In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 340: Tayuya and Guren 2

Rei let go of Tayuya's shoulder and walked around the sofa before unceremoniously flopping onto the armchair opposite to it. He reached forward and tapped the edge of the table in-between him and the girls, causing small puffs of smoke to erupt and quickly dissipate as various foods appeared on the table.

"Go on," Rei smiled when he noticed the hungry and salivating looks the girls were throwing at the food, "Dig in. It was prepared for you."

Tayuya and Guren wanted to do nothing more than to obey this order but their upbringing stopped them from jumping at the deliciously smelling food. They looked at each other, wary of any drug or poison that might be present in the food...

Rei noticed their gazes and sighed. He leaned forward and started filling his plate, lifting his eyebrow at the two women who widened their eyes in bewilderment. "What? Do you think we poisoned the food? Bah! As if we needed to do that." He rolled his eyes.

The two girls slightly flushed as they realized it was the truth and started slowly filling up their own plates while being still very cautious.

Rei inwardly smiled at the sight and waited until both girls took a bite before starting to speak again, "Well, I definitely did not poison the food. No clue about the chef though. She likes putting aphrodisiacs in the food." He carelessly shrugged, causing both Tayuya and Guren to do a spit-take. "Meh. My poison immunity is bound to save me."

Two unamused glares landed on him but Rei just returned a happily clueless eye-smile to them, now realizing why Kakashi liked to do this. It was fun.

Rei partook in the food without a care in the world while the two disgruntled kunoichis watched, unsure if they should risk it and also dig in. They were quite hungry though. Kirigakure's cells did not have good room service. The sight of various delicacies in front of them was really, really tempting.

'Agh, fuck it!' In the end, it was Tayuya who broke first and started eating. Aphrodisiacs or not, she decided it doesn't matter.

Guren watched in bewilderment as the younger kunoichi ate with gusto what their 'host' clearly proclaimed a probably drugged food.

Tayuya noticed and furrowed her eyebrows, "What?" She asked with a full mouth. "If they want to forcefully fuck us, they don't need to drug our food. We are at his mercy." She offhandedly pointed at Rei who was content watching the drama with a small amused smile stretching on his lips.

Guren's stomach rumbled and she had to gulp down her saliva. She was also quite hungry. Deciding that Tayuya had a point, she also started slowly eating.

That's when Tayuya smirked, "Plus, I don't have a Bloodline. If they are going to breed someone it will be you, Miss Crystal." She mirthfully added, causing Guren, who had her cheeks stuffed, to grimace. Needless to say, her appetite was dealt a critical hit.

"You are quite the crass individual, aren't you, pinky?" Rei jovially intervened, not wanting the two women to start bickering again.

"Haa!? Who is pinky, you bas-t-ard?" Tayuya burst out on instinct, only to realize what she did at the end of her sentence, causing her voice to hitch. She looked at Rei with a deer in headlights expression. 'Shit! I got too relaxed and forgot to take care what I say!' Tayuya inwardly panicked.

Rei clearly saw her plight and decided to alleviate her worries, "Such a pity. You are quite the beauty, you know? To think your mouth would be so dirty... I don't dig it.'' He mournfully stated with a sad head shake, causing Tayuya's irritation to rise while she also flushed a deep red.

Even Guren forgot herself and cracked a smile at that, earning herself a punch to her shoulder from the embarrassed Tayuya when she noticed.

"But you are correct. It is Miss Crystal we would breed." Rei seriously said in a matter-of-fact tone, causing Guren's head to snap in his direction.

Guren suddenly started to feel weaker than usual and her head slightly spun. Her eyes widened in horror as she realized she was drugged. She desperately tried to fight whatever was in her body by increasing the circulation of her chakra while staring in fright at Rei who returned her stare in an even and emotionless manner, pressuring her with a simple look.

"If we were actually interested in such a practice." He switched back into his playful tone and shit-eating teasing grin when he deemed Guren sufficiently cowed. "Alas, your DNA and blood were already taken when you were unconscious and with time, we will be able to replicate your bloodline without any need for violating you. Who do you take us for? Oto?" Rei couldn't help but make a small scathing comment at Guren's village, causing the woman to avert her gaze with the knowledge she would not win a verbal fight about this topic.

'Hmm... psychological warfare?' Tayuya slightly narrowed her eyes in worry, hiding the gesture by leaning her head forward and letting her hair cover her face. 'He is making Guren realize the bad parts of Sound Village based on her reaction to my upbringing, huh? I will have to be extra careful around this one.' She felt quite uneasy. He totally got her with his banter earlier. She got too relaxed around him. That was so out of character for her, it shook Tayuya at her core.

