In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 296: Anko vs Kakashi 2

Author Note:

Okay, so... as many of you probably noticed, this arc will not focus on Rei and his girls. I want to portray the situation in Konoha and Team Seven because of the upcoming Chunin Exam which I plan to make into a kinda important milestone.

I am sorry if some of you don't like that but... I must say, I had fun writing it and it was refreshing just switching away from Rei and his girls for a bit since I was finding it harder and harder to find something to write about.

One of you asked me (I read through the comments on the last ten or so chapters today) if I am taking a break from the plot around MC's group. And my answer is yes. I need this break :D. I hope you will enjoy the arc as there will be much more action and combat involved.

I honestly found out how 'unusual' and 'dissatisfying' it could feel for some readers because I am not involving the actual MC when I was halfway done with this arc and by that time, I decided to just roll with it and properly finish it rather than rushing it.

And for those interested:

Pa treon - 35 chapters ahead.

If you want to support me or read ahead:


Kakashi and Anko initiated their second round by dashing towards each other and Sasuke who already had his matured three-tomoe Sharingan opened since Kakashi threw Great Fireball instantly noticed Kakashi's own Sharingan. It made him feel a bit angry as he had no idea Konoha had a ninja who possessed the eye of his clan but these thoughts were shelved in favor of getting new techniques.

At first, Sasuke would never try to copy techniques of other Konoha's ninjas but Anko set him straight quite fast.

"Why do you even have those eyes if you don't make full use of them? Stop wasting my time and get such a bullshit concept as 'stealing is bad' out of your head or I will pluck your eyes out and give them to someone worthy of them." She said.

It was one of the very rare times Sasuke saw Anko serious and... He decided listening to her was a good way to keep his eyes in his head. He didn't dare thinking she wouldn't do it. That was a gamble Sasuke would not participate in. Especially since this was Anko and he had no idea what went through the head of that woman.

Sasuke instantly noticed their dash wasn't intended to end in a taijutsu exchange. Their muscles were far too relaxed for that. Relaxed muscles meant preparation for evasion while tensed meant preparation for engaging in taijutsu. At least, that's what Anko taught him. He would have never thought to use Sharingan in this way, to predict what a person would do from the slight shift in his or her muscles. The two ninjas in front of him were about to fight with ninjutsu and Sasuke couldn't help but be excited and happy from all the Jutsu he would witness and copy.

Kakashi started with Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique, blanketing the area in front of the dashing Anko with a volley of small fireballs, making her weave through them while disregarding the heat. Momentarily surprised that his technique didn't even slow his opponent down, Kakashi decided he would have to put more effort into it.

Anko was far too proficient in Katon Release to be bothered by a slight increase in heat. She weaved through the small fireballs, using them to obstruct Kakashi's line of sight while she weaved hand signs for her own technique. This way, he wouldn't be able to copy it since he would miss quite a bit of hand signs and chakra molding steps. The same went for the duck-haired kid who tried to peek at her and was failing miserably because of the chakra contained in the small fireballs. There would be no copying of her personal techniques!

Suddenly, Kakashi noticed Anko's chakra spike, causing his eyes to go wide as she abruptly stopped before taking a deep breath and spitting a purple smoke from her mouth. The smoke twisted at breakneck speed, creating a snake almost as thick as a tree trunk before it sprang in the direction of Kakashi fast enough to give him a pause.

'Shit! That's an A-rank technique! Why would she use something like that in a spar!?' He thought in panic before jumping back, trying to increase the distance between him and the quickly approaching snake. Kakashi was very experienced and instantly realized the smoke forming the snake is most likely highly poisonous. He had to avoid it at all costs.

Anko focused on directing the snake, watching as it engulfed Kakashi's body. Something was off, however. It was far too easy...

Her eyes suddenly gleamed before she quickly crouched down, putting her palm on the ground, "Earth Release: Pulse Hardening!" The ground under her slightly caved as a pulse of chakra was sent through it, compressing the earth enough to crush anyone trying to hide there.

Anko watched with a smirk as ruffled Kakashi rose from the ground a few feet away from her, giving her a stink eye for what she just did.

Kakashi couldn't believe it. The crazy bitch almost squashed him like a bug with that earth Jutsu! And he was supposed to work with her? To be on the same team?

