Is this a semi-finished product?
Longguo Aerospace Base,
Office of Orbital Attitude Research, “Boom boom boom!”
“Come in!” Tang Heguang’s voice came from inside, and then the doorknob of the office was turned, before the person arrived, the voice came first.
“Old Tang, have you read the upcoming work plan?”
“Look, didn’t you say that the ‘Zhuang Hachi’ plan has been put on hold for the time being? What’s going on here?”
Tang Heguang raised his head and looked at his old friend for many years with a puzzled expression on his face. He had just been notified that as a member of the expert team of the aerospace base, he would temporarily conduct the orbital attitude calculation of the ‘Zhuangba’ project.
Wan Wende smiled slightly and said lightly,
“I heard that they got a new engine from somewhere, well, I don’t know the details.”
Obviously, the fact that this planetary engine comes from Longke University is still in the confidential stage. Before this semi-finished product is perfected, only a few people in the aerospace base know that this engine comes from Longke University.
Tang Heguang was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn’t think too much about it. It is a good thing for the Longguo astronauts that the ‘Zhuangba’ plan can continue.

“Let’s not talk about this, let’s talk about 18 that you are interested in. Do you know why your grandson developed controllable nuclear fusion in the first place?”
Suddenly Wan Wende’s voice changed, and he said to Tang Heguang in a mysterious tone.
“Oh? Tell me!”
Unexpectedly, Tang Heguang did not show Wan Wende’s expected interest in his eyes, but instead smiled and looked at Wan Wende quietly.
It seems that Tang Zhenli has been influenced by himself since he was a child. It is impossible to say that he has no credit for it.
Rounding off, the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion is also inseparable from my old Tang’s education!
“Hey, what does your expression mean? Then let me tell the truth. As far as I know, your grandson seemed to have sent an email to Longke University with the idea of ​​upgrading his undergraduate degree, so there was a follow-up…”
“Upgrading to a junior college? Is it so difficult to upgrade to a bachelor’s degree?”
Tang Heguang was taken aback, the ins and outs of the matter turned out to be like this, does that mean that he had always been self-indulgent? ? ?
His complexion changed for a while, and his mood suddenly became bad. The research and development of emotionally controllable nuclear fusion has nothing to do with him? Fortunately, I have always regarded myself as Tang Zhenli’s enlightenment mentor…
Under the ups and downs of mood, even looking at Wan Wende was not pleasing to the eye, so he stood up quickly, pushed Wan Wende, and drove him out.
“Fuck off, talk to me about all this during working hours!”
“Hey! Old Tang, I just found out that you are a dog face. If you say turn your face, you will turn your face!”
Wan Wende was also a little confused for a while, he was kind enough to talk to him, but he was kicked out, what’s the matter!
In the ‘Zhuanghachi’ launch vehicle project building,
The staff of the entire project were mobilized to assemble and measure the planetary engine.
Although the previous information and data have been packed together, certain field tests still need to be carried out inside the space base.
Except for the scientific researchers who are responsible for the specific control in the experimental Gaojian, almost all the staff of Zhuanghachi and the launch vehicle project gathered here. Concentrating on waiting for the test results to come out.
As time went by, items of data came through the cold mechanical beeps.
“Stable pressure load…” “Stable internal fuel reaction… “Stable internal reactor pressure
As all the data are within the standard error range, the hearts of the researchers are getting hotter and hotter.
After the material stability test, the next step is the most important performance test!
This determines whether the ‘Strong Eight’ launch vehicle program can quickly get on the right track!
As the aerospace base of the Dragon Kingdom, it is naturally equipped with the highest standard process system, so some data of the performance test will come out soon after.
“The first cosmic speed test is stable, note: under no-load conditions!”
“The speed test of the second universe is stable, note: under no-load conditions!”
“The speed test of the third universe is stable, note: under no-load conditions!”
With the test of the speed of the third universe, the hearts of a group of staff have been raised.
Being able to reach this level, although not the top in the world, can be regarded as reaching the previous level of Dragon Kingdom.
Although after decades of catching up in the aerospace field, in a small number of fields, Longguo has managed to keep pace with or even surpass.
But in most fields, the Dragon Kingdom is still slightly weaker than those developed countries in the West for a generation to half a generation.
After all, it has only been a mere few decades since Longguo went from ‘standing up’ to ‘eat enough’, and now moving towards the goal of ‘becoming stronger’. It is still far behind those western countries that have struggled in the aerospace field for nearly a hundred years!
Coupled with the current Western world’s various technological blockades against Dragon Kingdom, the development speed of Dragon Kingdom has been greatly slowed down.
Although Long Guo is still catching up with generations of hard-working scientific researchers.
But there is a gap of decades to nearly a hundred years, how can it be so easy to catch up.
So the next test is related to whether it can catch up with Western countries in the field of aerospace engines!
“Continue testing!”
Wei Pengyu gave an order, and the scientific research staff in the experimental workshop suddenly became busy again.
Everyone is full of fighting spirit, and the staff in the main control room are also working hardThe final investigation, and strive to ensure that the final experiment is foolproof.
It can be said that the next test almost carries their hopes, and the hopes of all astronauts!
At this moment, everyone is afraid to talk, for fear of missing a critical moment.
The astronauts of the Dragon Kingdom can no longer bear even one failure. Under the harsh external conditions, they very much hope that the Dragon Kingdom can stand upright in the aerospace field and no longer be controlled by others!
I saw the planetary engine in the arena erupting bright blue flames in the eyes of everyone’s anticipation, and everyone’s eyes became brighter and brighter immediately.
This move undoubtedly ignited the fire of hope in everyone’s hearts! 083
After a while, a reminder sounded.
“The limit test is completed, and the final result exceeds the expected speed by 30m/s, reaching 35m/s. Note: Under no-load conditions!” It may be a moment, or it may be forever, and the scene between scenes is frozen here.
Then there was a deafening cheer!
“It worked!”
“The ‘Strong Eight’ project can continue!”
For a moment, everyone in the arena was so excited that they couldn’t control themselves.
Although at the current level, it will only be able to catch up with Western countries, and even lag behind a little.
But for the astronauts of the Dragon Kingdom, this is already a big step across the ages!
Although the propulsion power of a single engine is still insufficient, as long as the four engines are combined, the launch of the “Zhuangba” launch vehicle is not a problem at all!
“Is this really just a half-finished product?”
After being excited, everyone realized a problem at this time. Except for the field test of the final loading of the rocket, the current planetary engine has passed all comprehensive tests.
But according to the previous information, this thing is still a semi-finished product? ? ?
If so, how demanding were the people who developed this engine!
At this time, Wang Shan, who was standing beside Wei Pengyu, was a little silent, but through the thick glasses, her eyes showed a dazzling brilliance.
One can imagine how deeply touched she is now!
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