Chapter 90 Want to live and eat? Restore China!!

The difficulty of Tingzhou, the fall of Ganzhou!

King Zhu of Lu went to sea far away, and the brothers of Tang King Zhu Yujian and Zhu Yuao were martyred.

However, what has not changed is that eastern Zhejiang, Gannan, and Fujian have all fallen, and the Qing army is pointing directly at the two Guangzhous!

“Why, Emperor Longwu died like this?”

“The Lord of Zhongxing, where is the hope of overcoming the Central Plains, was shot in Tingzhou like this?”

“Zheng Zhilong misled the country, even if you take the Son of Heaven to order the princes, you must have the ambition to it! The great enemy is currently not yet at war, why surrender first? ”

“Great ambition is difficult to achieve, and hatred ends!”

After several twists and turns, the journey in the hearts of people of all eras can be described as complicated. It is clear that a heroic lord appeared, and he fell into the hands of the enemy like this?

The light curtain has also been mentioned, Longwu is gone, who can save Daming? I am afraid that there will be no such a lord of the clan.

Chongzhen was silent, he also thought that Emperor Longwu would do something big, but he didn’t expect it to end like this. Although the backbone of the Tang Fan brothers is far greater than that of Hongguang and King Lu, it is too worthless to die.

“King Gui, Zhu Youyu? It’s him! ”

Chongzhen remembered who this was, his contemporary, and Wanli’s own grandson. Indeed, if King Fu and King Lu are gone, it should be him who ascends the throne.

“It’s just, can you afford to provoke Daming’s Jiangshan society?”

He added bitterly, but he knew that this man was cowardly and timid. Even the prison country is probably being plucked and erected.

“Li Chengdong, Jin Shenghuan, are they Han?”

Li Zicheng asked coldly, Niu Jinxing, Liu Zongmin quickly answered.

Li Chengdong is Gao Jie’s old ministry, and Jin Shenghuan is Zuo Liangyu’s old ministry! One made the three massacres of Jiading, and the other did the slaughter of Ganzhou!

It belongs to the same green battalion, which can be said to have made great contributions when the Qing army swept the world.

As far as Li Chengdong is concerned, eliminating the two emperors, shooting Emperor Longwu, and capturing Emperor Zhu Yu’ao of Shaowu can be described as the peak of the achievement of destroying the Ming Dynasty, right?

Jin Shenghuan was also not bad, turned into a wolf, killed in Jianggan, and took a province for the Qing court.

“A group of people who forget their ancestors and sell their glory can see the face of the world!”

When the generals of the Shunjun army heard the origin of the two, their white eyes were all exposed, and they couldn’t wait to slaughter the two.

Kang Qing surrendered directly, turned around, and hit Nanming, one more ruthless than the other, and the merit was greater than the eight flags.


Li Zicheng said sadly, and the thought in his heart was shaken!

[In the year of Yongli (1647), after the collapse of the Longwu Imperial Court and the Lujian Kingdom was far away at sea, this Southern Ming Imperial Court officially became the orthodox Ming Dynasty.

King Zhu of Lu traveled to Taizhou via Zhoushan and temporarily set up a base to resist the Qing along the coast.

Zhu Chenggong, who was given the surname by Emperor Longwu, also insisted on resisting the Qing Dynasty, raising a banner in South Australia and recruiting troops with the intention of recovering Fujian.

However, these forces only stood up slightly at the time!

The Qing army took into account the reluctance and directly led the army into the two broad realms, intending to overthrow the Yongli court.

The Yongli Emperor Zhu Youlu embarked on a thousand-mile escape, and he fled from Zhaoqing to Wuzhou; Zhaoqing fell, Wuzhou was in a hurry, and he fled from Wuzhou to Guilin; Under Liu Chengyin’s ostracism, Yongli fled from Guilin to Jeonju.

Then Yongli discovered that Liu Chengyin had already meant to surrender and wanted to sell him to the Qing court, and he fled to Liuzhou via Jingzhou.

The situation is difficult, the national prestige is weak, and Yongli only ends up with the title of “the son of heaven who escapes”. When he summoned He Tengjiao to help, he settled down slightly.

And Liangguang undoubtedly fell, and under the strong attack of Li Chengdong, the governor of Liangguang, Zhu Zhijian, fled without a fight.

Ding Kuichu, the head of the Yongli cabinet, was the real power faction of the two guangzhous, and he was the first hero who supported the yongli for three years.

However, this man was greedy for life and afraid of death, and seeing that the Qing army was very sharp, he wanted to beg for his life with the two million silver he had been fighting in Liangguang, and Li Chengdong disdained and killed his entire family.