'Is it too late to retire and start a career as an Icha Icha actor?' Kakashi inwardly mused while keeping his eyes firmly on the dangerous woman in front of him. When he heard there would be a chunin as a sort of secondary teacher, he didn't mind. In fact, he was glad for being given a flunky who would do the troublesome parts of being a jonin sensei for him. Now though... 'This is gonna be a long fight, isn't it?' He sighed, steeling his resolve while mourning the loss of his time for Icha Icha.

Putting his hands into a cross-shaped hand sign, Kakashi called forth five shadow clones and had them spread out around the clearing. "Fine then... I guess I can take you a bit more seriously." He cheerfully quipped.

Anko chuckled at the cheap attempt to unnerve her. Unfortunately for Kakashi, she got a bit more snake-like under Tsunade's tutelage. His chirpy facade was fooling no one. She could smell the irritation, worry, and unwillingness from Kakashi.

Anko crossed her arms on her chest and relaxed her posture, "Heh, in that case, I think you won't need this." The air shimmered around the fingers of her right hand and Kakashi froze for a second before his hand involuntarily reached into his kunai pouch only for his eyes to widen in desperation.

"My Icha Icha limited edition." He whispered in horror as the enemy got hold of the most important hostage present on the field.

If only the poor little genins knew Kakashi's train of thoughts...

"I... give up." Kakashi ground out. He didn't like it. Him giving up meant indirectly admitting she was correct about Minato-sensei but the stakes were far too high for him to continue. This was a limited edition personally signed by Jiraiya! The only in the world!

Anko's eyes mirthfully flashed with mischief as she saw the distress in Kakashi's eyes. She lightly waved the book, looking at it with a lifted eyebrow before giving Kakashi a smug look, "I think not." She said and sparks suddenly went off around her fingers, igniting the book.

The world stopped for Kakashi and all of his shadow clones at that moment as they watched his most valuable possession burn while the Icha Icha murderer took pleasure in doing the heinous deed.

Robotically turning towards Anko, all cheer was gone from Kakashi's face. "I am going to kill you." He menacingly said in a low tone, completely serious.

Anko... smirked. "Too late."

Five earth clones suddenly sprang up from the ground behind each of the five shadow clones of Kakashi, using their momentary distraction to subdue them without popping them.

The real Kakashi snorted, palming a kunai as he also expected to be attacked, yet no attack came. "So? You got my clones. Big deal." He narrowed his eyes at Anko, lowering his posture. His hands blurred as a lightning edge formed on one of them while his Sharingan menacingly followed Anko's every movement. He wasn't going to kill her but damn him if he didn't make her stay in hospital for the foreseeable future!

Kakashi was about to dash at Anko with his Raikiri in hand when she spoke, "Shadow clones are a very peculiar thing. Did you know the main reason why they are forbidden and why Tobirama Senju added a safeguard that pops them after suffering a hit is because they transfer pain?" Anko couldn't contain her wide smile, "Let me demonstrate!"

Kakashi couldn't be bothered to listen to her drivel. He only listened to the first part before disregarding it and rushing at Anko who just relaxedly stood in her place, not even bothering to assume a defensive stance. When he was halfway through the clearing, Anko's earth clones simultaneously plunged kunai into the crotches of Kakashi's shadow clones.

Kakashi's mind received five experiences of castration at the same time, smashing into his mind like a truck. Losing his concentration, his Raikiri faded while he missed a step during his dash, causing his body to lose balance before it was sent rolling on the ground for a few meters because of his momentum.

Anko watched in satisfaction as one of the most feared ninjas of Konoha curled into a ball, holding his crotch while whimpering like a kid. 'I still got it!' She snickered before turning towards the three pale genins.

"Since your jonin-sensei is... ah, disabled, your true genin exam will be conducted tomorrow. Be at the third training ground at ten a.m., prepared to fight for your life. And since I still have a pending conversation with your future team leader... Dismissed!" Anko announced to the three freshly graduated genins.

They were so shaken they didn't even question what she meant by 'true genin exam' as they decided a tactical retreat was in order.

Watching her three cute little genins run for their lives, Anko turned towards Kakashi who was still whimpering on the ground and cheerfully crouched near him.

"Now then, I think it's high time to discuss the rules you will obey as my superior and the leader of Team Seven, don't you think?"

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