In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 178: Jirayia in Uzushio 2

Jiraiya lazily stood up from his bed and went to open the door. His right hand was cautiously preparing to grasp the hidden knife in his sleeve while his left hand was opening the door. Naturally, he didn't let himself be wide open, and instead, most of his body was obstructed by the door.

"Jiraiya of the Sannin?" Asked the masked green-haired slim woman with orange bangs who stood in front of his door.

"Yes." Jiraiya nodded, now knowing what to expect. He was quite famous these days so he would half expect a warm welcome such as a visit from resident ANBU if he stepped into a hidden village. The problem was... Uzushio was supposed to be just a normal trading city.

'To think they wouldn't even try to hide the fact there are ninjas in the city...' Jiraiya stared, half in disbelief that Uzushio had the gall to send the ANBU, he judged the woman's identity by the mask, they were not even supposed to have to give him a greeting. 'The leader of Uzushio must have considerable balls to do this. That's one man I wouldn't want to compare the sexual prowess with!' He grudgingly admitted with new-found respect, totally clueless about the leader being a woman.

"I was sent by Kaya-sama," Jirayia's eyes slightly widened at that admission, causing him to instantly reconsider his willingness of prowess comparison, "to give you a very simple warning. We know you are Konoha's spymaster so... don't spy. You won't like the consequences." The woman dryly stated, not amused at all at the raised brow her statement earned her. Jiraiya clearly didn't take her seriously and if his expression was any indication, he found the entire situation extremely hilarious.

"Eh, don't worry, cutie. I came here to enjoy my vacation!" Jiraiya jovially stated, "So... what's your name? If you want to keep me from spying, it would be best to keep an eye on me, no? I don't mind being watched over by someone of your... proportions." He said as he started to discreetly ogle her curves.

Jiraiya honestly could not help himself. He might not be able to see the woman's face but her body... he could tell she was an extremely dangerous and totally gorgeous individual. Frankly, he was hooked. His addiction to these kinds of women probably stemmed from his infatuation with Tsunade. It mostly resulted in him being beaten but he simply couldn't resist.

Jiraiya's merry mood brought up by the juicy female in front of him quickly came to a screeching halt as his danger senses suddenly flared to high heavens and the hair all over his body suddenly stood up. His eyes connected to the narrowed brown orbs as sweat started appearing on his brows from the sudden shot of temperature in the room. Jiraiya was honestly unable to react to such a subtle yet potent killing intent he was currently bathed in. His body cramped up, prepared to strike as his instincts warned him but his mind told him: Not yet. Still safe.

This contrast made Jiraiya into the miserable sweating mess of nerves he was now. His instincts wanted to attack but his body commanded by his confused mind didn't... couldn't move. He was not paralyzed nor frightened. He was simply confused by all the signals his senses were receiving and his mind was unable to tell his body what to do with them. There was killing intent at full blast aimed at him and yet, it had no desire to do harm. There was danger staring right at him yet it felt so peaceful his mind couldn't figure out how to react.

Naturally, Jiraiya didn't have a clue what his body and mind felt. He was simply... confused as his instincts and reflexive reaction to danger honed through life-threatening battles completely failed him in the face of this ANBU. He felt as if he was staring at a dangerous snake baring its fangs at him and yet, the woman in front of him was simply calmly staring at him.

Time slowly passed as the two motionlessly stood opposite each other when Jiraiya suddenly widened his eyes into saucers as his mind was ruthlessly yanked from its thoughts when the curtains and sheets caught on fire.

'Shit! How come I didn't notice this heat!' Jiraiya hurriedly thought, feeling his throat dry and parched as if he didn't drink anything for a week when his senses finally caught up with what was happening around him. Honestly, he doubted he would be able to do anything but croak out some unintelligible sound if he was to talk.

Jiraiya could feel his skin blister, sending a jolt of hot pain through the surface of his body. Water was evaporating straight from his body that screamed at him in boiling agony while his brain was shutting out from the sheer heat he was under. His dry lips desperately yearned for a bit of wetness while his eyes started to sting, causing him to blink due to discomfort as he gritted his teeth at how agonizing it was to do something as simple as breathing.

The room was bathed in scorching warmth embracing everything it engulfed. Jiraiya's rampant instincts screamed at him to get away, to stop whatever was trying to mummify him alive, to do something! He was about to attempt using a jutsu when...

"I am called Sun, Jiraiya-sama."

Everything suddenly stopped to a halt at the soothing voice of the woman who still calmly stood in front of him as if the world wasn't a smoldering hell just a second ago.

A frightening chill ran through Jiraiya's body as he realized there was no heat. No life-threatening scorch. No blisters on his skin. Nothing. He was fine as if everything he felt was just one elaborate illusion.

A rattled breath involuntarily left Jiraiya's lips at the realization and his brows furrowed in desperate confusion, 'What the hell was that!? A killing intent? Genjutsu?' His eyes glanced at the blackened remains of the curtains and the burnt spots on the sheets, causing him to gulp. 'No... that was no genjutsu and it was obviously much more than a simple killing intent. But... She didn't use any chakra! How in Rikudo's name was she able to...' Jiraiya cautiously eyed Sun, his hands jumpy as if he expected her to attack him any moment now.

"As for the date," Sun started speaking again, causing Jiraiya to jump a little, "I am not that desperate. Just remember the warning."

With that, the woman shunshined away, leaving Jiraiya dumbly stare at the place from where she disappeared. Thoughts were flashing through his head too fast for him to comprehend and it was only now that he noticed how erratic his heartbeat was. Slowly, his mind started to get out of its numb state, sharpening and Jiraiya found out he was... trembling. His body was shaking and a small sting made itself known, causing him to look at his hands with an incomprehensible look full of confusion only to find himself clutching kunai with no idea when he drew it. His grip was so strong, his nails dug deep enough into his palm to draw blood.

For a moment, Jiraiya stared at his hand with kunai, his expression turning difficult as conflict flashed through his eyes before he finally found enough strength to take a deep breath before slowly closing the door.

"That was... scary." Jiraiya let his coiled muscles calm down, trying to forcefully relax his nerves while he shakily walked towards his bed. "I didn't feel such dread since Tsunade found me peeking at her." He muttered in a haunted tone before it became grumbling, "What was she anyway? Tsunade's apprentice?"

Poor Jiraiya would never know his thoughts couldn't be truer.

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