In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 333: I shall make this extremely easy for you

"Did you really think I would have given someone a way to forcefully summon me? Do you think I am really so stupid?" Ringo amusedly asked. Even she was surprised at how stupid that question sounded when she said it out loud. "As if I would have given away something that would enable others to ambush me at their leisure at any given moment. Especially to someone as muscle-brained as Zabuza." She scoffed and rolled her eyes while Zabuza could just avert his eyes in embarrassment but couldn't really say anything in his defense as he indeed tended to lose things he didn't care about. That was why he was never used as a messenger. Ever.

Ringo discreetly looked around and saw the white-haired jonin stare at the scroll as if he saw a ghost, probably thinking that Kirigakure re-developed Hiraishin or something. With a heavy sigh, she decided to give a small explanation despite her instincts screaming at her not to. After all, what kind of ninja screams his attack out loud and gives an explanation on how his secret skills work?

In this instance, however, Ringo decided to prevent the trouble for Tsunade, fully aware that if the Konoha council heard something like, 'The Kiri has a variant of Hiraishin!', they would freak out which would then spoil Tsunade's week, possibly even the entire month. Normally, Ringo would not care even though Tsunade was a sort of motherly figure for her, but she was well aware that if her inaction here caused trouble for Tsunade, Tsunade would repay it with interest.

Her forging time and special Rei time were on the line so screw her instincts!

"The scroll is only a beacon that sends me Zabuza's coordinates and opens a passage for me. I can then use said passage in the following three minutes whenever I want." Ringo indifferently revealed.

Needless to say, she lied with a straight face. Once the passage was open, she could use it anytime in the following hour unless the scroll was completely destroyed. On top of that, quite a number of the seals on the scroll were actually a remote viewing function that lets her monitor what is happening around the scroll after it is activated.

But there was no reason for her to reveal that particular tidbit.

Ringo had to stop her urge to smile when the white-haired jonin relaxed after hearing how the scroll worked. She also didn't miss how intently he listened to her explanation. No doubt he would be reporting it to his higher-ups the second he returned to his village.

'I will have to prepare my own council for some pesky complaints from these insignificant moaning bitches.' Ringo inwardly groaned. Unfortunately, Tsunade and Pakura were concocting a little plan for their villages and dragged Kiri into it so she now had to pay attention to diplomatic issues. Diplomacy... such an unpleasant word. 'Well, let's see... I will have to instruct my council to say fuck you more politely than usual. Un, that's one problem solved.'

Obviously, Ringo wouldn't pay much attention to the future complaints of the Konoha Council. Not even Tsunade, their very ruler, cared about their unceasing babbling. Why should Ringo be any different?

Returning her attention to Raiga who was still frozen stiff in front of her, Ringo had to admit she felt great knowing her mere presence was the reason why this S-rank ninja was so tense and trembling in his boots.

"I shall make this extremely easy for you, Raiga. Either you surrender and become Kirigakure's wielder of Kiba blades under my command for the rest of your life or this will be where you meet your end." Ringo dispassionately spoke in a monotone voice.

She wasn't all that interested in Raiga. Having another S-rank ninja in her village would be nice but she could always train others to reach this milestone. She didn't like Raiga much and one more S-rank didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. The boy hiding in Raiga's backpack, however, was a different story altogether. His sensing prowess was incredible and once his body is repaired, he would be very useful. Sadly, Raiga and Ranmaru came as a package deal.

After hearing Ringo's offer, Raiga was silent for a moment. He was in disbelief that he even got an offer like that. He was a Kiri rogue ninja and as someone who was previously a part of Seven Swordsmen, he was well aware of what Kirigakure did with its rogue ninjas. Forgiveness? That was never an option. Once you betrayed the village, you would be a traitor for the rest of your life.

"Why?" Raiga cautiously asked. He didn't think this was some kind of cunning scheme. Ringo had him at her mercy so there was no need to plot anything. Plus, the Ringo he knew didn't have enough attention span and patience to scheme anything. "I thought you don't like me."

Ringo snorted, "I don't. When we first met, you were a massive prick and took away the Kiba blades from me." She deadpanned.

Since she put it that way, even Raiga had to admit she indeed had a reason for disliking him. Honestly... he totally forgot about that.

"But at the same time, when I first became the Mizukage, I disliked three-quarters of my council." Ringo confessed. "Alas, as time went on and we got to know each other better, things changed."

"I see... you found respect for each other." Raiga nodded, careful of the blade in front of his neck. That happened quite often in these situations. Councilmen usually didn't like each other but they had to work together for the greater good of the village.

Poor Raiga didn't know Ringo as well as he thought...

"No. Now I hate only half of it. They, however, are well aware that Kirigakure is under my dictatorship. What I say, goes, or else... If you have any problem being a good little peon, you are free to disagree, Raiga." Ringo said and despite his back being turned to her, Raiga could almost swear she sported a menacing smile on her face. It made him shudder. He suddenly found Ringo's sword pressing a bit closer to his neck before hearing Ringo's words, "Your answer?"

Raiga bitterly smiled. Die or serve. How... Kirigakure-ish. 'The village has changed... my ass!'

Frankly, being a rogue ninja wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Sure, he was free to do what he wanted but he lacked a place he could call home. He was always living in fear, and later on in annoyance, that a hunter ninja would discover him. He has been raised a Kirigakure ninja and realized it only after he defected.

One can say whatever about Kirigakure but their indoctrination of kids was top-notch if a bit brutal. That much Raiga had to admit. Even though he knew there was nothing but death awaiting him at 'home', he was still homesick.

That feeling only intensified when he met and adopted Ranmaru. The kid grew on him and he wanted to give him a proper home but it was simply not to be.

Raiga didn't have to think for a long time, "Fine... I will go with you." He mumbled, his voice laced with dissatisfaction. He wasn't unhappy with the situation though. This way, he will be able to give Ranmaru a proper home.

Ringo knew he was not dissatisfied with his choice. He was more resentful that he was strong-armed into it in this manner. Well, she honestly didn't give a shit about his feelings.

Pulling her sword away from Raiga's neck and taking a step back, Ringo released him from the deadly position. She wasn't afraid he would try to run or go back on his word. She was faster than him and the guy clearly knew it.

"Good. Your answer was just in time too." Ringo turned towards the end of the unfinished bridge, showing Raiga her unguarded back. "We have uninvited guests. I am sure you can prove your loyalty by dealing with them."

Raiga saw what she did there and inwardly cursed, 'This insane bitch testing me, isn't she?' He then noticed thugs trying to sneakily gather on the end of the bridge and sighed, realizing what Ringo meant. 'And she wants me to kill my client. Great... now even if I double-cross her and defect Kirigakure again, my rogue ninja reputation will be in tatters.' Raiga sourly chuckled before inaudibly whispering, "Well played, bi-" Ringo gave him a look that told him he was apparently not quiet enough, "-tc, ahem, I mean, Lady Mizukage... well played." He averted his gaze, getting a pitying look full of understanding from Zabuza.

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