Talking to Onoki was like arguing with a stubborn rock.

Onoki wanted to find a way to get some kind of leeway for Iwa, not taking no for an answer and being a persistent annoying little dipshit who just wouldn't shut up.

As time passed, even the extremely patient Rei was slowly getting fed up whereas Pakura and Konan held themselves back from introducing him to a world of pain only by ignoring him.

Fortunately for Onoki's continued existence, Rei felt Tsunade and the three other chakra signatures with her to finally move towards them.

When they arrived Rei could see a satisfied Tsunade, who was almost glowing from smugness, two disgruntled and huffy reanimated Senju brothers, and... a pig?

Rei winced when he realized the identity of the pig just as Onoki burst into rambunctious laughter and exclaimed, "Old Monkey! I like the remake of your facade!"

That earned him a mild glare from the man with a heavily swollen and bruised purple head that could barely walk and resembled one big angry pimple.

Sarutobi did not have any bone in his body broken but every muscle was damaged or bruised in some manner. Let's just say the Senju brothers were not amused about his part in their clan's demise.

Rei watched as Sarutobi angrily wobbled towards the only person in the room he could probably defeat in his current situation, and even that was because Onoki was too exhausted and injured himself, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for the former Third Hokage.

The extensive physical injuries aside, the biggest damage was the mental scars the beatdown had inflicted on the man. Sure, Sarutobi was showing a strong facade despite being one pain-filled swollen pimple but being trashed by two people he respected most in his life, his two mentors, must not have been pleasant.

From how pleased Tsunade looked with herself and how her eyes sparkled with self-satisfaction, she knew that as well.

Sarutobi came close to Onoki and spoke... or at least he tried but his swollen and bruised cheeks, lips, and tongue were making conversation quite difficult.

"W'y abe yo' hebe!?" He furiously let out, hating that this old man saw him in his current state.

"What? You gotta first learn to speak well enough to be understood if you want an answer!" Onoki laughed, relieving his stress by mocking Sarutobi.

The previous discussion with Rei was getting nowhere and he was really upset because his attempts did not move the young man at all. Sarutobi came just in time to be his stress relief.

"I 'oud 'ike tah she yo' talgi'g bith inguwies 'ike 'ine!" Sarutobi quickly let out in anger at being mocked by his oldest rival, and instantly regretted it as he felt a spike of pain come from his mouth, causing him to groan as his eyes became tearful.

"Aww. Is the poor monkey baby inguwed?" Onoki said in a baby voice and pettily grinned, making Sarutobi incensed.

"Shad up, shit flinger! Yo'..."

Deciding he had heard enough of juvenile arguing, Rei twitched his fingers and a barrier formed around the two ancient ninjas, saving the others from having to hear their petty squabbles.

The two men were too hurt to start physically fighting and they at least seemed to understand that so there was no need to watch over them as if they were little kids.

Rei barely managed to cast the barrier and he already had to brace himself as Tsunade impacted him, embracing him in a warm and tight hug as she cutely rubbed her face on his chest.

"Home, sweet home." She giddily whispered as Rei relaxed and wryly smiled, circling his arms around her small frame, also embracing her.

"Hooh~, so you are the husband of our little princess." A male voice interrupted their reunion...

But the room was instantly washed in potent killing intent coming from Tsunade as she disgruntledly half-turned around, her arms not letting go of Rei as she made Hashirama backtrack with her glare before she with huff turned her head back and snuggled into Rei's chest again.

The Senju brothers got the hint. They just awkwardly but quietly stood around, not knowing what to do, for the next ten minutes while Tsunade was recharging her Rei energy.

Only after she had enough did she finally pull away from Rei and motioned to the stupefied Senju brothers that they could start their 'interrogation'.

But she forgot they too were Senjus and they were vindictive like her.

From the Hashirama's tone, Rei had expected a proper shovel talk but instead, much to his amusement, all he got was the man animatedly talking about his princess cute little Tsuna while Tobirama also quipped from time to time about his little niece.

