The Influence of Tang Zhenli

Emgrand International Hotel,
Wu Qiudie suddenly saw Wu Shaoying’s abnormal behavior, opened her eyes wide, and then quickly blinked a few times, seeming to realize something, and muttered to herself.
“No way…….”
Afterwards, the gossip in his heart rose, and he looked at Wu Shaoying who was on the phone from a distance, and walked up to it.
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying found out instantly, and Wu Qiudie finally failed to get close to her under the warning from her eyes.
But looking at Wu Shaoying’s current state from a distance, she is almost certain that there must be something tricky here!
And Wu Shaoying on the other side heard the familiar voice,
His eyes gradually brightened, and then he said lightly.
“Hey~ Yesterday…”
Wu Shaoying’s words were only halfway through, when she suddenly realized that something was wrong, and she stopped.
Working in a confidential unit, it would be a bit too abrupt to ask these questions.
“Well, I was dealing with some important things yesterday…”
Tang Zhenli, on the contrary, didn’t realize this, and answered honestly,
After that, he seemed to think of something, and asked word by word.
“By the way, did you have anything to do with me yesterday?”
“Uh… It’s okay, it’s just that I went back to Yandu yesterday and wanted to ask you to come out and gather…”
Wu Shaoying’s tone was a little low at the moment, and she answered lightly.
“Well…it doesn’t matter, I’m studying at Longke University now, you can come to me anytime you have time in the future!”
Tang Zhenli seemed to feel Wu Shaoying’s unhappy mood, an inexplicable emotion suddenly appeared in his heart, and he subconsciously comforted him.
“Huh? Why did you go to Longke University, aren’t you…working?”
Sure enough, Wu Shaoying was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then her face was filled with joy, and her tone became much lighter.
While talking, he also opened the mobile phone map to check the location of Longke University.
“How do you say it, settle down and learn…”
Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, and then expressed his thoughts.
“Precipitation learning?”
When Wu Shaoying heard the words, her whole mind was stagnant for a while. She already needs the protection of the state. She has made such a big scene, and she still needs to learn?
Although she didn’t know what Tang Zhenli was doing, Wu Shaoying’s instinct told her that Tang Zhenli must have made some great achievements.
But now Tang Zhenli chose to return to school for further study, which made Wu Shaoying suddenly feel a little touched.
“Okay, let’s stop talking for now. I still have to get used to the life of Dragon University for a while. If I have time in the future, let’s get together…”
At this moment, the voice from the mobile phone disturbed her thoughts, and after reacting instantly, she replied.
“Okay, bye bye!”
After hanging up the phone, Wu Shaoying still looked absent-minded, and even Wu Qiudie walked around behind her and didn’t even know it.
A crisp sound instantly made Wu Shaoying’s face pale, and then a bright red quickly climbed onto her pretty face as white as jade,
Wu Shaoying was ashamed and angry, she turned her head and fluttered at Wu Qiudie, who couldn’t straighten her waist.
After that, I heard Wu Shaoying’s embarrassed voice.
“Wu Qiudie, what are you doing!!!”
With such a big movement, Sister Xia and the little assistant in the room were naturally attracted by the sound.
After seeing the news that the two were just playing around, Sister Xia glared at the two of them angrily, and then said angrily,
“You’re such an old man, you’re still like a child!”
Wu Qiudie snickered while hearing this, while Wu Shaoying glared at her panting.
After making some adjustments, Wu Shaoying’s lingering thoughts did not go away, but instead became more and more intense.
After taking a deep breath, Wu Shaoying glanced at Sister Xia, who was playing with her phone on the sofa, and said to her with a serious tone.
“Sister Xia…. I want to do less drama in the future…”
“Yingying, you don’t have a fever, right?”
“Sister Yingying!”
As soon as these words came out, not only Sister Xia, but also the assistant and Wu Qiudie looked at Wu Shaoying with strange expressions, and all said.
Are you less likely to take on dramas now that you are in full swing? Is this another joke?
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying’s expression became more and more determined when she saw this, and she said in a resolute tone.
“I’ve decided, I also need the precipitation of my studies, to recreate it, no, it’s a return to school for further study.…”
Sister Xia was stunned for a long time when she heard the words, and looked at Wu Shaoying in disbelief.
“Yingying, you really don’t have a fever? Have you thought it through?”
“Well, I thought about it very clearly!”
What responded to her was Wu Shaoying’s determined voice.
Sister Xia stared blankly at Wu Shaoying for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly, saying.
“Since you have decided to go back to school, my job is not saturated, and I may have to recruit another artist…”
“no problem!”
Sister Xia saw that she was so decisive, so she could only respect Wu Shaoying’s decision.
However, going to school for further studies may not be a bad thing for Wu Shaoying personally.
And Wu Qiudie, who was watching the whole process from the sidelines, looked back and forth at Sister Xia and Wu Shaoying, secretly guessing in her heart,
Yingying’s sudden decision should have something to do with that phone call.
So I became more and more curious in my heart, what kind of person could make the popular Wu Shaoying make such a big change…
Then I heard the conversation between Miss Xia and the little assistant.
“Xiao Yin, you said… is it because of him?”
“I think 80% is…”
Wu Qiudie’s heart skipped a beat, and she became even more curious. From the corner of her eyes, she subconsciously looked at Wu Shaoying who was concentrating on reading. Who is this person who can change Wu Shaoying’s mind?
On the other side,
Long Ke University,
Tang Zhenli also started studying at school,
Every day, apart from staying in the apartment during break time and having meals in the cafeteria, I go in and out of various classrooms and libraries, living a three-point and one-line life like this.
And the news of this specially recruited undergraduate was faintly spread in Longke University.
However, due to Tang Zhenli’s time planning is very sufficient, other people who want to see him out of curiosity often fail to see him.
As for these courses and books that should only be studied by graduate students, with the help of the scientific research system, Tang Zhenli was so effortless!
Just like that, Tang Zhenli at this moment is like a dry sponge, trying his best to absorb nutrients in the ocean of knowledge.
Such a gesture made the dean Fu Zhiyuan, who had been paying attention to him, praise him.
During this time, Tang Zhenli was either studying or on his way to study.
This kind of attitude made Fu Zhiyuan, who had been studying for many years, feel ashamed.
Now he vaguely understands why Tang Zhenli was able to develop a controllable nuclear fusion device at such a young age.
In the past, he always thought it was talent, but now it seems that it is not only talent, but also Tang Zhenli’s indomitable heart to learn.
In the office of the dean of Longke University,
Fu Zhiyuan looked at the entry and exit records of Tang Zhenli’s campus card during this period, and finally couldn’t help talking to himself.
“Young man…with such composure and such a state of mind, his future achievements are simply unimaginable!”

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