Crazy grabbing people!

In Laboratory No. 5,
There was only Tang Zhenli’s voice on the phone alone.
“Okay, okay, Mom, don’t worry, I have something else to do, I’ll hang up first!”
After chatting for a while, the estrangement between mother and son due to Tang Zhenli’s insistence to study a junior college also dissipated.
After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhenli was very focused before, but after picking up the phone, he always felt that something was not right…
He slowly turned around and glanced at it, but when he turned around, his expression suddenly became stiff.
Tang Zhenli: “…………”
A group of experts and scholars: “……”
I am most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.
Looking at a group of experts and scholars with strange expressions, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment.
What is this scenario? ? ?
Then he scanned the crowd and found several familiar faces.
Among them are some of the faces that appear regularly in Nature journals.
He understood in an instant that Longke University received his email…  
At this time, I saw that Hu Jianye had the fastest reaction. After finishing his attire, he walked straight towards Tang Zhenli, and then stretched out a hand.
“Hello, classmates, I’m Hu Jianye, director of the Longguo Materials Research Institute. At present, our institute is in urgent need of talents like you. With your ability, your education is not important. If you want, I will arrange for you to join tomorrow. !”
Tang Zhenli also reached out his hand subconsciously and shook hands with Hu Jianye. After hearing Hu Jianye’s words, he didn’t react a bit. He has never been very good at this kind of interpersonal communication.
Fu Zhiyuan’s expression stiffened, and he was immediately anxious.
“This old Hu is shameless, digging corners in front of me…”
He murmured silently, and without waiting for Tang Zhenli to answer, he quickly stepped forward.
“Hello, classmate Tang, I am Fu Zhiyuan, the dean of Longke University, and now I sincerely invite you to come to our school for undergraduate study!”
“Old Master, you!”
Hu Jianye suddenly became irritated, and glared at Fu Zhiyuan quickly.
“What are you, Lao Hu, you don’t bring such a robbing person. Haven’t you heard that people want to upgrade to a bachelor’s degree? Where does your research institute have the ability to upgrade to a master’s degree?”
Fu Zhiyuan had a good reason, he said calmly.
Other experts and scholars also reacted, but it was difficult for them to interject.
“Yeah, our research institute is not capable of upgrading to a bachelor’s degree, don’t you Dragon University of Science and Technology also have no bachelor’s degree!”
As expected of all extremely smart people, Hu Jianye instantly thought of his rebuttal point of view, which research leader is not a debater, otherwise, how to implement his research direction.
Unexpectedly, Fu Zhiyuan remained calm, watching Hu Jianye grit his teeth.
“Who said we didn’t have an undergraduate degree? Isn’t this a rumor?”
“Tell me, when did your Longke University have a bachelor’s degree? If you don’t say why today, I don’t blame me for disregarding decades of friendship!”
Hu Jianye almost laughed angrily and said angrily to Fu Zhiyuan.
“I just decided, didn’t I?”
Fu Zhiyuan looked arrogant and said to Hu Jianye lightly.
Hu Jianye: “…………”
Experts and scholars: “…………”
When Fu Zhiyuan’s voice fell, whether it was Hu Jianye or other experts and scholars, there was silence.
As the dean of China University of Science and Technology, he can actually say such words that confuse black and white.
In order to rob people, this old guy is so shameless, he doesn’t have any shame at all!
Seeing that everyone was speechless, Fu Zhiyuan showed a smile on his face, fighting with him. The pure scientific researchers in front of him were still a little tender, and it was almost the same to invite the principals of major universities.
Then he turned his head and said in an extremely gentle tone to Tang Zhenli, who was still watching the fun.
“Xiao Tang, I’m afraid you don’t know yet. Your grandfather Tang Heguang and I are old acquaintances! He used to always mention you in front of me! When you were young, I hugged you…”
Deeply afraid that Tang Zhenli would run away, at this moment Fu Zhiyuan actually took out his friendship with Grandpa Tang Zhenli.
Hu Jianye and a group of experts and scholars who looked straight at him were once again contemptuous.
However, this effect is also remarkable. Tang Zhenli could only shout politely when he saw that Fu Zhiyuan had said so.
“Okay! I really didn’t expect you to be so big in a blink of an eye.…”
Fu Zhiyuan said with joy when he heard the words, the folds on his face suddenly bloomed like a chrysanthemum.
Unexpectedly, seeing this gesture in the eyes of a group of experts and scholars, their hearts moved one after another.
Many experts and scholars from other famous schools walked silently to the corner of the No. 5 laboratory and took out their phones.
Now the most important thing is not the controllable nuclear fusion device,
The current value of this young man has far exceeded the controllable nuclear fusion device!
“Hello? Is that the principal? I’m Li Huijie?”
An expert from Kyoto University directly called the president of Kyoto University.
“Old Li? What’s the matter?”
There was a thick voice on the other end of the phone, and as soon as I heard it, I knew it was a calm person speaking.
“It’s like this, didn’t I research at Longke University? Now I have found a genius, a genius who can change the world! I want to dig him into our school…”
Professor Li was interrupted halfway through his speech.
There was an exclamation from the phone, and then there was no answer.
Old Professor Li also knows that this kind of news is too terrifying. After all, changing the world pattern is not a casual talk!
The principal needs some time to adjust his mentality.
Sure enough, a moment later came an anxious voice, no longer as calm as before.
“In this way, Lao Li, I will now give you the highest authority of Kyoto University. Within my authority, no matter what conditions the genius puts forward, as long as he can be dug up, he will agree!”
When Professor Li heard the words, he was not excited, but instead said into the phone in frustration.
“No, Principal, Fu Zhiyuan, the dean of Longke University, personally poached people here. I’m afraid of my weight……”
“What? Old Fu is here too? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I’ll come over myself!”
The voice on the phone just fell, and without waiting for Old Professor Li to answer, he was hung up instantly.
It seems that the president of Kyoto University is on his way now.
And similar situations continue to occur in the offices of the principals of the famous schools in Long Kingdom……
At this moment, even the calm expression on Fu Zhiyuan’s face disappeared.
With an ugly face, he looked at the experts and scholars who came back after the phone call.
In order to rob me of the first undergraduate student of Dragon University of Science and Technology, everyone is so shameless!
Ashamed to be in the company of these people! Pooh!
Fu Zhiyuan didn’t even need to guess, he knew that the principals of the famous schools in Longguo were on their way!

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