Subsequently, Li Chengdong, Tong Yangjia and others began a brutal reign in Liangguang, annihilating the local loyal martyrs, and successively arrested and executed three heroes, Chen Bangyan, Chen Zizhuang, and Zhang Jiayu.

The situation was shaken, and Huguang, which was blocked by Yinxi and He Tengjiao, was also defeated one after another, and He Tengjiao lacked prestige to restrain his soldiers, resulting in Changsha, Changde and other places being destroyed, and Xiangdi was in danger.

Gao Yinxi wanted to draw his sword and kill himself to apologize for the crime of dereliction of duty. The generals hugged him, he put down his sword and cried loudly, the generals wept, and the three armies cried!

Ma Jinzhong, Wang Jincai, Yuan Zongdi, Li Guo and other left troops, the old headquarters of the Shun army, deeply felt his words and asked to serve the country. Gao Yinxi ordered him to fight, and the army was indeed brave and able to fight, with one hundred and bloody battles for several days, and finally overcame Changde, Chenzhou, Jingmen and other places to stabilize the decline!

However, the year of Yongli was a year of turmoil, and Nanming could not stop the attack of the Qing army, and he was defeated one after another!

The building is about to fall]

“Sure enough, you still can’t stop it!?”

“Since the Qing army entered the customs, who has ever deserved it? Shunjun can’t do it, Hongguang can’t do it, Longwu can’t do it, let alone Yongli? ”

“Yongli is facing a corrupt situation, the essence of Jiangnan is gone, the strategic place of Gan and Fujian is gone, what can one and two guangzhous do?”

“Damn, if Emperor Longwu had replaced Hongguang in the beginning, it would definitely not be like this!”

In general, everything is fate, one wrong step, one wrong step.

Hongguang faced the best situation, but was the most incompetent; Longwu has the heart to recover, but is unable to rely on it; The Yongli itself is not good, and it also encounters the beginning of the Heavenly Collapse!

On the contrary, Qing, the more territory is fought, the more the green battalion surrenders! The overwhelming advantage has been gradually established!

“Nanming has no minister of time!”

“No, it’s not so much that Nanming doesn’t have a minister to save time, but that Nanming doesn’t have a unified core!”

“What they lack is a figure who integrates strength, a figure that can be compared to Cao Cao.”

As the situation developed, many people saw Nanming’s weakness.

There are many soldiers and enough food, and the territory is vast, why did he fall into this situation in just two or three years, he is a figure who lacks strength!

Lack of a strongman who integrates the forces of all sides!

Without this kind of character, Nanming is a scattered sand after all!

“This kind of problem is actually a reaction to internal strife!”

“Because the prince of Chongzhen did not go south, resulting in the dragons in the south being leaderless! King Fu came to power, and King Lu resisted; The king of Tang was called emperor, and there was the king of Lu to oversee the state; Zhu Yu’ao was once again declared emperor, and King Gui oversaw the country! ”

“The battle between Fulu, Tang Lu, and Tang Gui is like a cycle, constantly consuming its own strength, and unable to condense its own fists!”

Li Shimin sighed, this is really the crux!

A strong monarch, or a courtier with ambition and a strong desire to control, is what Nanming lacks now!

Only these two types of people can gather strength!

“It’s a pity that Chongzhen didn’t let the prince go south at that time, otherwise how could there be so many troubles!”

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruxian sighed. Even if Chongzhen did not go south, it was a special mistake among the big mistakes that he did not let his heirs go south.

Including the group of Donglin scholars, they all fought for the succession to the throne.

“But such a person, where should Nanming go to find it?”

Li Ji smiled bitterly, this is also too difficult.

“Yongli’s escape, although the situation is compelling, it is not difficult to see his weak personality, he cannot afford the status of a strong monarch!”

“I can only find one Cao Cao!”

Cao Cao?

Just the environment at the end of the Ming Dynasty, can still give birth to a living Cao Cao?

The next moment, the light curtain unexpectedly stopped paying attention to the two sides of the Southern Ming and Qing armies. Instead, he focused his attention on another place – Shudi!

People were shocked to realize that they had missed a person, the Eight Great Kings Zhang Xianzhong! [While the world is fiercely competing for the crown, Shudi is also fighting continuously! ]

Zhang Xianzhong, who was also the twin stars of the uprising, made a comeback after fleeing Li Zicheng’s sphere of influence.

He gathered his people to establish the “Great West”, and in the first month of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, in order to avoid Li Zicheng’s edge, he officially marched into Shudi.

The Great Western Army successively defeated Cao Ying, and his righteous son Li Dingguo broke Qin Liangyu and completely annihilated the White Rod Army!

