The problem of large-scale controllable nuclear fusion devices!

Emgrand Hotel,
Under the giant dome used for welcoming guests,
After Tang Zhenli’s car left, Wu Shaoying still stared blankly at the direction where Tang Zhenli was leaving.
Suddenly, a magnetic voice came, Wu Shaoying turned her head and saw that Sister Xia and the little assistant were slowly walking towards her.
“Okay, don’t look at it, eat half of it and leave, who are you!”
When Sister Xia’s slightly teasing voice entered her ears, the taste changed completely.
Immediately, Wu Shaoying’s beautiful eyebrows instinctively raised slightly, and Qiong’s nose also subconsciously wrinkled, which was all her unhappy expression.
Subconsciously, he defended Tang Zhenli in his mind.
“What, he’s so busy right now, something important must have happened, or else he wouldn’t be in such a hurry to leave!”
When Sister Xia heard the words, she couldn’t help but said angrily, and while she said that, she also clicked on Wu Shaoying’s bright and clean forehead with a look of hatred.
“Eh, eh, haven’t the two of you been told yet? Now I’m starting to speak for him? I’m aggrieved for you, but you’re better off, turn your elbows out!”
Wu Shaoying snorted arrogantly from her nose, making the little assistant who was watching the two arguing secretly snicker.
When Sister Xia saw Wu Shaoying’s appearance, she felt a little helpless in her heart, and then asked her.
“Then will you go back next?”
“No, I’m tired, go back to the room!”
After speaking, Wu Shaoying moved lightly and walked directly towards the hotel.
Sister Xia and the little assistant looked at Wu Shaoying’s back and shook their heads slightly.
Fool, it’s not obvious to tell your classmates that this class reunion is for Tang Zhenli?
As they walked, Wu Shaoying paused for a while, as if thinking of something, then continued walking, but said a word without looking back,
“Xiao Yin, go and settle the bill!”
Immediately, the little assistant could only weakly answer, Xiao Yin called her.
“It’s really hopeless!”
Inexplicably, Sister Xia and the little assistant tacitly murmured in their hearts!
Inside the Controlled Fusion Research Institute,
In a huge laboratory, there are many large accessories and a large assembled sphere.
There are also rows of cranes and robotic arms engaged in precision operations!
At first glance, it seemed as if he had come to the future world.
And this laboratory is said to be a laboratory, but in fact this is a large-scale nuclear power plant that can be put into use at any time.
The assembly of the large tokamak is just about to go!
It seems that the country has already considered it. Once the large-scale tokamak device is successfully developed, this controllable nuclear fusion research institute will immediately be transformed into the first nuclear fusion nuclear power plant in the Dragon Country!
In addition to many large accessories, there are also many scientific research staff gathered around.
It’s just that the expressions on their faces were not quite right at this time. They all looked at the accessories in the field with a serious look, and most of them were looking at the large sphere.
It was the reactor of the tokamak device, but it was many times larger than the one Tang Zhenli used.
It is like a huge dome, covering the hearts of everyone.
“How is it, has the problem been solved?”
At this time, an old man in a chemical protective suit appeared in everyone’s field of vision and was anxiously asking a group of scientific researchers.
“Deputy Manager Fan, not yet!”
The leading research scholar touched the sweat on his forehead and said nervously to the old man.
The old man’s name is Fan Hongbo. As a pioneer in the field of controllable nuclear fusion theory in Longguo, he is also the deputy chief engineer of the Research Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion, and Tang Zhenli’s deputy.
Fan Hongbo’s hair is all white, and his wrinkled old face is full of wind and frost, but his eyes are piercing.
“Where’s Chief Engineer Tang? Have you been in touch?”
“I got in touch, he’s on his way back now!”
The previous leading scientific researcher replied immediately.Fan Hongbo’s face changed for a while, he thought again and again, and said to a group of scientific researchers.
“Expert inspection teams from all over the country are coming. Get ready and see if you can solve the problem of uneven heating of the new material coating inside the internal reactor as soon as possible!”
When all the scientific research workers heard it, their expressions became solemn. The inspection team that could make Fan Lao take seriously must have gathered leading scholars in all relevant fields of the Dragon Kingdom.
But then I felt a bitterness in my heart. Given the current situation, if I could figure out a solution earlier, I wouldn’t be stuck here forever.
But I didn’t dare to say this to Mr. Fan, otherwise, with Mr. Fan’s violent temper, it would definitely be another scolding.
Right now, we can only brainstorm and try to discuss solutions as soon as possible.
Outside the Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion,
Dozens of imposing helicopters slowly landed on the playground of the institute.
Afterwards, more than 100 people descended from the helicopters one after another, led by the former middle-aged soldier Liu Chi.
A star shines brightly under the sunlight.
Naturally, such a powerful group of people are not others.
The expert inspection team mentioned by Fan Hongbo has arrived!
“Old professors, the Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion is here, please!”
Liu Chi said politely to the old man of the hundred or so numbers, with a hint of respect in his tone.
After all, this is the real fruit of Longguo’s scientific research community, even with his status, he has to be respected!
“This is the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Institute?”
“It seems to be doing well…”
After the members of the inspection team landed, they first looked at the newly built research institute and nodded slightly in their hearts.
Different people have different thoughts in their hearts, but after all, this is an investigation, and it is inevitable to find some problems.
After all, these are experts and scholars of Long Guo on the application of controllable nuclear fusion.
Among them, there are many experts in weapons manufacturing.
After all, the application fields of controllable nuclear fusion devices are too wide.
Whether it is for civilian use or military use, the importance of controllable nuclear fusion devices is too great!
Here alone, there are at least dozens of different leading scholars in professional fields.
Not to mention the new areas that they continue to extend after the technology is applied!
Therefore, the members of the expert inspection team were excited and looking forward to it. After all, they knew that the small tokamak device had been successfully developed.
Now, as long as we wait for the successful assembly and operation of the large tokamak device,
Each of them can usher in a huge breakthrough in their respective fields.
After all, the foundation of scientific research and the foundation of human progress lie in two words – energy!

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