Deciding to roll with it and be happy he didn't have to deal with bothersome unrealistic threats, Rei listened to them, and surprisingly, he was learning a lot of blackmail material.

The more the two brothers talked, the more embarrassed Tsunade got, cutely blushing next to Rei from shame. She tried to glare them to silence again but Rei's arm around her shoulders gave the two reanimated corpses enough confidence Tsunade would not make them into real corpses anytime soon.

Throughout the conversation, Rei's lips were progressively curving upwards, giving Tsunade meaningful glances, enjoying but ignoring her betrayed and pitiful, pleading gaze. This family reunion was a surprisingly pleasant one!

Their fun time was, however, cut short when Ringo showed up with a busty blonde following behind her, and a bit further, A and his secretary, Mabui, also reluctantly trailed behind her.

"Done too?" Rei amusedly asked, happy that Ringo seemed satisfied with her 'revenge' and that A actually survived it.

"Yes, and I even gained a new apprentice!" Ringo widely smiled as she pushed Samui a bit forward, giving Konan, Pakura, and Tsunade a smug look.

The three women looked at each other and shook their heads in exasperation, opting to not comment and let Ringo have this moment.

Unfortunately for Ringo, Mei didn't get the memo. She burst through the door, ruining the mood for Ringo and making her eyebrow twitch.

"I have arrived!" Mei gushed out before taking the hand of her 'captive' and dragging the awkward-looking B into the room.

"Oi, your timing sucks, Mist-brain." Ringo snarked, crossing her arms under her chest and instantly getting Mei's attention with her remark.

"Oh? What's going on?" Mei tilted her head, a mocking smile appearing on her lips as her eyes caught Samui in Ringo's hands, "Don't have any curves to show off so you are showing off somebody else's body?" She puffed out her chest at that.

The air between them instantly grew tense as Ringo frowned.

"Don't push your luck, child." Ringo said, walking towards Mei.

Mei also walked forward and when they reached each other and Ringo had to slightly look up to meet her eyes, she smirked, "You should grow up first if you want to keep calling me that." Mei smirked.

"No," Ringo chuckled, "I will only stop when you mentally grow up. So that ain't happening. Kid."

"Are you implying I am stupid, bitch?" Mei's eyes narrowed...

On the other side of the room, A, B, Mabui, and Samui walked closer to Rei and his group, not even being surprised at the appearance of the two deceased Hokages... after all, they had seen quite a few ridiculous things in the recent hours so what's one more?

"Shouldn't you stop them?" A gave Rei a glance, not wanting the two monsters to start really fighting. These two didn't exactly seem the type to mind collateral damage.

Rei chuckled and shook his head, inwardly knowing Rei and Ringo were more responsible than A thought. He patted the man's shoulder in reassurance...

'Wh-!?' A's eyes suddenly widened as he felt his remaining chakra reserves getting restricted to genin level.

Before he could even exclaim in shock, Rei was already in the middle of Onoki and Sarutobi, his hands on their shoulders, and the same thing happened, the two old Kages freezing in their spots as they felt their chakra being locked down to a genin level as a seal slithered through their clothes, anchoring itself on their skin and spreading through their bodies... before it vanished from view.

When they gave Rei shocked looks, he just pleasantly smiled at them with amusement dancing in his eyes, "What? Did you think you could invade one of our villages and face no consequences?"

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Tbh the sole fact that he could do something like merging fking souls in such a short time is already retarded. God literally gave him the talents he own. He shouldn't be able to share as it should be in the core of his soul not in some cornor of his soul. Tbh this whole merging thing was just unnecessary. It would have been way way better if konans individual talent was explored. In conan it was enough for her to become an s rank. If explored more it could probably make her quite future mc could probably make her more powerful with his seals or something. He didn't touch senjetsu because it was dangerous but he touched his souls and merged them when he doesn't know shit about souls??? tbh I like the story so I won't drop but this soul thingy took it down to four star for me. It was too forced. He should just remove the whole soul part as it doesn't affect much rn but his choice I guess

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All I ican say is in the gif ...................................... ...................................... ......................................

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