The chief engineer who collects ‘waste’!
Longke University Campus,
director’s office,
With the arrival of Wei Pengyu and Ji Chengtian, Fu Zhiyuan naturally knew the news a long time ago.
Ji Chengtian had already told him that Wei Pengyu’s trip was for the prototype of the planetary engine.
After attracting the two of them to the office and chattering for a while, Fu Zhiyuan’s eyes rolled slightly,
Looking at Wei Pengyu, who was absent-minded at this time, he suddenly understood, couldn’t help but smiled softly, and then said,
“I don’t think Mr. Wei’s intention is here, so don’t waste time, just go to the laboratory and have a look!”
“Well, as it should be!”
Ji Chengtian also turned his head to look at Wei Pengyu, and nodded.
And Wei Pengyu also glanced at Fu Zhiyuan with a little gratitude, slightly moved in his heart, it seems that there are still many people in Longguo who are attached to the ‘Zhuang-eight’ carrier rocket.
Then the three walked hand in hand, and walked towards the Planetary Engine Laboratory.
Although they are strictly elderly people, but under Wei Pengyu’s ‘leadership’, Fu Zhiyuan and Ji Chengtian can only walk
Step faster, helplessly catch up.
After a while, the group came to the door of the laboratory,
Unexpectedly, Fu Zhiyuan frowned and saw that the five students who had been assigned to Tang Zhenli were about to leave.
Immediately stepped forward and asked,
“Where are you Tang workers?”
“Hello, Dean!”
The five first greeted respectfully in unison, and then Qi Lu, who was headed, stood up and answered word by word.
“President, Tang Gong has been busy in the laboratory for half a month, and just went back to rest!”
Fu Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment and asked suspiciously,
“Rest? Didn’t he always sleep in the lab?”
Obviously, he also paid attention to Tang Zhenli, and Ji Chengtian and Wei Pengyu also followed.
Qi Lu glanced at the two behind him in embarrassment, thinking of the previous confidentiality agreement, he hesitated.
“It’s okay, you said, the level is enough!”
Fu Zhiyuan was also a mature man, so he saw Qi Lu’s embarrassment at a glance and said directly.
Qi Lu’s heart moved when he heard the words, and it seemed that the two old men were definitely in a good position, so he explained without haste.
“That’s right. After half a month’s calculation, Tang Gong was not very satisfied with the previous experiment and was going to knock it all down and start again, so for now, I will go back and sort out my thoughts for the time being! Find a new direction for research.
“Knock down and redo?”
Fu Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but there was not much fluctuation, but Ji Chengtian and Wei Pengyu didn’t think so, and immediately exclaimed.
I finally found the hope of the ‘Zhuangba’ project. Now you tell me that you are not satisfied with the result, have you tried again? ? ?
Is there anything more torturous than this? ? ?
“This is a semi-finished product?? It’s all like this, why should it be finished?”
Wei Pengyu couldn’t bear it any longer, and said immediately, his eyes fell on Ji Chengtian, and the meaning in his eyes was very obvious.
“Uh…Old Wei, I don’t think it’s worth talking about this matter…”
Ji Chengtian said with an embarrassed look, in fact, Tang Zhenli’s project is a self-research project, although it is indirectly a Longke University project, but theoretically he can’t manage it.
You must know that private research results can be applied for invention patents, and if they are used for commercial use, this can be related to the Ministry of Commerce, plus the relationship with the Dragon Academy, and even the Dragon Academy of Sciences…
Moreover, that is Tang Zhenli after all!
Although Tang Zhenli’s research results are too cutting-edge to be used for commercial use, in such a situation, personal wishes must be respected.
“Where is the person in charge of the project, I have to talk to him personally!”
Wei Pengyu looked a little urgent at this time, turned his head and said to Fu Zhiyuan.
The five assistants on the side of the conversation of the few people were shocked, and they also reflected from the conversation just now, these are some bigwigs in the scientific research world! ! !
Watching the dialogue during the period, these people are obviously not low-level.
Only then did they realize that there were faint whistles around them, protecting several old men in the middle.
And Ji Chengtian in the room could understand Wei Pengyu’s mood. He glanced at Fu Zhiyuan, who was standing beside him, and said immediately,
…for flowers…
“You’ve heard the name of the person in charge. His name is Tang Zhenli.”
“Tang Zhenli?”
Wei Pengyu muttered a sentence subconsciously, feeling that the name was a bit familiar, then he seemed to think of something, his eyes widened, and he asked Ji Chengtian and Fu Zhiyuan in surprise,
“What are you talking about…that Tang Zhenli???”
Ji Chengtian and Fu Zhiyuan looked calm, they didn’t answer, they just nodded heavily. After Wei Pengyu got an affirmative answer, his face twitched slightly, and a storm surged in his heart.
No wonder the name is so familiar, it turned out to be the developer and chief engineer of controllable nuclear fusion.
He is also the first director of the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices.

The status is no lower than himself, and even the importance of controllable nuclear fusion is higher than the ‘Zhuangba’ project! No wonder Ji Bu said that what he said was not worth it, geniuses of this level existed, and they had to be donated in other countries!
At the same time, Wei Pengyu thought of some data and information about the controllable nuclear fusion device that he had seen in the email before.
No wonder it is so detailed and accurate. I thought it was a scientific research worker who participated in controlled nuclear fusion, but I never thought that this is directly controlled nuclear fusion.
Device developer!
Think about it too, if you want to ask who is the most authoritative in controllable nuclear fusion in the world, it must be its developer. Wei Pengyu took a few deep breaths and became more determined in his mind.
The achievements brought by the name Tang Zhenli have already determined the quality of the planetary engine project! Anyway, the ‘Strong Eight’ plan in the space base has temporarily encountered a bottleneck, and the big deal is that I will stay here forever! At the same time, the five people who listened silently were surprised.
Why do these big guys seem to know Tang Gong very well?
Could it be…

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