Rei didn't miss this subtle gesture of Tayuya. He was certainly surprised at the girl. 'I might have said I don't dig this but... damn,' He was extremely glad for his trained poker face. It wasn't about Tayuya's personality or looks. No, Rei was attracted by something else. 'She can level-headedly analyze the situation and is keeping up with my mind games. No wonder she could fight Shikamaru. Heh, should I?' A mischievous thought suddenly entered his mind.

"Then again," He smirked and looked straight at Tayuya. She didn't like the slight widening of his smirk as his eyes landed on her, "we found out you have Uzumaki blood in your veins. Good for you, eh? Kumo would be interested."

"Geh... thanks." Tayuya snarkily replied but inwardly she was repeating 'Fuck!' as she realized why she seemed so important to Lord Orochimaru. It might not have seemed like it but Jiroubou, Kidomaru, Ukon, and Sakon all had some special biology or bloodline. Only she had no idea how she fell into the same category as them. 'And just like that, he erased any idea of escape from my mind.' Tayuya inwardly winced.

Yeah, the man might have pointed out Kumo who was known for seeking female Uzumakis for breeding purposes and their practices were quite brutal but Tayuya knew his words really meant Lord Orochimaru. Previously she thought she had no value other than her strength. Now that she was informed of her apparent Bloodline, she understood Orochimaru would hunt her down to the end of the world. The Uzumaki were rare, after all! 'So that's why I had more experiments done on me than the others in the Sound Four! They were trying to awaken a Bloodline ability in me!'

"Who is this 'we'?" Tayuya resignedly asked, deciding now was not the time for thinking about her fucked up future prospects. She had to get information about her captors and find out if she could be offered protection for servitude.

Before she would be fine if they treated her even slightly better than Orochimaru. Now? Now she wouldn't mind being treated worse than that if it meant not getting on Orochimaru's dissection table. Traitors died in Oto. But traitors with Bloodlines? Now that was a completely different can of worms.

Tayuya shuddered thinking about what suffering would Orochimaru unleash on her if she was ever captured by his people.

"Oh, right! I forgot!" Rei fakely bullshitted before exclaiming, "Welcome to the Village Hidden on the Other Side!" He waited for an outburst of surprise but when he received only silence, his brows furrowed. "Eh? No applause? You are not a funny audience, you know that? One would think Orochimaru taught you how to be proper grunts." He said in mock disapproval.

The women getting used to Rei's antics ignored his words and looked at each other in confusion.

"But... no such village exists?" Guren confusedly stated. She knew every single ninja village in the Elemental Nations and this one was not among them.

Tayuya, at whom the question was aimed, just nodded in agreement.

"Well, I did say we are a hidden village, didn't I?" Rei gave Guren a meaningful look that made her blush. "Wouldn't be much of a secret if every Dick, Prick, and Guren knew about our location and existence, now, would it?"

And just like that, her blush was gone, changed for a heated glare.

Tayuya involuntarily smiled at that. "What will happen to us now?" The mood was certainly lightened thanks to Rei's antics and she was grateful for that. It was still annoying how easily it made her drop her guard though.

"Hmm..." Rei ponderingly hummed, "It's simple, really. You can either join our village and serve, or-" He leaned forward, creating suspense.

'A threat, huh?' Tayuya thought, wondering what their fate would be if they refused.

"- you can leave." Rei finished with a shrug, making use of his leaning forward to snatch a glass of orange juice from the table.

After a moment of stupefied silence, it was the bluenette who got out of her shock first.

"You would let us go? Just like that?" Guren incredulously asked, a bit of hope seeping into her mind. She had to inform Lord Orochimaru about this village that was obviously connected to Kirigakure. If they were stupid enough to let her walk free, that is...

"Yeah, sure. Doors are there." Rei pointed behind them, causing both women to turn around.

"And if we decide to walk away... nobody will try to detain us?" Tayuya asked, not believing in such an obvious crap even for a second.

"Yup. Pinky promise, Pinky." Rei nodded, quipping a joke and getting the look from Tayuya. "Nobody will neither hinder nor aid your escape."

Guren instantly stood up and walked towards the door, not even interested in what Rei had to offer them. Even if he lied, then she had nothing to lose. If he was telling the truth, however, she wasn't about to waste any more of her time. She flung the door open only to freeze in her tracks as her jaw dropped to the floor, unable to believe her eyes.

Guren did hear the unhurried footsteps resounding behind her and only idly registered as Tayuya walked next to her with the same utterly bewildered expression of disbelief but she was in too much shock to really care.

"Oya? I failed to mention this is the village on the other side of the moon? Oh, well. Now you know." Rei's playful voice resounded from behind the two Sound kunoichis as he snickered.

Both Guren and Tayuya realized that there was no running away for them as the sight of a massive blue planet surrounded by a dark void of the universe greeted them.

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