Exposure! ! ! Gossip boyfriend?
Shanghai Hongqiao Airport,
The landing gear of flight C5526 fell slowly, and the moment it touched the ground,
A bang sounded, and then a stream of blue smoke emanated from the ground of the tire.
After the plane stopped, the bustling passengers got off the plane in an orderly manner.
After sending off all the passengers, the crew members also returned to their respective lounges for a short rest.
flight attendant lounge,
“God, that scarf I posted turned out to be trending!!”
It was the flight attendant who recognized Wu Shaoying just now. After several hours of fermentation, the scarf that was issued before boarding the plane has occupied several hot searches.
Eight; Chu! °The national goddess Wu Shaoying returns to the Shanghai stock market, and it hurts to be alone! ”
“The national goddess disappeared for several months, and the debut made people cry!”
And these hot searches are matched with pictures taken by this flight attendant.
In a short period of time, Wu Shaoying, who had disappeared for several months, appeared in the public eye for the first time, and the heat caused by it was the same. “What happened to Sister Tianxian, I, a passer-by fan, are very distressed by this back view…” “Sister won’t experience any emotional changes…”
“Distressed goddess, Flying economy class alone, who can tell what happened, where is the broker? ? Where’s the assistant? ”
Fans have checked in online to support and feel sorry for their idols.
airport lobby,
After getting off the plane, Qi Lu and Li Haoxuan looked like they were “like an arrow in their hearts”. After bidding farewell to Tang Zhenli, they left separately.
Only Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying were left.
And just as they walked out of the airport hall, the noisy voice made Miss Xia and the little assistant look around vigilantly.
Wu Shaoying still looked heartless, walking beside Tang Zhenli,
“Tang Zhenli, is anyone here to pick you up?”
“No, I can call back…”
Tang Zhenli didn’t think much, and replied directly.
“Otherwise, where is your home, I just have a special car, why don’t I take you back…”
“That’s fine, but I’ll trouble you! However, my house is a bit far away…”
Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, now that the family should go back to the small courtyard of the ancestral house for the New Year’s Day, the journey is indeed a bit long, and he did not refuse after that.
“Far from being afraid…”
Wu Shaoying smiled, turned her head for a moment, and looked at Sister Xia and her assistant.
“Don’t be afraid, we don’t have any arrangements, and you haven’t seen each other for a long time
“Yes, yes, not afraid of far…”
At this time, Sister Xia and the little assistant also rushed to assist, and Wu Shaoying couldn’t help but soften his gaze at the two of them. Ye Yingxin, on the other hand, glanced at Tang Zhenli vigilantly, wondering how this scumbag managed to deceive the three of them. Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was not polite, and followed the special car that Wu Shaoying’s team had prepared before.
However, there was one thing Tang Zhenli couldn’t figure out. Under his keen observation,
He always felt that the new girl in Wu Shaoying’s group looked at him with a hint of hostility.
But out of respect for Wu Shaoying, he didn’t raise it in the end, maybe it’s just that he is in a bad mood? And just as a group of people set foot on the journey home.
However, the Internet exploded again, and a suspected picture of Wu Shaoying chatting with a strange man faintly leaked out.
It was when I was chatting with Tang Zhenli in the airport lobby before, even with a mask on, I could see Wu Shaoying’s eyebrows and eyes were curved, and the angle of the camera was exactly the expression he showed when he was facing Tang Zhenli.
Ordinary people can see that she is very happy in the photo.
During the annual vacation, it happens to be the most leisure time for the people who eat melons.
The fermenting speed of this matter is simply unimaginable.
after a while,
Topics such as Wu Shaoying’s rumored boyfriend exceeded hundreds of millions of clicks.
In the end, even a self-proclaimed insider broke the news that Wu Shaoying did not appear in public during this period because he was in a relationship.
“Ye Qingjie? The goddess is in a relationship?”
“Could it be that the economy class is just for this guy? Although he looks really handsome…”
“The host is thinking too much, why would Sister Tianxian fly economy class for a boy? No matter how handsome, if Sister Tianxian wants to fall in love, will there be a shortage of handsome men?”
