupid as to use it directly on the main body.

Even if the other party did not do anything with the immortal talisman, he would not use it.

Boys must protect themselves well when they are outside.

Especially when a person is in a different world. The only person you can trust is yourself. You can't trust people too much, let alone an old toad that has lived for a thousand years.

Scorpion's eyes fell on Shima Sage, who had been placed in a bottle and soaked in potion.

Since he promised Myoboku Mountain, he would naturally not break his promise.

What's more, a living toad immortal The research value is obviously higher.

But before that, he has to study this"corpse" thoroughly first, and then slowly study the living body.

As for when to send it back, he didn't say any exact time.

It shouldn't be a problem in three years.

Before he has enough strength, Scorpion doesn't intend to turn against Myoboku Mountain directly. Since the other party has expressed goodwill, it is just what he wants.

No matter what Myoboku Mountain has planned.

First accumulate strength.

When he can thoroughly study the so-called Sage Mode and create tens of thousands of puppets that control the Sage Mode, he will go to Myoboku Mountain to talk to this old toad.

I hope that the other party can still pretend to be like this by then.

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