Chapter 114 The Aerospace Mothership Test Flight Success! Dragon Kingdom announces the upcoming debut of a new aircraft carrier!!

“The space mothership is successfully assembled!”

As the voice of Chief Designer Lin fell,

Everyone present erupted in deafening cheers.

The waves resounded across the sky!

“Success, we succeed!”

“Hahaha… We really built the space mothership. ”

“The Air Fortress is simply another miracle following the controlled nuclear fusion technology!”

“From now on, our space mothership will be synonymous with strength: one by one, the people present are excited, and they can’t help themselves.”

If it weren’t for the country’s highest secret,


One by one, they were eager to pull out their mobile phones and show off this miracle to the world.

“Chief Designer Lin, we really succeeded!”

“I’m so excited, and I thank you on behalf of the Navy! The white army commander shook Lin Xueming’s hand with an excited face.”

The big guy in front of you, called the space carrier, is incomparable to a traditional aircraft carrier.

For their soldiers,

It is extremely proud to have such an advanced weapon and equipment that has led other countries for decades.

“This space carrier will certainly be generous and glorious in the military field in the future!”

Lin Xueming said with a deep gaze, “However, at this moment, we still need to verify whether it can fly in the end.” ”

“Captain White, let’s go, let’s go and have a look!”

The White Commander followed Chief Lin to the space mothership.

He was horrified.

“Chief Designer Lin means… To test the field whether the space mothership can fly? ”

Lin Xueming came to the deck several hundred meters high.

Looking down at this moment, there is a tremor coming from the bottom of my heart.

Especially the White Commander, who boarded an aircraft carrier,

The feeling of standing on an air carrier at this moment and the feeling of being on an ordinary aircraft carrier are really very different.

Lin Xueming announced to everyone through the loudspeaker: “Everyone, the space mothership has been assembled, everything is normal!” ”

“However, the power of the space carrier is that it can fly to the sky, and if this function cannot be realized, then this space carrier will fail!”

Lin Xueming raised his voice: “Next! ”

“Let’s witness the flying sky mothership together!”

“Flying? Can it really fly? ”

“Six controlled fusion engines, I believe it will be able to fly.”

“Chief Designer Lin personally boarded the space carrier, and he showed that he trusted the performance of the space carrier very much!”

“Hiss half a million tons of super space mothership flying into the sky, I am super looking forward to this epoch-making moment!”

One by one, the people discussed excitedly.

Lin Xueming gave instructions to the command room.

“Start the power engine!”

The commander in the command room presses the power button!

“Power Number One engine starts!”

“Power number two engine starts!”

“Power Number Six engine starts!”


A muffled sound came from inside the hull.

That’s the sound of the engine at work.

Lin Xueming continued to issue instructions: “Increase the power and start lifting!” With the control of the commander,”

The Sky Mothership as a whole made a movement!

The crowd below was so nervous that they couldn’t do it!

One by one, they clenched their fists, and success or failure was in one fell swoop! Under the gaze of everyone.


Only to see that the space mothership really broke away from the assembly table.

“Maayah. Fly, really fly! ”

“Although it is only a few tens of centimeters away from the platform, the space mothership has really risen!”

“Whew. Oh my heart! It’s almost jumping out! ”

“God forbid! Get up! Keep up! Rise to the sky! One by one, the staff members watched in amazement as the changes made by the space mothership occurred. And Lin Xueming and others on the space mothership naturally felt it. ”

Lin Xueming was full of anger and ordered: “Continue to rise!” As the commander operates,”

The space carrier as a whole rose to an altitude of one thousand meters at a relatively fast speed.

Moreover, in the process of ascent, the mothership as a whole is stable, and there is no bump

The White Commander was so excited that he couldn’t do it,

“Chief Designer Lin, the space mothership really flew up!”

“We really succeeded! Mr. Lin, you are also too powerful! ”

“The performance of this space carrier is also too powerful!”

Lin Xueming smiled modestly,”

“The performance of this space carrier is average, and there are many improvements in the follow-up.”

It’s not nonsense.

The first time an air-space carrier was developed, it really needed to be improved according to the status of flight and data feedback.

And the people below were now staring round with their eyes.

Stretch your neck and stare straight at the behemoth in the sky.

“Fly up, it must be more than a thousand meters away.”

“The Sky Mothership really looks like a castle in the air!”

“Obediently, if the armies of other countries saw this, they would be stunned in an instant, and there would be the power of a war!”

“This is the deterrent power of the future science and technology space mothership, and the light momentum can scare off the enemy!”

Lin Xueming continued to direct the space mothership to conduct some tests.

Like what.

Flexible steering in the air! Climb at lightning speed!

All the tests were done perfectly!


Lin Xueming gave an order.

“Land the space carrier in the waters!” The space mothership landed slowly,”

Finally, it successfully landed on the surface of the water, pressing a large splash of water.

At this time, the space mothership is parked on the water,


It’s just a huge version of an aircraft carrier.

No one would have thought that this thing could still fly into the sky! Lin Xueming walked off the deck.

Loud applause erupted below.

“Pretty, so pretty!”

“Congratulations on the success of the first flight of the space mothership, long live the Dragon Kingdom!”

“From now on, the water, land and air of this blue star are decided by our Dragon Kingdom!”

Let the staff cheer and celebrate.

Lin Xueming returned to the office,

Dial Minister Ding of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Telephone connection,

Lin Xueming said calmly: “Minister Ding, do not fail in your mission, the space mothership has been successfully developed!” Test flight successful! ”

An excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Mr. Lin, on behalf of the country, I thank you and the team for your efforts!”

“You’ve worked hard!”

“I will immediately report this to the highest level!”

After a while,

National No. 1 Satellite TV solemnly announced.

【On September 25, 2023, the aircraft carrier No. 5 of Dragon Kingdom will be officially unveiled! 】 】

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