“Yeah, yeah, I probably met by accident… Judging by the degree of intimacy, it doesn’t look like a lover… just ordinary friends!”
“Stop pretending, it’s time for a showdown, the boy next to me is me…
Those who replied to him were X’er thinking about farting’ emojis.
There are different opinions and discussions on the Internet, some believe it and some do not believe it.
The two sides each had their own wording, which aroused waves of discussion for a while.
What’s more, he still thinks about the human Tang Zhenli…
And all of this, the group of people in the car still have no way of knowing.
The flight mode on the plane has not been turned off.
Needless to say, Wu Shaoying was all focused on Tang Zhenli. Sister Xia, the assistant and Ye Yingxin also looked at Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli from time to time.
Especially Ye Yingxin, whose eyes kept scanning Tang Zhenli,
From the conversation, I learned that Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying were classmates in middle and high school…
“Bah! No wonder you are so easily deceived by Sister Yingying, scumbag, one day I will expose you…”
In the end, the black commercial vehicle ran for a long time, and finally stopped slowly in front of a small yard.
According to today’s calculations, this place can be considered within the urban area of ​​the Shanghai Stock Exchange, but it is still a bit remote from the city center.
Although the small courtyard is not as luxurious and extravagant as the villa, it occupies a lot of land, is extremely long in depth, and looks very delicate, especially the two camphor trees in the courtyard. The breath that can only be possessed after time has precipitated.
A small three-story building is located in the courtyard, but it is still one size smaller than the entire courtyard.
This is the ancestral house of Tang Zhenli’s family. It is said that it was passed down from Tang Zhenli’s great-grandfather. Tang Zhenli spent almost all his holidays here since he was a child. As for the study period, he usually lived in the city center and bought it later real estate.
Tang Zhenli walked out of the car slowly, smelling the familiar scent of camphor tree, his mood fluctuated slightly.
“Is this your hometown?”
At this time, after Tang Zhenli came out, Wu Shaoying also got out of the car, and looked at the small courtyard curiously, with a hint of curiosity in her heart.
“Yeah, every year, whether it’s winter vacation or summer vacation, I spend here…”
Tang Zhenli’s eyes lit up, as if thinking of some of the past, there was a look of nostalgia in his eyes.
“No wonder you don’t meet people every winter and summer vacation…it’s so close to my home…”
Wu Shaoying muttered something in a low voice, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, and there was a trace of regret in her words to herself, if she had found out earlier…
“what? ”
Tang Zhenli didn’t hear clearly and asked curiously.”No… nothing, I said a few days, do you have time? The classmates made an appointment to go back to the alma mater in a few days to see…”
Wu Shaoying had an idea and quickly changed the subject.
Tang Zhenli pondered for a while after hearing the words. Anyway, there was nothing to do during this time…Dang even replied.
“Okay, I’ll pick you up when the time comes!”
Wu Shaoying frowned, then said.
Tang Zhenli replied (Qian Hao) replied, then seemed to think of something, turned his head and said to Wu Shaoying.
“By the way, do you want to go up and sit down?”
Wu Shaoying was stunned for a while when she heard the words, and then reacted.
See parents? Pooh…
Wu Shaoying thought about it seriously in her mind, and instantly dismissed the idea.
Should you refuse? Sister Xia is still waiting for her? The most important thing is that there is no gift prepared in advance…
If you leave a bad impression on your uncles and aunts…
In an instant, Wu Shaoying’s little head turned so fast, she thought about a lot, and in the end, rationality prevailed over sensibility, and she immediately said Zha. “No… No, Sister Xia and the others are still waiting for me!”
“Okay, I’ll meet my classmates then…”
Tang Zhenli also understood when he heard the words, smiled at Wu Shaoying, then turned and walked towards the yard. Seeing Tang Zhenli’s figure disappear into the depths of the yard, Wu Shaoying could only turn her head and return to the car.
Unexpectedly, as soon as I got in the car, I heard Sister Xia’s slightly anxious voice.
“Yingying, it’s not good, the affair between you and Tang Zhenli has been exposed.

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