In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 292: Hard lesson for kiddies 1

Anko arrived in the classroom where the new genin teams anxiously waited for their jonin senseis. She obviously didn't show herself and hid in one of the corners on the ceiling as was a norm for ninjas, half expecting to be discovered. After all, it WAS the norm for the ninjas! Kids or not, they should have at least a basic degree of awareness and wariness, no?

Well, she was sorely disappointed... and her team was in for a rude awakening once they passed their genin test. That, she swore.

'Oh, well, at least my snakes will be entertained.' Anko thought in a sadistic manner as she eyes her three new cute little genins who shuddered from the sudden chill.

Then, the jonin senseis started to arrive and Anko's disappointment only deepened. From the fourteen that picked up their teams, only six gave her a subtle sign that they spotted her while three others had this sudden case of momentary stiffening, betraying that they also were aware of her presence. As for the other five... Anko lamented how they became jonins when she was still de-facto chunin.

The classroom slowly emptied, leaving only the exuberant and always excited ball of sadly still orange sunshine called Naruto, frowning emo duck-butt who just wouldn't change his hairstyle no matter how many snakes Anko sent at him called Sasuke, and thankfully no longer timid and always blushing Hinata who became a total badass under the smug Anko's tutelage.

Yes, this team was gonna rock! ... When they learned to detect sloppily hidden enemies. The Hyuuga was in for some serious spanking sessions for this overSIGHT. Of that, Anko was sure.

Ten minutes passed and Anko blankly stared at the back of her brats' heads, wishing for them to finally notice because she was getting bored. And bored Anko was antsy Anko.

Ten more minutes passed and the antsy Anko was blankly looking around the room, her fingers twitching closer to her kunai pouch while her eyes involuntarily narrowed. She desperately hoped her wait wouldn't be long because antsy Anko was quickly becoming pissed off Anko.

Ten more minutes passed... Anko was utterly pissed.

Jumping down from the ceiling and silently appearing behind the three carefreely sitting brats, Anko quickly whipped a kunai from her thigh pouch and slashed at Hinata's jugular.

Fortunately for the Hyuuga girl, Naruto's senses were quite sharp thanks to all the training he underwent. It allowed him to hear the swishing sound as the kunai razed its path through the air. Reacting on instinct, he pushed himself from his seat, his body colliding with the unsuspecting Hinata, sending her tumbling down from her chain just in time to make Anko's kunai miss her neck by an inch.

Naruto wasn't the only one who heard the kunai though. While Sasuke was too late to do anything for Hinata, he also reacted and as her kunai missed the girl's neck, Anko found herself leaning backward to avoid two shurikens thrown at her neck and forehead with great precision. She was not given a breather though as both Naruto and Sasuke followed with their attacks, Sasuke going for a high kick to the face while Naruto lunged at her legs, his nails already sharpened with Kyuubi's chakra.

A very unsettling grin appearing on her face, Anko twisted her body and jumped.

Sasuke found his kick missed its mark as a hand suddenly gripped his forehead in a vice grip before throwing him headfirst into the wall while Naruto had his face promptly planted into the floor when Anko's foot landed on the back of his head while he was in the air. The two groaning boys didn't even see how their opponent manhandled them.

"Ha, you suck!" Anko boasted, "Be more awa-"

Anko's hand snapped into action and caught Hinata's strike just an inch away from impacting the side of her chest from behind. If that landed, it would most likely shred her lung into a paste.

Hinata tried to yank her hand away but Anko held her wrist too strongly for her to do anything. In the last attempt, she tried to go on the offensive and struck with her free hand towards Anko's hand that held her wrist.

Anko wasn't having that. During her training with Tsunade, her strength improved leaps and bounds so it was relatively easier for her to simply yank the entire body of Hinata Hyuuga upward, lifting her from the ground. Anko then spun on the spot, carrying Hinata with her momentum before gently, by Anko's standards, smashing her back onto the fortunately sturdy desk, causing Hinata to gasp from the sudden pain. She was beaten and she knew it.

"As I was saying... be more aware of your surroundings, brats." Anko merrily quipped, noticing that Sasuke and Naruto were almost recovered. It wouldn't do to let them attack her again. Nope...

Anko, with a smug smirk blooming on her face, pulled out a kunai and slowly put it on the neck of the still dazed Hinata, giving a meaningful look at the two boys whose eyes were burning with desire to beat the crap out of her for endangering their friend.

Oh, they were pissed and Anko enjoyed every second of it!

Cocking her eyebrow in a 'what are ya gonna do?' manner, Anko waited for their next move.

Silence spread in the classroom, only Hinata's pained breathing interrupting the serenity of the moment as the senior kunoichi beckoning the two freshly-minted genins to do something with her gaze.

Naruto and Sasuke were stumped. They had no idea if they should continue attacking and risk Hinata's throat being slit... and yes, Anko was a Konoha ninja but she was Anko! After the training she made them undergo these past years, they could totally see her casually slitting the throat of the Hyuuga Heiress just to make a point.

Unfortunately for them, Anko trained them in a lot of things but none of that was teamwork and response to certain situations in the field so this was a completely new experience for them.

Naturally, the only other option was to surrender. The two boys didn't dare to hope to outsmart Anko. It was a less known fact but the woman was frighteningly smart when she wanted to be. So much so that even Naruto feared pissing her off because it usually meant Anko got creative with her punishments. And creative Anko was determined Anko. Sadly for him, determined Anko was thinking Anko and that's when the shit hit the fan.

And in most cases, the fan was Naruto.

Naruto and Sasuke exchanged brief glances and nodded, understanding each other in a way only long-time friends could.

Honestly, Anko wanted to coo at them about how cute their behavior was but she still had a point to prove.

"We... surrender." Sasuke said in distaste, grimacing as if he just ate a bug while Naruto looked disgruntled but his eyes shone in determination, still trying to find a way to win this encounter.

"Is that so?" Anko hummed, "Fine then," She slightly lifted the kunai, her smile widening when she noticed the apparent relief on the boys' faces. And then, in one fluid motion, she plunged the kunai handle deep into Hinata's throat, its tip reaching the hard work of the desk.

The two boys blinked in incomprehension as their female friend gurgled and spasmed on the desk, her hands instinctively but weakly grasping Anko's hand that held the kunai while she choked on her own blood that was gushing out of her mouth as she stared in clear horror and fear of death at Anko who was still tightly holding the handle of the kunai, pinning the girl onto the desk through her throat.

Naruto and Sasuke blankly stared at the sight in shock and denial until... Hinata stopped struggling and her lavender eyes dimmed as the desk and the floor underneath it became painted crimson red with blood.

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