The gentleman sits and talks about the Tao, and the young man gets up and walks!

Shanghai Shanghai Airport,
The flight lounge leading to Yandu,
After Wu Shaoying finished filming for a period of time, she ushered in a short break.
At this time, a group of three people, including the manager, Sister Xia, and the little assistant, Xiao Yin, all covered their faces tightly, with sunglasses, masks, and hats all going into battle, not giving fans and paparazzi a chance to find out.
“Yingying, although you are not in school most of the time now, you can’t be sloppy in reporting this semester! Everything that needs to be done has to be done! As a star, your details will be magnified.”
Suddenly, Sister Xia’s serious voice reached Wu Shaoying’s ears.
Although Wu Shaoying is now a four-star actress in the entertainment industry, in fact, in terms of social identity, she is still a sophomore student at the Longguo Drama Academy.
It’s just that her rapid popularity made everyone forget that she was only a girl in her early twenties.
For orthodox actors, there is a lot of controversy between being a professional and a non-professional. Although the actor’s profession does not value education, it is necessary to stay in the entertainment industry for a long time.
This degree is essential. After all, the top stars in the entertainment industry are all from a professional school.
This is why Sister Xia said in such a serious tone.
“Know it!”
Wu Shaoying stuck out her tongue when she heard the words, and then nodded again and again.
After a while, the boarding prompt sounded.
A group of three also embarked on the journey back to Yandu.
Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion,
In the chief engineer’s office,
After the final research and development of controllable nuclear fusion was completed, Tang Zhenli chose to leave.
At this time, Tang Zhenli was in the final handover, and the object of the handover was his deputy, Fan Hongbo.
After everything was explained clearly, Fan Hongbo couldn’t help his curiosity and asked,
“Gong Tang, according to the scientific research results you have completed, no one in the entire Dragon Kingdom can catch up with you in terms of controllable nuclear fusion alone. There is absolutely no need to enter the campus to study! Even if you enter the campus, with your There is no problem with the ability to be a mentor, why…”
Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and then smiled indifferently, with a glimmer of light in his eyes, and said.
“There are still too many unknown areas for human beings. If you stop moving forward, you will not be able to explore. After all, the blueprint in my heart… More than energy!”
Fan Hongbo was stunned for a moment. He raised his head and glanced at Tang Zhenli in surprise. His eyes were carefully looking at the confident and radiant young man in front of him.
It seems that it is the first time to know him, so decisively letting go of past achievements is not something ordinary people can do, let alone young people.
Looking at Tang Zhenli who was packing his luggage, Fan Hongbo inexplicably remembered a sentence he had seen before,
A gentleman sits and talks about the Tao, and a young man gets up and walks!
The person in front of you is no better than this!
“Clap!” There was a sound,
The door of the office closed slowly, interrupting Fan Hongbo’s thoughts, who had been pondering for a long time.
He shook his head slightly, and laughed secretly in his heart. Tang Zhenli was so shocked that he forgot to respond to Tang Zhenli’s farewell.
It wasn’t until Tang Zhenli walked out of the office that he reacted.
“I have been engaged in scientific research for decades, but I didn’t expect to be taught a lesson by a young man today!”
Fan Hongbo looked complicated and muttered to himself.
At the entrance of Longguo Drama Academy,
Wu Shaoying walked out of the campus with a look of exhaustion, and then slowly stepped into the luxury business car that had been waiting for her for a long time.
Then the commercial vehicle started slowly and drove on the road.
inside the car,
Sister Xia looked at the listless Wu Shaoying, frowned slightly, and finally couldn’t help asking.
“Yingying, how is it? Have everything been done for today?”
“Okay, everything is done!”
Wu Shaoying flattened the seat slightly, then leaned her little head back and closed her eyes in response to Sister Xia.
When Sister Xia heard the words, she was stunned for a moment, opened her mouth wide, and said with a somewhat surprised expression.
“Everything? Yingying, you won’t finish three days’ work in one day, will you!”
The little assistant Xiao Yin also widened his eyes, looking at Wu Shaoying who was closing his eyes and resting.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying still closed her eyes, only listening to the sweet voice coming out of her mouth,
“Yes! I have two days left, can Sister Xia give me a vacation…”
When Sister Xia heard this, she turned her head to look at Wu Shaoying, with a complex look in her eyes, both distressed and complaining.
“You won’t think again…”
“Don’t ask, just askyou’re right! ”
At this time, Sister Xia and Xiao Yin didn’t know what to say. In order to make time to see Tang Zhenli, she finished the three-day report in one day.
No wonder she was so tired when she came out, presumably she must have traveled a lot this day…
After that, they didn’t make any more noise, and Wu Shaoying’s steady breathing came from inside the car not long after.
After a long time,
Wu Shaoying’s eyelids trembled slightly, she opened her eyes, and looked at the surrounding environment for a moment in confusion, then her eyes returned to clarity, and after she stretched lazily, she heard Sister Xia’s voice.
“Aren’t you going to sleep for a while?”
After Wu Shaoying woke up for a while, she took out her phone and flipped to the familiar name again.
“Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily out of service area, please call again later!”
Wu Shaoying was stunned for a moment, and then called again without giving up.
“Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily out of service area, please call again later!”
It was still the icy reminder sound.
Wu Shaoying stared blankly at the screen of her mobile phone, her expression a little lost.
“What’s the matter? Busy people don’t answer the phone?”
Wu Shaoying’s every move was obviously noticed by Sister Xia.
“I guess there is something important!”
Wu Shaoying still looked a little disappointed, and answered unhappily.
Sister Xia looked at Wu Shaoying’s appearance at this time, a dignified look flashed in her eyes, and then spoke to her in a serious tone.
“Yingying, I didn’t want to say it before, but looking at you now, I can’t say it anymore, you are in the entertainment industry, and you have a high exposure, and Tang Zhenli is destined to be a secret figure, you are with him, and there are many obstacles. …”
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying did not refute when she heard the words, and glanced out the window.
In fact, she had already thought of this question for a long time, but she had always held a fluke mentality in her heart.
But now that Sister Xia has revealed the matter, she knows that she can’t continue to be lucky…  
Wu Shaoying looked at the rapidly retreating scenery outside the car window, her eyes were slightly stagnant, and she began to think seriously!

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