Scientific researchers are performers who perform the rise of the light of fusion for the whole world on the spring evening.

Mr. Lin’s words directly awakened the surging blood in the bodies of every expert present.

What scientist can refuse such a performance?

You know, the Spring Festival Gala of the Dragon Kingdom is a stage for those bright stars to perform every year

And the performances are all song and dance sketches and the like, there has not been much innovation for decades, and the audience has long been tired of watching it.

In contrast,

Their scientific researchers are generally anonymous and silently contribute to national science and technology.

And now, Chief Engineer Lin said that they can also go to the surface and be on the Spring Festival Gala stage like those big stars

Performed in front of 1.4 billion people in the Dragon Kingdom and more than 70 billion people around the world.

Most importantly,

The performance is also the most brilliant controllable nuclear fusion power generation in the history of human technology.

Imagine that

The live camera is aimed at billions of people around the world who bring controlled fusion reactors to life

A deuterium-tritium mixture is injected into the star-imitation device, and then laser heating is turned on, and a round of ‘artificial sun’ in the controlled nuclear fusion device slowly rises.

Just a few controlled nuclear fusion reactors, releasing the light of fusion, the electricity generated is enough to re-light the dragon kingdom in the night.

Such a scene is too shocking.

An expert trembled with excitement and stepped forward.

“Chief Engineer Lin, what you said is really exciting.”

“However, can we really make the Spring Festival Gala performed by those stars become the Spring Festival Gala performed by our scientific researchers?”

Lin Xueming turned his gaze, stared at Minister Ding, and said:

“This is just my planned plan, and as for whether the country can pass or not, it is up to our Minister Ding to consult with the highest level.”

Lin Xueming did not worry much about this, he believed that no one would refuse this grand plan.

Minister Ding waved his hand and said, “Rest assured, I will definitely report this great plan and then carefully explain the impact of this plan.”

“I believe that the highest level will agree to this plan after listening.”

Minister Ding patted his chest and assured the big guys that he was very confident that the plan would be approved by the highest levels.

The experts were very happy to hear Minister Ding say this.

“Well, Minister Ding, then please!”

“It’s really not okay, let’s go to the book together, and the country will definitely pass it.”

Minister Ding raised his hand to suppress the restless crowd and said:

“Folks, I still want this plan to pass than you do, so don’t worry, just wait for my good news.”

The experts were much quieter at this point.

At this time,

One of the experts walked out and said expectantly:

“Mr. Lin, you can tell us more about this plan in a general way


“Yes, General Engineer Lin, if you talk about it again, we will listen to it again and enjoy it.”

Lin Xueming also did not twist, and once again made a summary explanation of the plan for the power generation of controlled nuclear fusion reactors.

First of all, the first step is naturally to go to the Three Gorges Dam to find a suitable construction site.

Then the construction of a controlled fusion reactor began.

The entire construction period must be completed at the beginning of January.

During the period, the national level needs to stop the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala of entertainment stars, and notify the directors and stars of the Spring Festival Gala of the changes of the Spring Festival Gala.

When the Spring Festival is approaching, the relevant departments should issue a notice to the people of the whole country: on the night of the Spring Festival, the power system of the whole country will be greatly adjusted and the power supply will be suspended.

Wait until the day of the Spring Festival

When night falls,

It will take the form of global live broadcast to officially open the Spring Festival Gala program.

Under the gaze of billions of viewers

Act I

Researchers will first shut down the Three Gorges Hydropower Station

At that time, the area supplied by the Three Gorges Hydropower Station will be cut off and plunged into darkness

Subsequently, the power supply in other areas will be cut off one after another, and the power supply system of the entire Dragon Kingdom will be completely cut off.

Under satellite search,

You will find that the entire land of the Dragon Kingdom has fallen into darkness.

At this time,

Live view cut,

Cut to a controlled fusion reactor,

This scientific device that has plagued the world for decades will be presented to the eyes of the world’s people

The electricity generated by the controlled nuclear fusion device will be connected to the Dragon Kingdom power supply system.

At that time, audiences all over the world will see a scene that will last a lifetime.

The Longguo people use the great technology of controlled nuclear fusion to generate electricity

The dark Dragon Kingdom Earth was lit up again.

This is a change in power generation technology, and it is also a change in the Dragon Kingdom.


The crowd listened with blood.

“I found that Lin Zonggong is stacking buff, controllable nuclear fusion + Three Gorges Dam + Spring Festival Gala + global live broadcast, this series superimposed, that effect, I dare not think.”

“This is far more than 1+1=2, and this initiative will be the greatest performance of the twenty-first century.”

“Did Mr. Lin ever work at UC, and how did he come up with so many shocking plans?”

Some experts are also outdated, and some trend-following terms blurt out.

Although everyone is thinking about it

But some have also noticed problems with the plan.

At that time, once the Three Gorges Hydropower Station is shut down, power stations all over the country will be shut down


The entire Dragon Kingdom will be interrupted in electricity.

The power outage of each household does not have much impact

But what about hospitals, state organs, these places that can’t have power outages?!

Moreover, this power outage is bound to cause the suspension of production of enterprises, how much economic loss will it bring?!

Some of them stood up and asked Lin Xueming these questions.

Lin Xueming had a bottom in his heart and answered without hurrying.

“The questions raised by this expert deserve special attention.”

“First of all, our plan must be coordinated by the state.”

“At that time, the relevant state departments must be through television and major network platforms


The news that the power will be cut off on the night of the Spring Festival and how long it will be stopped will reach the ears of every Dragon Country person. ”

“Especially in industries such as hospitals and transportation, where power outages will have a huge impact, it is even more necessary to send personnel to notify them in person, so that they can activate backup power equipment before the power outage to safely survive the power outage.”

“As for what an expert just said, the power outage will cause immeasurable economic losses.”

Lin Xueming looked at the experts and said:

“We must take a long-term view, and we can’t short-sightedly stare at a small loss in front of us.”

“Although the power outage during this period will cause certain economic losses,”

“But once the whole world knew that Dragon Kingdom lit up the whole country with controlled nuclear fusion power generation,” he said

“At that time, Long Guowei’s deterrent influence on the world could not be exchanged for much money.”

“Not to mention that controlled nuclear fusion power generation will eliminate oil, media and other resources, and when other countries rush to hope that controlled nuclear fusion power generation can enter their own countries, how much economic value will be brought to the Dragon Kingdom.”

“Good!” It turned out that these forest workers had taken into account.

While everyone was impressed, they all applauded.


“Mr. Lin, what if our controlled fusion power generation fails?”

An untimely voice sounded.



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Ask for a review ticket!

Ask for a monthly pass!

The big guys who have votes have voted, and there is no data to panic!

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