Rui King Zhu Changhao, Inspector Chen Shiqi, Deputy Envoy of the Armed Forces Chen Qi, Prefect Wang Xingjian and a group of Ming Dynasty clans and bureaucrats were captured and executed by the Great Western Army!

In August, the Great Western Army attacked Shu County and occupied the capital of central Sichuan!

His righteous descendants can be expected, Li Dingguo, Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi fought everywhere, Liankeya Prefecture, Mao Prefecture, and finally occupied Shu land!

In November, Zhang Xianzhong was declared emperor, the founding of the country was called Daxi, and the capital was Shu County! The Great Western Army reached its peak in Shu!

However, the Ming army in Shu is also not weak, they are either the elite of Yang Sichang’s entry into Shu, or the local heroes.

Zeng Ying, Qin Liangyu, Yu Haihai, and Yang Zhan can be described as people who have experienced hundreds of battles, they gathered their troops and attacked the Great Western Army, and the two sides fought fiercely in Shuzhong.

They have been fighting for two years, and the two sides are holding each other!

In the end, the Ming army won slightly, and under the combined counterattack of the Ming generals, the Great Western Army finally suffered a big defeat and collapsed, and defeat was inevitable!

In the south was the Ming army, in the north was already the Qing army that had defeated Li Zicheng, and Daxi was caught between the two, and he was in a dilemma.

The Qing court tried to subdue Zhang Xianzhong, Xu took the throne, coerced and lured, but Zhang Xianzhong ignored it, but strengthened his determination to resist the Qing.

To the south also dies, to the north also dies, what is the difference between dying at the hands of the Ming army and dying at the hands of the Qing army? But in the end, Zhang Xianzhong still chose to fight north!

The Qing court also increased its troops to Shuzhong, with Hao Ge the Prince of Su as the general, and Wu Sangui led the army, and rushed to the Great Western Army with all its might.

Zhang Xianzhong was determined to abandon Shu County, burn it to the ground, and kill his wife and concubine, and the only young son, also kill him!

Immediately afterwards, the army was divided into four, led by four righteous sons, each leading troops to Guanzhong to advance, and finally the western army was stationed at Phoenix Mountain.

Liu Jinzhong, a general of the Great Western Army, suddenly rebelled, surrendered Haoge, and then opened the dangerous pass and released the Qing army into Shu. Hauge, Ao Bai and others led the eight flags to advance lightly and attack in a burst!

The Great Western Army, the Qing army fought in Phoenix Mountain, the battle was extremely fierce, the Qing army general Gebuku and others were killed by the peasant army, and the rebel army also suffered heavy losses!

And in the melee, Zhang Xianzhong was pierced by Haoge’s arrow, fell to his death, and Onishi collapsed!

Before Zhang Xianzhong set off, he told the eldest grandson among the righteous sons to hope: the three hundred years of orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty may not be extinguished, and it is also the will of God. I die, and I am in a hurry, not unrighteous!

Due to Zhang Xianzhong’s sudden death, the Great Western Army also collapsed in chaos, suffering heavy casualties, and fighting the Qing army to the death was the way to death.

Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo and other four generals, gathered the remnants in danger, rushed south, and flew hundreds of miles overnight to preserve their living strength!

If you can’t go north, go south!

However, countless Shuzhong Ming generals have set up ten ambushes, Jiang Hai is defensive, and wants to strangle the remnants of Daxi.

Under the condition that he was deprived of grain for more than ten days, Daxi killed and plundered supplies all the way, rushed to cross the river and sea, and killed Zeng Ying, a famous general in Shuzhong who defeated Zhang Xianzhong several times, resulting in the collapse of more than 100,000 Ming troops in an instant.

The Great Western Army successfully broke out of the siege and rested on the Banzhou bar!

The four generals began a fierce debate about the next direction, and the eldest Sun Ke was expected to advocate going to Lingnan to seek an opportunity to go to sea; The second eldest Li Dingguo helped Nanming and restored the Daming River.

Sun and Li argued, Li Dingguo angrily stabbed himself with a knife, and the generals took the sword, tore the battle flag to wrap it up, and expressed their willingness to listen to Li Dingguo’s opinion.

Sun Kewang was no longer happy, and he could not commit public anger, so he had to withdraw his prejudices.

The four generals set up an altar alliance oath to honor Sun Kewang as the leader, and the momentum of the United Ming and anti-Qing dynasty began to form!

Following the Dashun Army joining forces with the Ming Dynasty to resist the Qing Dynasty, the Great Western Army also embarked on this road! The peasant uprising in ancient times, there are roughly two slogans!

One, I want to live, I want to eat! The second is to restore China!

The Rushun army, such as the Western Army, is the invasion of the Qing army, and it is the process of history that allowed them to go from one to two! 】

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