In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 61: Vs. Hanzo

Rei and Konan were in the Land of Rain on a quick detour when Tsunade suddenly popped next to them. Rei raised his eyebrow at her and asked. "Done in Konoha? That was fast." Tsunade pouted at his sarcasm and embraced him. As she hung around his neck, she started complaining about her time in Konoha, making Rei laugh a bit. He patted the head of the sullen small blonde in his arms. "Ma~, ma~, it's fine." He bemusedly told her.

"You going to fight Hanzo?" Tsunade asked as she saw Amegakure a few miles in front of them. She also noted that neither Rei nor Konan had their hitai-ate on them. Ame was isolated so not many rumors would be able to escape it but it seemed like they were overly prepared.

"Yup." Rei nodded. "There should be a salamander that could help you with Creation Rebirth."

As Tsunade heard him saying they are going to face Hanzo for her... She couldn't help but feel her heart flutter. Her expression softened as a determined look entered her eyes. "I will fight too!" She half-expected to be rebuffed but to her surprise, Rei only nodded.

"Sure." He shrugged. For Rei, Tsunade was strong enough to get out of this fight alive even without her Creation Rebirth. She was a lot stronger than before after their training.

The trio finally arrived near the Amegakure and didn't have to wait long after they flexed their chakra. At first, ten jonin of Ame appeared to question them about their intentions but before they could speak, Rei sent ten needles formed out of Raiton chakra, killing nine of them while the last one barely evaded and shunshined away.

Rei didn't mimic the Chidori techniques of Sasuke. How could he? Sasuke was not born yet! It was obviously his original, right!? Hell, Kakashi didn't even invent Chidori yet! Obviously, the Jutsu was invented by Rei! What original of Kakashi! The kid obviously only copied it from yours truly! Muhahaha!

It didn't take long for an entire army of two hundred Ame-nin appearing in front of them and… Rei and Konan just molded their suiton chakra while Tsunade weaved hand seals. "Suiton: Tsunami Stream." Three voices chorused as the water all around them lifted and five meters high, crushing waves covered the small army rushing at them.

"Well, but seriously. When will the last boss appear." Rei mumbled.


Hanzo in his tower frowned. He saw what happened and could only sigh. No matter how many he would send, they would be drowned by these three assailants. He couldn't see them well but... obviously, three suiton users in a country perpetually covered in water was a dangerous combo. There was only one conclusion. He had to get involved himself so with another sigh, he was off to face these insolent twerps.

It didn't take him long. He arrived in front of the intruders quite fast but was surprised by what he saw. The blond woman and the pale-blond kid were making out! Now... now he felt insulted. But he was a patient AND polite man. He waited until they finished. He would give them time for their last kiss. Did he mention he was generous too?

Five minutes later… "Oi..." He was not THAT generous!

Rei finally stopped licking Tsunade's mouth as he heard an annoyed voice from behind him. He turned only to see an old man with a breathing mask who was looking at them with a deadpan stare as his eyebrow twitched. "Oh? Sorry old man. We are a bit preoccupied now. Could you come later?" Rei asked politely, discreetly preparing for a fight.

"No." Hanzo answered in deadpan but then his eyes trailed to the blond woman and he squinted. "You... the Senju?" He looked at her as if she was stupid. "Didn't you receive enough of a beating the last time we met, girl?" He asked her mockingly, remembering her temper from the last time.

Tsunade just uncaringly shrugged, startling Hanzo. "Don't care..." As she said that, thick tree trunks sprang from the ground around Hanzo and their branches attacked him. He was bewildered but managed to dodge as he saw the flatlands near his village being changed to a forest.

Grumbling, he took out his kusarigama and enhanced it with futon chakra as he mowed tree after tree in his vicinity. He suddenly found himself a target for a big fireball and clapped his hands, calling forth a Waterwall. A sizzling sound resounded through the newly-made forest as the fireball met waterwall and vapor started being created, covering the forest in a mist. Konan used that mist to discreetly move her papers all over the forest, making sure they were unseen by Hanzo.

