In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 428: Ringo vs A 2

Seeing that A just stood in his place, staring at her with visible indignation, Ringo frowned.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Come at me!" She exclaimed in dissatisfaction. "You wanted revenge enough to drag your entire village into a war! What are you waiting for!? I stand right in front of you! Come on and attack!"

Those words were enough to get A out of his stupor and cause his determination to return.

"Yes, that's more like it." Ringo whispered when she saw the shift in A's expression, her tone full of dark glee as her lips widened into an excited smile and her brown eyes gleamed. "Come at me with the intent to kill. Don't stop now. Our fun is just starting!"

The two rushed at each other with a burst of speed, appearing in the middle of the Kage Box just a split of a second afterward...

Ringo was about to catch A's opening punch with her hand but A, knowing how powerful the deceptively frail woman was, instantly retracted his right arm and instead his left sprang forward, aiming at Ringo's outstretched hand with the intent to break it.

In response, Ringo just slightly swayed on her feet, causing A to miss by a slight margin, before she spun on her heel, using the momentum to get her previously outstretched arm away from A's reach, and also as a driving force behind her upcoming high kick.

Knowing what was coming, A raised his arms into a guarding position in front of his chest and caught Ringo's kick with his forearms as loud thunder-like sound resounded through the surroundings when lightning met lightning. A managed to tank the hit without being pushed back overly much thanks to the fact, he spread the force evenly over the surface of his lightning chakra armor.

Not even a moment passed, and both A and Ringo disappeared in a burst of speed, separating from each other...

Only to appear in the exact same spot a split of a second later, this time Ringo blocking A's attempt at Lariat with her left hand, sliding on the ground for a few meters due to the kinetic force of A's attack.

Powerful she may be but her frame was still less than half of his. Size mattered...

Ringo swung her free hand in a follow-up attack, aiming to deliver a gut-wrenching punch into A's abdomen but A disappeared with a blue flash before her punch could land.

A small frown appeared on Ringo's lips before she also disappeared from her spot, only for A to appear near it, seemingly punching an air... or rather, the same place where Ringo's head was just a moment ago.

A's eyes widened, and he promptly disappeared in a speed untrackable by the eyes of a normal human, only for Ringo to appear right above the place where he stood just a split of a second ago, and deliver a crushing heel kick onto the ground, cracking it throughout half of the Kage Box.

This kind of exchange continued, both combatants appearing and disappearing before an attack could land.

Occasionally, they locked their fists or an attack got blocked when one got slower or quicker and caught up to the other but a decisive blow was nowhere to be seen.

Because of that, A's confidence started to slowly increase.

He could do this! He was matching the mad lunatic blow for blow! All he needed was a good opportunity and he could take her out for good!

Just the idea of killing the red-haired woman responsible for the death of his fiance filled him with more determination and intent to kill.

The clash got fiercer and fiercer as shockwaves full of lightning started erupting every time their blows met, which started to become more frequent as time went on. A was getting faster, he could feel it! He was starting to match Ringo's pace!

'I can do this!' He thought with self-assurance. The woman who faced one on one against a bijuu was not so tough, after all! 'With her death, I will be again a step closer to the greatness of my father!'

He couldn't help but get giddy and his chakra showed it. The hum of his lightning armor became more frequent and energetic as A's battle intent soared and his speed increased yet again.

Ringo calmly blocked his last attack, putting her palm on his wrist and redirecting the punch before it could reach her.

She was not channeling too much of her chakra for this fight. Not at all. Instead of brute-forcing it, she simply used technique and reflexes to make sure A's punches would not reach her body.

A went ferociously on the offensive, showering Ringo with punch after punch, each more powerful and quicker than the last, going so far as to release lightning strikes with each punch from the sheer speed and concentration of lightning chakra behind them.

And yet... the crimson-haired woman stood her ground and with minimal movements, always pushed A's blows away from herself.

The room around them was no longer recognizable and even the rubble was getting destroyed at an increasing pace as A's lightning chakra struck wherever Ringo redirected it... which was basically all around her and sometimes even outside of the Kage Box.

Ringo was actually proud of herself! A might not have noticed yet but she did kill quite a few Konoha invaders by just redirecting A's lightning strike punches.

Some of which were Kumo ninjas.

But when A didn't notice even the third Kumo ninja getting roasted with a stray shot of his, Ringo started to get a bit annoyed. It was time for the muscle-head to notice.

Ringo actually found the perfect target for that too!

Seeing as A's next punch was quickly approaching, she prepared and a grin appeared on her face, causing A to realize that something was wrong...

But he was unable to stop his momentum before Ringo already redirected his punch.

This time, he was fully aware that Ringo had an ulterior motive so he actually checked where his punch was going to land and...

"Mabu-!" A cried out as he noticed the lightning strike from his punch heading towards the unguarded back of his secretary and lover who was fighting with one of Konoha's ninjas in the stands of the arena.

Unfortunately for A, this distraction was enough for Ringo to capitalize, and before he finished Mabui's name, Ringo's fist embedded itself into A's face, breaking his nose and some teeth and snapping his head back before his body caught up with the momentum of the punch and was sent flying a bit back, rolling on the ground until it was stopped by a small part of a wall that was not yet demolished.

Ringo looked at the downed A and... "That... was so satisfying!" She exclaimed before she sighed in utter content. "You have no idea how long I wanted to just sucker punch you like that, you bastard." She lightly added just as A started slowly standing up.

The second Ringo's eyes met A's, she could see an unbridled fury in them at her little scheme.

"Y-, You! Killing my fiance was not enough for you!? Now you need to attack my current lover too!?"

Ringo raised her eyebrow in amusement at that.

Well, sucks to be him. They were ninjas and exploiting one's weaknesses was a significant part of their profession. It wasn't as if A never did something similar.

But now that he mentioned it...

'That dark-skinned woman is his current lover, huh? I had no idea.' Ringo thought, her lips twitching in amusement at the coincidence.

But now that she knew... A plan started forming in Ringo's mind.

'Nice of him to inform me.' She inwardly chuckled.

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