Chapter 107 Project in full swing! Lin Xueming served as the chief designer of the two major projects at the same time!!

“Hahaha……… Space Mothership! What an aerospace mothership! ”

There was a sound of laughter coming from the other end of the phone.

“Sure enough, it is Chief Engineer Lin, and he has brought an earth-shattering surprise to the Dragon Kingdom this time!” This surprise is no less than controlled nuclear fusion. Chief Engineer Lin is really the lucky god of my Dragon Kingdom! ”

After Minister Ding was pleased, he instructed: “Commander Bai, you first go back and let the experts stand by, and my side will immediately report to the highest level, and then rush to the military headquarters as soon as possible with the order.” ”

Minister Ding hung up the phone and excitedly dialed the phone to the highest level.

“Hello, leadership, great news: our engines and the air and space motherships in the military field have made major breakthroughs. These are also the handiwork of Mr. Lin Xueming, the chief engineer of controlled nuclear fusion. ”

Military Conference Room.

Commander White said, “Dear experts, wait patiently for a while, I have already reported to the highest level, I believe the order will come down soon.” ”

“It’s okay, we’ll wait a little longer!”

“Yes, good things are more grinding, and it is important to study these drawings at this time!”

A bunch of experts are very patient.


They poured their hearts into these drawings and loved it.

You know, these materials represent the most advanced science and technology,

For them as researchers, that was a fatal temptation.

More than half an hour passed,

The special plane of the Ministry of Science and Technology finally stopped on the playground of the Military Department, and Minister Ding did not delay for a moment and immediately rushed to the conference room.


The door to the conference room opens.

“Minister Ding, you are finally here!”

The White Commander stood up to greet him.

“Commander White, important matters cannot be delayed, and the project must be approved as soon as possible!”

Minister Ding said hello,

At the same time, he walked towards Lin Xueming’s position.

He said excitedly, “Mr. Lin, you are simply the lucky star of our Dragon Kingdom, and this time you have given the whole country a big surprise!” ”

Lin Xueming smiled modestly: “As a young man in the Dragon Kingdom, it has always been my dream to strengthen the country and the army. ”


Minister Ding also stopped talking nonsense and immediately said to everyone: “Experts and professors! ”

“Next will be the high-level directive.”

Minister Ding waved his hand,

A man in a special uniform standing behind him walked in.

He walked straight to Lin Xueming’s side and saluted: “Mr. Lin Xueming, the director of the Second Propaganda Department under the highest level of the Dragon Kingdom, Li Mingyang!” ”

“Ordered to read out Order Twenty-Eight to you!”

Li Mingyang opened the document in his hand and read it out: “Order No. 28: Mr. Lin Xueming submitted a controllable nuclear fusion engine and space carrier technology, and after the authoritative experts demonstrated that it is feasible, the controllable nuclear fusion engine project and the construction of the space and space carrier project are immediately put on the agenda.” ”

After the high-level research decision, Lin Xueming was appointed as the chief designer of the controllable nuclear fusion engine project! At the same time, he served as the chief designer of the space mothership project! ”

“In addition, Minister Ding Feng of the Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for raising and mobilizing all resources to fully cooperate with Mr. Lin Xueming to complete the two major projects!”

“The project is established!”

“The controlled nuclear fusion engine and the space mothership are set up at the same time!”

“Whew… This speed shows the determination of the country to develop controllable nuclear fusion engines and space carriers! ”

The experts and scholars present all showed excitement.

This project is not delayed at all,

One by one, they were gearing up for a big fight.

They seem to have seen the space mothership flying up into the sky under the impetus of a controlled nuclear fusion engine!

Li Mingyang closed the order letter and handed it to Lin Xueming.

“Chief Designer Lin, congratulations!”

Lin Xueming held this heavy letter of appointment and said solemnly: “Ensure the completion of the task and live up to the expectations of the country!” ”

Lin Xueming held this letter of appointment,

Touching the cover,

How he feels at this time is different from the last appointment to the controlled nuclear fusion program The last time he was more excited,

And this time he felt more of the country’s great expectations for him! Open the first page, stamped with a solemn steel seal.

On each page was the words “Top State Secrets.” One by one, the experts looked at the appointment letter and cast awe-struck eyes, and they marveled at the strength of the young Lin Zong designer in front of them. Controlled Fusion Chief Designer!

Chief Designer of Controlled Nuclear Fusion Engine! Chief Designer of Aerospace Mothership!

How valuable are these titles!

Casually take out a existence that is all gods!

But……… Designer Lin single-handedly won three at the age of just over 20 years old!

Let the scientific research experts feel in their hearts that the gap between them and the genius is like a gap!

Lin Xueming watched carefully…………

On the letter of appointment,

Sacred cover, signature of the highest leadership, solemn steel seal.

He looks down at the many experts,

He said solemnly, “Guys! ”

“Two major projects have been established!”

“These are the most priority projects of the country, according to the instructions of the order book, you must put down the project at hand, immediately focus on the engine and the space mothership, please, can you do it?”

“Rest assured, Chief Designer Lin, our project is nothing compared to these two!”

“Participating in such a big project is the most brilliant moment for a scientist!” You won’t let me go! ”

“Get moving, I can’t wait to start building.”

Dozens of experts have not quit, this kind of project can participate, it is the dream of countless scientific researchers for a lifetime.

Who’s going to quit, that’s the brain problem! Lin Xueming nodded,

Turning to the White Army Commander and asking, “White Army Commander, the principle of the project experimental site is close to the principle, it is selected in your military headquarters, is there any suitable location?” ”

The commander of the White Army replied without hesitation: “The weapons research and development center of the military department has all kinds of advanced instruments and equipment, and it is completely in line with the conditions!” ”

Lin Xueming immediately announced.


“I declare as chief designer:”

“The experimental site of the project is set at the weapons research and development center of the military department.”

“The controlled nuclear fusion engine project and the space carrier project are going on at the same time!”

“But considering the subordination,”

“Priority is given to the development of controlled nuclear fusion engines.”

“According to the physical engine power parameters, then correct the relevant design of the space mothership!”

Lin Xueming laid out one by one.

Two world-shaking projects are in full swing! Please subscribe to Ah Yu!

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