They were fighting while trying to not use any of their signature Jutsu. Rei was good at this as he revealed only his Suiton, Raiton, and kenjutsu so far but her? She had at most her doton and futon Jutsu and those were quite limited.

Hanzo leaped up as he felt danger and a second later, ten water needles impacted the place he previously stood. "Heh, nice dodge." Rei's voice resounded through the mist.

Hanzo was about to reply when his feet landed on a branch and... he only barely managed to jump away while coating his feet in suiton chakra to prevent damage as the branch exploded. "Paper tags... now that's insulting." Hanzo commented dryly. Paper tags were the basics of basics. To use them against him... He couldn't help but praise them mentally. He landed on the ground and threw his kusarigama to the right, making it vanish in the mist.

Rei was about to unleash a raiton Jutsu as Hanzo stood in a puddle of water but he had to dodge to the left as kusarigama suddenly flew at him. "Fuck, he can sense me?" Rei was quite bewildered but didn't have time to ponder as the chain connected to the kusarigama jerked and the blade flew at him. He blocked it with a kunai and leaped back but the kusarigama's chain again pulsed and the weapon just followed Rei while he blocked its slashes and weaved through the trees but was unable to shake off the scythe.

"You are too green..." Hanzo chuckled as Rei had to use supreme effort to evade his technique but then his eyes went wide. "Shit." He exclaimed as he sidestepped a downward punch from Tsunade and saw as the ground in the entire surroundings broke, creating large pieces of the earth that rose at the pressure the punch exerted onto the ground. "Ah... you did have massive strength, didn't you?" Hanzo said when he landed a bit away and instantly threw a kunai behind himself. "Sneaking? That won't wo-"


Away from the battlefield, Konan chuckled. "Simple always works."

Hanzo coughed as he felt his back slightly burned, anger flooding him. "Paper tags again..." He grumbled as he unsheathed his second kusarigama and blocked a flurry of shuriken enhanced by futon chakra in instant only to spin on his heel and block Rei's kunai.

The two men stood and tried to overpower each other. "You are good, kid." Hanzo praised but then noted the smile on Rei and read his lips. His eyes opened wide as...


The real Rei, a bit away, chuckled. "Third time he fell for it!" He turned to Konan and high-fived while Tsunade could only chuckle.

Hanzo's eye was twitching as the dust cleared. He was not injured. He could block a freaking paper tag! That's academy level stuff! Or at least, it should be! He had enough proficiency in the suiton to do so. But it was annoying as heck... his reputation was suffering! Sighing, he put his hands together, his index fingers pointing upwards. "You asked for it, brats." He started quickly weaving hand signs and ended it with crouching and powerfully pushing his right palm into the water on the ground.

"Suiton: Shredding Wave."

Rei and Konan cursed as they felt the chakra fluctuate and a huge amount of suiton chakra was pushed into the Jutsu. Rei knew that Tsunade couldn't yet sense that well through the nature energy to distinguish what Jutsu was used as she focused more on Mokuton so he jumped to her and took her in a princess carry before jumping up, where Konan already formed a platform of papers.

They could only watch as the very small amount of water on the ground suddenly pulsed, and from Hanzo's position as its center, it spread in ripple-like motion to the surroundings, gathering more and more water, rising up to the level of a human chest. Despite being only that high, the wave of water was so pressurized, it literally shredded through the mokuton trees and the forest Tsunade built, started falling down.

"Damn... that was a blow below the belt if I see one." Rei commented while Konan nodded as Tsunade could only wryly smile. That single Jutsu covered a few hundred meters radius. It was the true testament to just how much Hanzo played with them during the fight.

Hanzo casually stood on the ground among the felled trees and cooly looked at the paper platform as he spun his kusarigama lazily, not drained or tired at all. "Well..." He started. "This is entertaining and all but I can't have you rampaging around MY village, you see. You will just have to be good kids and die." He stopped his spinning kusarigama and stuck it into the ground as his hands started weaving hand signs. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" He smashed his palm onto the ground and Rei smirked.

"Finally." Rei quietly muttered. "The rest is yours, Konan." Rei enhanced his body with raiton chakra and jumped towards the summoned Salamander. Their goal was finally reached.

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