In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 414: The last match

The break between the matches was almost over and yet the audience was still quiet and stunned from the previous match, barely paying attention to what was going on since the people were still trying to process the battle they had just seen.

As the amazement started to slowly tick off, the people began to realize what match was going to follow and they couldn't help but grow even more excited. Most civilians in the audience were wondering what kind of impressive spectacle the next match would be!

After all, it was now certain that one of the participants in the next match was none other than Sasuke Uchiha!

Temari and Karin? Kimimaro and Tayuya? Sure... they were amazing but they were not Uchiha! They were unknown! Without reputation!

But the Uchiha clan's reputation was known far and wide, even among the civilians and that's why the civilians expected the last Uchiha to be special, to surpass what they have seen so far. To wow them with his skill and prowess. To showcase his superior talent!

The audience was indeed crazily excited about it.

Many gambled money, betting on Uchiha winning the entire Chunin Exams. Some going even so far as to stake their livelihood on it just because of the fame of the Uchiha clan.

Especially some wealthy businessmen tried to gain money like this because they had hired Uchihas in the past and had an inkling of the power of their bloodline.

Many came to Konoha with the sole purpose of seeing the last scion of the Uchiha clan fight. Sasuke's story was well known even outside of Konoha and people were naturally curious about him.

Many thought he would be just as talented as the infamous Itachi Uchiha and they wanted to see it!

Unlike the ninjas who knew the two girls who previously fought were monsters, the civilians' expectations of Sasuke grew according to what they had already seen and they expected him to perform better. Much better.

They expected him to showcase the superiority of the Uchihas!

Even the Daimyos who were currently watching expected a lot from this match. Since they were just kids, they were hearing from their nannies about the strength of old clans like Senju and Uchiha. That went especially for foreign Kages who could not afford to underestimate these people. A fair bit of their early education was spent on how to treat ninjas. How to maintain their superior status in the face of someone who could kill them with a look.

Naturally, their education brushed heavily on the past and the relationship between the ninja clans and their ancestors. And the name 'Uchiha' came up a lot there.

There was a saying Uchihas of old liked to spread as their motto of a sort during the warring states era and every Daimyo knew it.

'Only an Uchiha can beat an Uchiha.'

In a way, that came true when Itachi Uchiha slaughtered his own clan.

After learning these kinds of things while growing up, these Daimyos would naturally be curious about this 'last' Uchiha and if he could fulfill the saying and had the potential to one day best the infamous Itachi.

Poor Gaara... nobody paid him attention.

Hayate appeared in the arena and announced the next match will be between Gaara and Sasuke. Nobody was surprised, considering these two were the last two remaining participants.

Both Sasuke and Gaara took their time coming down to the arena, Sasuke because he was taught by Kakashi how to be cool...

And Gaara because he had to deal with some pesky civilian thug idiots who thought he would not squash them because he was just a kid.

He had no idea how these stupid idiots thought. They were literally watching a tournament full of superpowered kids trained to kill others and they still thought they could go and try to kill one when they had no chakra? Because they were grown-ups?


As such, a few halls of Konoha's stadium were repainted red and meaty.

Mothe-, ahem, Lady Pakura would be so proud!

When the two finally arrived at the arena, the audience went wild, loudly cheering for Sasuke. Alas, little Sasuke didn't dare to show an arrogant expression. He knew well that if Anko saw that, she would have beaten the arrogance out of him. Again.

So... in his new humble self, Sasuke just smugly stared at Gaara in a provocative manner.

Maste-, ahem, Anko would be so proud!

Gaara stood with a dull expression as the cheer for his opponent washed all over him. His sleepy gaze trailed all over the stands, only seeing people going wild and wishing the best to the Uchiha...

Sasuke suddenly shivered as he felt a chill passing through his spine.

But then Gaara's eyes landed on Temari and Kankuro in the stands and his lips twitched into a small, almost unnoticeable smile when he saw his sister giving him a thumbs-up with an encouraging smile and his brother Kankuro...

Well, who cares about Kankuro.

The subtle murderous intent permeating the arena eased considerably, making Hayate stop sweating bullets. The experienced ninja could not help but throw the Uchiha heir a pitying glance.

There was a reason why ninjas used Killing Intent as a measuring stick for how dangerous one was. It was a projection of chakra so a civilian could have killed thousands with his own hands but he would not have strong Killing Intent. A ninja that killed thousands though...

And the killing intent of the red-haired small kid was giving even Hayato creeps.

Especially with how well the kid was hiding the intent. He doubted he would have picked up on it if he didn't stand so close.

"Let's get this over with!" Sasuke interrupted Hayato's thoughts with his strong exclamation, condescending determination burning in his eyes.

With a tired sigh, Hayato decided to just let the kids duke it out among themselves and promptly started the match.

Sasuke intently looked at the bored Gaara and smirked as his eyes turned red and three tomoes started spinning in them. "I'd advise you to give up, kid." He bluntly stated, peering straight into Gaara's eyes.

And if an illusion somehow ended up influencing Gaara... well, that would have been a total coincidence!

Unlike Sasuke thought, the red-haired midget didn't succumb to the subtle nudging feeling of wanting to give up.

Instead, the cork on his gourd came off and...

Sasuke's eyes widened as he saw sand starting to pour onto the ground and the scenes from the previous fight replayed in his mind.

Then, Gaara's heavy killing intent hit him like a truck, Gaara no longer trying to conceal it and instead, mixing some of Shukaku's into it for the added effect. It was so sudden, Sasuke's mind didn't get enough time to deal with it and...

"Okay! I give up!" Sasuke exclaimed like a scared duckling.

Before he even registered what was going on, Hayate called Gaara the winner, and Sasuke was left gaping at the red-haired midget who gave him a bored smirk, "You are a hundred years too early for mental warfare, boy." Gaara drawled before he sluggishly turned around and victoriously walked away.

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