Class Reunion (Part 2)
Inside the luxury private room,
The situation in front of him made him a little unhappy in his heart, and finally his eyes seemed to glance at Tang Zhenli,
In fact, he didn’t like Tang Zhenli when he was in high school, and no one likes the same-sex who shines around him!
When my mind moved, I heard that Tang Zhenli is a specialist…  
However, the next scene made his heart tighten.
I saw Wu Shaoying outline a beautiful arc at the corners of her mouth at this time, and while holding the vegetables to Tang Zhenli’s bowl, she said,
“Tang Zhenli, the sliced ​​meat here is very good, you can try it…”
Tang Zhenli was slightly taken aback when he saw this, looked at the sliced ​​meat in his bowl, and smiled faintly.
“That’s for a taste!”
When Tang Zhenli put the piece of meat he had put into his mouth, Wu Shaoying had an inexplicable feeling that the years were quiet.
And at this moment,
Only then did Wu Shaoying notice that the atmosphere on the dining table was strangely quiet, and her mind turned away from Tang Zhenli.
I saw the four high school classmates present, except for Min Min, who had been eating, all of them were staring at her with a little weirdness at the moment, constantly scanning her, and occasionally turning to Tang Zhenli who didn’t notice.
Wu Shaoying’s face was slightly hot, and her right hand subconsciously tugged the hair between her eyebrows.
Quickly picked up a piece of twice-cooked pork that was fried to the color of sugar, and said directly to Minmin, who was eating a lot, in a short tone.
“Minmin, the twice-cooked pork here is also a must, try it!”
“Well, thank you…Thank you!”
Minmin, whose face was about to be buried in the plate, raised her head slightly when she heard the words, and mumbled indistinctly.
Afterwards, she glanced at the classmates with a smile on her face. Seeing that their faces were no different, Wu Shaoying breathed a sigh of relief.
However, in the eyes of everyone, this move also made Zhuang Qiang look a little complicated, and then inadvertently glanced over there, but this time, he was not looking at Wu Shaoying, but at Tang Zhenli.
With a smile on his face, he pretended to casually speak to Tang Zhenli.
“Zhenli, have you thought about what to do in the future…”
Tang Zhenli was slightly startled when he heard the words, as if he did not expect Zhuang Qiang to take the initiative to talk to him. He has never been very familiar with Zhuang Qiang, or in other words, all high school classmates are not very familiar with him.
After all, he was still devoted to the theoretical study of controllable nuclear fusion at that time, but out of politeness, he replied with a smile on his face.
“I didn’t think about it, first learn to improve yourself…” Tang Zhenli never thought that he had reached the point where he didn’t need to study.
In his opinion, there is no end to learning. He entered the school to better find some learning materials. This is why he never wavered in his choice and only wanted to choose Dragon Academy directly under the Dragon Academy.
Because there, it is possible to get in touch with some truly top-notch and confidential information, so that you can improve yourself faster.
Tang Zhenli said casually,But when Zhuang Qiang heard the words, he glanced at the corner of his mouth, as if there was a little disdain, but he hid it well and was not discovered by others.
“The god of learning is really good at joking. There is an opportunity to learn from ordinary colleges!” Zhuang Qiang said seemingly inadvertently.
As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene instantly quieted down. Wu Shaoying, who was sitting next to Tang Zhenli, looked nervous, and looked at Tang Zhenli worriedly from time to time, fearing that Tang Zhenli would be stimulated.
Even Minmin, who was eating all the time, raised her head vigilantly, her eyes kept looking around.
Their class was the top class among the top students in high school, and the undergraduate rate in all previous years was 100%.
Basically, the students in the class are all top academics. Although they are not as good as Tang Zhenli, they are more than enough to go to some famous schools in Longguo!
Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli lowered his head slightly, with a nonchalant smile on the corner of his mouth, and said calmly.
“Study is regardless of venue, no matter whether it’s a specialist or a bachelor’s degree!”
Seeing that the atmosphere was very tense at the moment, the other students hurried out to smooth things over and applauded. However, they were obviously very surprised that Tang Zhenli was studying in a junior college. They looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.
Wu Shaoying held the dish between her hands and tasted it gracefully, but with her head lowered, there was a trace of disgust in her eyes.
“I was the one who was being rude, the god of learning is worthy of being the god of learning! Enlightenment is high, come, let me toast you!”
At this moment, Zhuang Qiang also reacted well, with a commercial smile on his face.
It’s not at all as cautious as when he first came here, but he actually looks a bit slick, like a businessman.
It seems that what he said before is true. He is indeed working on some lucrative projects.
Tang Zhenli doesn’t care whether Zhuang Qiang is intentional or not, it doesn’t hinder his state of mind. He has been immersed in academic research for many years, and he has long developed a calm attitude.
It is also because of this temperament that he was named a god of learning in high school!
Otherwise, it would be impossible to win the title of a student god in the fourth middle school full of talents.
So at this moment, he also appeared very indifferent, raised his glass to gesture to Zhuang Qiang, and took a drink.
However, Zhuang Qiang still had an unrelenting look. Regardless of the dissuasion from the eyes of the students around him, he said again on his own,
“To be honest, the society now only has a college degree, and the job I will find in the future will not be able to support me at all. Zhenli, you might as well learn from me and do it…”
After the words fell, the atmosphere in the venue was suffocated again. Zhuang Qiang’s words seemed to be sincere, but judging from his current expression, he looked completely superior.
Tang Zhenli’s expression remained unchanged, and he shook his head slightly. Just as he was about to speak, the familiar ringtone of his mobile phone suddenly rang.
“Yes, I am!”
“Okay, I’ll be right back!”
Following the communication on the phone, everyone saw that Tang Zhenli’s expression became more and more serious, and they couldn’t help being curious.
“Yeah, I’m coming back now!”
After Tang Zhenli hung up the phone, he rubbed his brows slightly. The Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion encountered some problems, and he had to go back now.
After adjusting his state in an instant, everyone looked at him curiously.
Not knowing how to explain it for a while, Tang Zhenli could only say apologetically,
“Sorry, I have something to do temporarily, I have to go!”
Afterwards, Tang Zhenli stood up and walked towards the door. As for Zhuang Qiang’s words, he just ignored them.
With a sound of ‘shua’, Wu Shaoying glanced at the crowd slightly, and said apologetically,
“Everyone continue to eat, but I have arranged for someone to buy it, and I will give it to him!”
After that, he ran towards Tang Zhenli with small steps.
“Tang Zhenli, wait for me!”
After the two left, they looked at each other tacitly, and then discussed.
“Hey, tell me, is there… a problem with these two!”
“I think it is, you look at the eyes of big stars and Tang Zhenli, they are almost inseparable!”
The few people present chatted and started a discussion.
Only Zhuang Qiang’s face turned pale, not only because Tang Zhenli ignored him just now, but also because he seemed to feel Wu Shaoying’s estrangement intentionally or unintentionally.
This is completely contrary to what he thought.
“I’m going to the bathroom!”
The few people were chatting happily, Minmin suddenly stood up, and then hurriedly walked towards the door.

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