In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 314: Kakashi vs Raiga 1

Kakashi and Raiga stood opposite each other surrounded by trees. Raiga held the Kiba blades in a loose grip, ready for a battle at moment's notice while Kakashi was also slouching forward, seemingly not bothered that he would face one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist in mortal combat in a few seconds.

"So... how did it feel to run away from your village after the third war?" Kakashi lazily asked, his sole visible eye sluggishly observing every twitch of his future opponent. It was always a good thing to make your enemies angry before the battle even began and Kakashi was a master at pissing people off.

The only indication that Raiga was affected by the offhanded comment was a slight twitch of his finger, but Kakashi's sharp eye spotted it. His lips almost involuntarily twitched at that.

"I mean... to go so far as to steal a national treasure such as the Kiba blades... I must say I am grateful. Once I beat you, I will hang them on a wall at home as a trophy." Kakashi eye-smiled.

Raiga's body tensed... before it relaxed, disappointing Kakashi a great deal.

"Say what you want, Copycat." Raiga chuckled, "You were not there. You have no idea how frightening the new Mizukage is. She could destroy Konoha in seconds and you, tree-hugging twerps, would be utterly powerless." He divulged, making Kakashi's eyes dim a little.

"You are basically comparing her to the likes of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama. How ridiculous." Kakashi rebuked, not as nonchalant as before. There was not much information about the new Mizukage and her prowess. Everybody saw her fight against Yagura and the three-tailed bijuu but after that... nothing. Kakashi wouldn't say no to free information from one of the most important ex-Kiri ninjas even if he would take it with a grain of salt.

Raiga scoffed at Kakashi's disbelief, "Hah, you Konoha ninjas and your worship of past Hokages... You saw her prowess, yet, you still don't believe she could defeat your founders. As arrogant as ever, I see."

"Well, from where I stand, she seemed to struggle quite a bit against three-tails while both Hashirama and Madara could stop the beast with just a single Jutsu." Kakashi casually shrugged, drawling his words out as if he was explaining things to a particularly stupid child while giving Raiga a condescending look.

Not that he cared who was stronger. Both Madara and Hashirama were dead and if the current Mizukage really was their match... well, it was quite a shuddering thought.

Better not think about it.

"She was not even trying." Raiga shook his head, "All of us, the Seven Swordsmen, fought her at the end of the Third War-"

This, Kakashi knew. Gai was always shouting how grateful he was for the youthful actions that saved his father that day. Duy retired after that and now owns a bit unpopular dojo of youth in the village. Kakashi lamented if it wouldn't be better for him to meet his end that day. It would certainly make Konoha a bit more peaceful during the mornings.

"-and we had no chance. All seven of us together and we didn't manage to make her even winded. That was years ago. I can only imagine what kind of monster Ringo Ameyuri is now. These blades," Raiga's expression was wistful as he tightly gripped the Kiba blade in his right hand and put its blade in front of him as if he was showing it to Kakashi, "are the proof of her disregard for us. The disregard for the best the previous Kirigakura had to offer. Ringo Ameyuri's childhood dream was to be the wielder of Kiba blades. She was one of the very few orphans who actually managed to do it too. Yet, the fact she let me have them after she defeated me proves they no longer matter to her."

"Or it proves that you are a coward. Shouldn't being defeated mean you should stop using these swords?" Kakashi lightheartedly asked with an innocent look.

Raiga gave Kakashi a silent piercing look before sighing, "Whatever. I think it wouldn't matter to you since this will be your funeral."

And just like that, the atmosphere around them became heavy, filled with chakra and killing intent. Both men were still quite leisure in their posture but the look in their eyes was anything but. Kakashi slowly lifted his hand towards his forehead protector, about to lift it...

Raiga used that exact moment to dash forward, pouring his lightning chakra into his muscles and nervous system, becoming even faster for it. The Kiba blades were crossed in front of him, surging with electricity and ready to be used.

Kakashi silently cursed, pulling his headband up. It took just a second of distraction but in that single second, Raiga closed a significant distance between them and was almost upon Kakashi.

'No time for Chidori.' Kakashi's eyes flickered downward, 'Ground too wet, hardening it into a strong-enough wall would take too long.' His lips pursed as he decided on the course of action.

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger, "Fire Release: Great Fireball!"

A searing fireball flew right at Raiga who was dashing straight into it. He could already feel its burning hotness on his skin and had no intention to let it touch him. Unfortunately for Kakashi...

Raiga used the electricity coursing through his nervous system to make his body respond, jerkily jumping to the left while using his heightened perception to duck at just the right angle so the edge of the fireball would miss him by an inch. His dash didn't even slow down as he mostly harmlessly passed the heated ball of flames, rushing at its caster.

Kakashi didn't think Raiga would just dash right past his technique nor did he actually think a C-rank Fire Jutsu would be enough to deal with someone of Raiga's caliber. He still hoped it would buy him a bit more time but the lighting user didn't even slow down!

Mentally cursing, Kakashi jumped back, trying to make some distance between Raiga and him. It was simple math. A guy with two swords and skilled at their use versus a guy who while good, only had kunais at hand, equaled that the kunai guy would get cut. Close-quarter combat was therefore a big no-no in Kakashi's books.

Raiga saw Kakashi jumping back and suddenly grinned, pushing his right foot into the ground with enough force to make it create a small trench, causing his body to abruptly stop. The momentum of his dash was not yet lost though. Instead, it was redirected into his upper body that was already mid-throw.

Kakashi didn't have enough time to react. His eyes widened and the three tomoes of his Sharingan desperately spun, seeing one Kiba blade fly directly at him, surging with a lightning coating... Even with the slowed perception of his Sharingan, the blade seemed far too fast.

Raiga expectantly watched as his blade went straight through Kakashi's chest and two tree trunks behind him only to stop being buried handle-deep in the third one. His grin faltered, however, when the big backpack on his back 'whispered' something to him.

Clicking his tongue, Raiga looked to the left into the treetops and Kakashi could just sheepishly come out of hiding since Raiga already knew where he was.

That was when the 'corpse' puffed into smoke, revealing a skewered log.

"Right... Konoha ninja. You love Kawarimi." Raiga snorted.

"Don't diss the Log. It did help me get rid of one of your swords." Kakashi jovially spoke. Both him and Raiga knew he would not give the Kiri missing ninja the chance to retrieve his blade. Kakashi liked his odds at facing Raiga with one Kiba more than facing him with both.

Raiga just gave Kakashi an unamused look, not liking how much he was underestimated. A seal on his wrist flared to life and the Kiba blade he threw away was suddenly back in his hand, making Kakashi's non-Sharingan eye twitch.

"Did you really think I would throw such a precious weapon if I had no way of retrieving it? What do you take me for? A chunin?" Raiga rolled his eyes. "I said I am going to make this your funeral. I fully intend to uphold my promise, Copycat."

Kakashi's shoulders slumped and his mood darkened at that, 'Ah, shit... wasn't this supposed to be a C-rank mission? Honestly, if it is not Anko trying to kick my ass, it is some kind of rogue ninja. Where is my well-deserved vacation!?'

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