In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 275: Entering

Rei stood in front of the entrance to the cave Yuriko found, painfully aware of the paper with a multipurpose surveillance seal inscribed on it through which his girls watched his every move.

'What the hell possessed me to say those words?' He awkwardly thought.

Needless to mention, when he said, 'For this, I am going alone.' to his wives, all hell broke loose. In hindsight, that was a really stupid move as Rei found himself outnumbered five to one and those odds were a bit too much even for him.

But he was stubborn too and didn't just back down no matter how many puppy eyes, narrowed gazes, upturned lips, or outright ultimatums he got from his wives.

In the end, Rei made a compromise that he would wear one of Konan's papers with surveillance and teleportation seals while he went in. He could do that much. He could understand their worries, after all. They thought he was gonna face an army, yet, he knew there was just one guy and his puppets. Then again, he had no plausible explanation for how he knew that.

"Here we go..." Rei muttered before slowly walking towards the entrance, with his senses looking for any early alarm system that could be present.

Finding nothing, his cautiousness only increased as it could mean only two things. Either there was really no alarm system, which could be possible, after all, who would expect intruders while having a base on the moon... or, it was hidden so well, even Rei was unable to find it. The second option was in no way sounding appealing to Rei, though.

Rei had no idea what he expected to see inside but a plain cave was definitely not among what he pictured.

He raised an eyebrow, "So... they do have at least some security measures up, huh?" He mused while looking around the completely normal small cave that ended with a dead end. It took him a few seconds but thanks to his sensory abilities, Rei quickly noticed a small concentration of chakra near the back of the cave.

Nevertheless, Rei was impressed as he barely noticed it. "As expected from the predecessor of the Hyuuga clan." He quipped with a smile while placing his palm on the rocky wall, pushing some chakra through it towards the 'seal' he felt located behind the said wall.

'Something interesting?' Konan's voice suddenly sounded in Rei's head, making him slightly jump.

They did not use telepathy much, preferring to talk aloud so this wasn't something Rei was used to. Yet, they could talk telepathically, and being in contact was one of the conditions his wives placed on him if he wanted to go alone.

'This is a chakra insulator. It blocks and disrupts chakra flow.' Rei answered. 'Byakugan, Sharingan, normal Chakra sensors... they wouldn't be able to find anything out of ordinary about this cave simply because there is nothing out of ordinary to sense as far as chakra-based sensing can tell you. It's quite a nifty trick. Be a dear, Konan, and do put this idea down on paper. We might use it for ourselves somewhere.' Rei mentally sent Konan his thoughts on how the wall worked, making her go quiet while sending him an impression of agreement.

Rei's chakra finally reached the lock behind the wall, causing the floor nearby to slide away, revealing steps leading further into a dark hidden entrance.

'One gotta be grateful for Night Vision no Jutsu.' Rei mentally chuckled before bravely but calmly walking down.

As Rei finally approached the end of the stairs, he was again pleasantly surprised that nothing attacked him yet. He was also shocked that there were no traps awaiting him. He could only shake his head at the sheer arrogance displayed in front of him. Sure, he believed in the superiority of his village and that nobody would ever discover it but that didn't mean he didn't trap the surroundings to all hell and back. If somebody not of his village did discover the area around his village, Rei made his damnedest to ensure they would not return alive to tell the tale. That was called taking precautions. Just in case... because such a case could possibly happen, no matter how small of a chance there was.

'Did you try nature energy sensing? There might have been different defensive systems.' Tsunade advised.

Rei's wives mostly watched, deciding not to talk to him overly much because it could prove distracting. Only when something 'important' came up did they contact him. Rei was glad about that.

In this particular case, however... 'I am using only nature energy sensing, Tsunade. Chakra sensing is useless down here. It seems the entire tunnel is made from chakra-blocking material.'

'Could we mine it and use it to create weapons?' Ringo asked excitedly.

'Eh... it's not as strong as you probably think, Ringo. You will see when I am done here.' Rei replied, 'Now, shush.' He was about to leave the tunnel.

What greeted him in the light at the end of the tunnel was marvelous. A large spacious underground place filled with a massive castle. It was one of the most amazing underground structures Rei ever saw and he indeed made sure to look closely while taking mental notes.

The building made him feel quite small, considering how massive it was. Rei could feel a headache creeping up onto him as he imagined the absolute pain in the ass navigating in the building will be. And that was before he even added all the enemy forces into the equation...

There was no doubt a fight would ensure and this nice marvel would be somewhat demolished. Rei, however, wanted to make use of all resources found here so there was no reason to rush. He could take his time noting everything important.

On the other hand, he could also finally feel movement in the castle through his sensory abilities. It was obvious the second he entered the castle, the shitstorm would start.

'Then again, it is quite curious they still have no clue about my presence. I wonder...' Rei stopped cloaking his chakra with his passive stealth seal tattooed on his back...

He could instantly feel the puppets inside of the castle snap their heads towards his direction, some of them having their heads turned at angles that would kill a normal human.

'I guess, that is my answer.' His sightseeing cut short, Rei, with a wry smile, stepped closer towards the entrance to the castle and tried to kick it open only for ripping the door out and sending it flying back, crushing three puppets about to open it.

Rei awkwardly waved at the remaining two puppets. "Er... hey? That was totally unintentional." He disarmingly smiled.

... and the puppets rushed at him.

'Oh, well. That didn't seem to work.' Rei thought as he sidestepped a woman-looking puppet lounging at him.

The puppet was not done yet, though. It twisted at its waist by a complete hundred-eighty and tried to land a strike on Rei with a sharp blade popping out of its hand.

Rei's eyebrows twitched. This was why puppets were dangerous. They could make sudden unexpected movements that no human could manage except maybe Orochimaru. You expect that you dodged its hit only for it to twist into a painfully-looking position and strike again.

Unfortunately for the puppets, Rei was not an average ninja. He quickly spun and grabbed the wrist of the second puppet that tried to stealthily hit him in the back with a sword, letting the momentum of the spin carry both him and his newly captured puppet. Rei then used it as a club to smash away the first puppet whose blade was just an inch away from Rei's belly.

The two puppets flew away, hitting a wall before crumbling down onto the floor... A second later, a searingly hot fireball engulfed them, incinerating them to ashes.

"Huh... looks like they are still made of wood." Rei hummed, pleased at the effectivity of his fireball. The puppets had no strings so Rei did not believe such a weak strike would be enough to make them stop. 'Who would expect puppets to show cunningness.' He shook his head, turning around about to continue on his merry way only to freeze at the sight that greeted him.

From all around, thousands of painted wooden eyes watched his movements.

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