In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 299:Operation Doggy Style

Kakashi finally reached the center of the forest and found himself almost awed that he still couldn't find the three genins. He might not be using all tools in his repertoire but this was supposed to be a genin test. He was not supposed to be going hard on the three kids.

'Looks like they understood the underlying meaning of the test well...' Kakashi inwardly mused, unable to suppress the small smile that formed on his face.

It might not seem so but the bell test and the one he was currently administering were very different. The bell test's objective was to get a bell. That meant Kakashi could just laze around as long as he protected the bell well. It was the genins who were hunters. It was them who had to get the objective.

In this test, however, Kakashi had two hours to test the skill of his genin team. Unlike in the bell test, the hunter in this test was Kakashi himself. It was his job to test them, hence, he had to force them to fight. Not the other way around. It irritated and pleased Kakashi at the same time that his team realized they could pass the test even if they hid for the whole duration of it. It would simply showcase their superior capability at stealth if they managed to hide from an ex-ANBU captain for two whole hours.

If this test was translated to a practical, real-life situation, Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata could be compared to three ninjas behind enemy lines attacked by a superior enemy and their goal is to survive until the alarm rings which could be compared to reinforcements arriving.

Kakashi sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, 'I might be forced to take this a bit more seriously and properly track the kids.' He thought wryly. 'Aaah~, I don't wanna be mocked by my colleagues for losing to three new genins.' He lamented.

"Ah, well... whatever." Shrugging, Kakashi crouched down and started lazily weave hand signs. "Kuchiyose no-"

Kakashi was in the middle of casting the Jutsu when his senses registered a kunai heading towards him. In an instant, multiple things happened. Firstly, Kakashi mentally rolled his eyes when he realized the trajectory of the kunai was off. Honestly... he was a stationary target and the kid throwing the kunai still missed? It certainly must have been Naruto.

Naturally, Kakashi was experienced enough to check if the kunai had an explosive tag attached but there was none and there was no chakra fluctuation coming from it either.

The kunai landed an entire three feet away from the crouching Kakashi, making him furrow his eyebrows and feel embarrassed for his future pupil.

"-Jutsu!" Kakashi finished the summoning Jutsu, summoning his eight ninja dogs with an explosion of smoke for each dog.

There were, however, nine smoke explosions instead of just the expected eight, freezing Kakashi in his tracks as he realized the kunai was indeed a trap. He didn't manage to dodge in time as the smoke that exploded from the kunai engulfed his body.

Kakashi instantly held his breath, not knowing what to expect from the smoke. He wasn't inside of the smoke cloud for long as his body instantly jumped out on instinct while his mind wondered how Naruto managed to create a trap kunai like this without causing any chakra fluctuations.

Unfortunately for Kakashi, this was indeed Naruto Uzumaki the Prankster King of Konoha's custom-made anti-Kakashi trademark.

Kakashi didn't feel any different than normal and he doubted the kid had access to anything potent enough to get through his trained poison immunity anyway but... 'Was it a dud?' He wondered.

Suddenly, his eight ninja dogs pounced... right at Kakashi.

Kakashi's eyes widened in shock, not expecting his own dogs to attack him out of nowhere. Yet, his mind couldn't, in the split second he had, react as it registered the dogs as his allies. Kakashi often played with his ninja dogs and that meant them playfully pouncing on him. Because of that, his body didn't react, and the eight ninja dogs collided with Kakashi's body, sending it onto the ground before they started... wildly humping all over him. His legs, arms, belly, shoulders... not even his face was spared as the biggest of the pack decided it was a good target. The stunned Kakashi was only glad he wore his many facemasks as the dog's balls started impacting his face.

High in the treetops, Anko watched in disbelief at the helpless Kakashi who uselessly flailed his arms and feet while being literally 'dogpiled', suddenly bursting into uncontrollable laughter, deciding to reward her brat for such an ingenious and cruel way to prove his improvement in trap-making.

Rei, who was surrounded by his wives, watched this historical event through the Hokage's Crystal Ball Tsunade confiscated as it was made by her family. He couldn't help but feel pity for the white-haired jonin. Nevertheless, his lips were twitching upward no matter how much he tried not to smile as Kakashi was having a bonding experience with his eight dogs. As for Rei's wives... they had no problem laughing their collective asses off.

'That hidden seal on the kunai was quite good...' Rei hummed in appreciation, wondering if Naruto chose to become a seal user focusing on trap-making.

Back in the forest in training ground three, Naruto who was hiding in foliage while using multiple seals to prevent Kakashi from finding him had to bite into his hand quite hard to not start outright laughing while he watched his carefully laid plan work like a charm.

'Mixing all these hormones of female dogs in the heat was SO worth it! Ha! Inu-san, Feel the hump of the Uzumaki hidden combo number sixty-nine!' Naruto mentally thought while his eyes started to water as he barely held back tears of laughter.

Hiding in a different spot, Sasuke watched in deadpan at the trap his numbskull of a teammate prepared. He had to close his eyes as he could feel a headache forming behind them. 'Shit... Sharingan gives me eidetic memory. I will never be able to forget the image of Kakashi being... ugh.' Sasuke's complexion turned green as he mentally cursed Naruto.

Not far away, Hinata was blushing while watching her future jonin sensei's little pet problem, 'Naruto-kun... that was evil.' She thought, feeling a bit bad for Kakashi before her eyes lit up with glee, 'Anko-sensei will definitely be proud!'

The cute little Hyuuga was slowly falling to the dark side from all the cinnamon rolls Anko fed her through the years of her training.

For two minutes, Kakashi's mind tried to comprehend what the heck was happening while he thrashed around, trying to shake off his eight crazed dogs. Unfortunately for him, even though he was physically jonin-level, ninja dogs are a lot stronger than regular ones. He was also too dumbfounded by his situation to use his full power and as such, it took his two whole minutes of being humped before he finally realized he could just cancel the summoning.

The eight dogs disappeared with a puff of smoke, leaving behind only Kakashi who laid on his back, wordlessly staring at the sky with a blank mind and a deep burning desire to forget the last three minutes of his life.

Only then his chaotic mind clicked, making him realize an important fact. His dogs... his beloved pets and the friends that helped keep him above the water surface, away from suicidal thoughts during his most depressing and hardest times were used to... to... to...

A potent killing intent surged from Kakashi, engulfing the surroundings as his upper body sprang up into a sitting position while screaming in impotent rage, "NARUTO! I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU!"

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