This old man… It’s really too much
‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project engineering building,
Since the last ‘Zhuangba’ project was approved again after the failure, many experts and staff have been removed from the space base.
Like the previous Chu Wenqian, as the deputy chief engineer of the energy management and control office of the entire space base, he was specially recruited to help.
In addition, there are also many who do not have fixed projects, but are simply seconded as members of the expert group to engage in follow-up work, such as Wan Wende and Tang Heguang, with this gesture to show their determination to continue the ‘Zhuangba’ project .
But this is already in the past tense. Under the premise that the development of the MediaTek engine has been completed, even the Ministry of Science and Technology can’t find a reason to interrupt the ‘Zhuangba’ project.
On the contrary, it will only be more supportive!
In an expert group office,
Wan Wende helplessly looked at Tang Heguang, who had been smiling for a long time, and frowned.
Ever since I came here yesterday, I got to know that Tang Zhenli had solved the engine problem of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle.
It’s all about showing off inside and out, which can be said to make his teeth ticklish.
Then, he finally couldn’t help but say in a slightly sour tone.
“Old Tang, did I say you can stop laughing? I’m afraid you will laugh…”
As soon as the words fell, Tang Heguang’s laughter stopped abruptly, his old face suddenly wrinkled, and then he was seen glaring at Wan Wende,He grunted angrily, then said.
“Bah, shut your crow’s mouth, you’re just jealous!”
“I’ll be jealous of you, hum, I… how could I be jealous of you.”
Wan Wende just wanted to refute, but opened his mouth, but couldn’t find any reason to refute, so he could only say so hard.
Well, if it’s true, I’m really jealous…
If I knew that my grandson solved the engine problem of the ‘Zhuangba’ project, I guess I would laugh even more…
“Come on, Lao Wan, go out with me…
Tang Heguang seemed to be really tired from laughing, his face showed a trace of exhaustion, and his mood was slightly relieved, and then he said to Wan Wende in a calm tone.
Wan Wende also nodded when he heard the words. Tang Heguang was in charge of the orbit, and he was in charge of the internal energy. He hadn’t started work yet, so he had plenty of time.
And sitting like this again watching Tang Heguang’s smug look, he had to take the first step in anger.
After the engine problem of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project was solved, all the ‘Zhuangba’ project department teams took turns to assemble the parts they were responsible for, and then proceeded to the handover of the next part.
Therefore, in the construction building of the ‘Zhuangba’ project at this time, it is rare to see the staff hanging around. Either they have completed the assembly they are responsible for, or they have not yet started.
Wan Wende and Tang Heguang wandered aimlessly in the corridor, and there are many staff chatting here.
“Let me tell you, you haven’t seen the legendary Tang Gong… that’s a young man…”
Tang Heguang’s ears moved suddenly, and he pulled Wan Wende to a stop.
Wan Wende was still surprised, when he heard people praising Tang Zhenli, then turned his head to look at Tang Heguang pretending to be casual,
There is a pause in the footsteps, and this can’t be reacted.
Immediately, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, this old man… It’s really too much…
I dare to ask myself to praise my own grandson. I want to come out and listen to others praise my grandson.
As if to verify his judgment, Tang Heguang and Wan Wende continued to hang out, stopping from time to time.
The purpose of stopping is surprisingly consistent. As long as someone is complimenting Tang Zhenli, they will pull him to stop.
After listening to the group’s praise for his grandson, Tang Heguang looked at him, shook his head slightly, pointed to the group of people who were getting away, and said to Wan Wende in a flat tone,
“I really don’t know what to boast about, isn’t it a junior? I really don’t understand, but Zhenli is really good…”
“Too deceiving, Tang Heguang, you are deceiving too much!”
Unexpectedly, Wan Wende exploded in an instant when he heard the words, stared at Tang Heguang fiercely, and then walked away angrily.
“I’m still, old Wan, don’t go, it’s not over yet… Hey, what about it?”
Tang Heguang was also stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then came to his senses. He quickly followed, trying to stop his old friend.
Unexpectedly, Wan Wende’s footsteps were getting faster and faster, and Tang Heguang was not given a chance at all, so Tang Heguang could only give up, with a hint of helplessness and loneliness on his face, and he let out a meaningful sigh.
“I’m still jealous after all…”
Unexpectedly, Wan Wende, who was walking in front, stumbled when he heard the words, turned his head and glared at Tang Heguang, and left faster.
at night,
Wan Wende was lying on the bed, tossing and turning but couldn’t sleep, remembering what Tang and Guang had done during the day,
My heart is full of two words envy!
If only my grandson could be so promising…
But when I think of my grandson, I can’t sleep because of anger.
I am twenty-five or sixteen years old, I am not at ease to find a job, I want to start a business all day long, and my family needs a lot of money, but the money goes out, not to mention the effect, I have not even heard a sound…
The more Wan Wende thought about it, the more angry he became. In the end, he simply took out his mobile phone and dialed his grandson’s number.
“P 7
“Wan Zhiye, you’re twenty-five or six, and you don’t know what you’re doing every day, and you’re not up to your expectations.”
As soon as the phone was connected, Wan Wende scolded his head and face.
Even cursed faster and faster, and didn’t give the other end of the phone a chance to respond until I hung up…
Wan Wende then took a breath, felt a little more comfortable, and fell asleep…
the other side,
Wan Wende’s grandson Wan Zhiye was confused.
What the hell is wrong with this?
In the evening, he was inexplicably scolded by his grandfather.
“What’s wrong? ”
Fou-inch Wan Zhiye’s girlfriend came over, and after seeing him answer the phone, there was a little strangeness on his face, and he couldn’t help but curiously care.
Wan Zhiye said with a bitter face when he heard the words, and said to his girlfriend.
“It’s nothing, my grandfather doesn’t know what’s wrong, he scolded me for no reason, and trained me like a grandson…”
“Aren’t you the grandson?”
The girlfriend was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then said slowly,
“I feel like you’re scolding me”
Wan Zhiye was compensated by his girlfriend, his expression changed slightly, but he felt more and more sorrow in his heart,
Who am I provoking…
“Okay, don’t think about it, go to bed earlier, and have to talk about the next project tomorrow?” Seeing that he didn’t respond for a long time, his girlfriend pushed him, and then said.
Hearing this, Wan Zhiye took a few deep breaths, then thought of his own career, and his mood responded slightly.
At present, it is the most critical stage of my own business. I can’t make any mistakes, and then I can only force myself to close my eyes. As for whether or not to fall asleep, others will experience it.
Facts have proved that joys and sorrows in the world are relative, and happiness must be based on the pain of others!

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