The Spiritual Inheritance of Astronauts! ! !
Long Guo, Zhuang Ba’s test launch, and technology also got the news at the first time.
Office of the Head of the Ministry of Science and Technology,
“Ji Bu, it was successful, it was successful…”
“Shouba’s test shot was successful?”
Ji Chengtian looked at Li Wei who came to report, and was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and thenWith a happy look on his face, he hammered the table heavily.
“Okay!!!” Ji Chengtian’s face showed rare excitement.
At this time, he immediately thought of something, and the stage head looked at Li Wei,
“By the way, what will Tang Zhenli do next?”
“As you said, everything is up to his own wishes, he wants to go back to Longke University to continue his studies…
Li Wei glanced down at the report material, and then said,
“Back to Dragon University…”
Hearing the words, Ji Chengtian looked contemplative, and sighed silently in his heart,
It would be great if Tang Zhenli could stay at the space base.
But I also know that this is impossible. Even if he is the head of the Ministry of Science and Technology, he needs to respect the personal wishes of every scientific researcher.
Northwest Aerospace Base,
At this time, the entire space base was in an atmosphere of joy.
The successful test launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket project represents a firm step taken by Longguo’s spaceflight under the joint blockade of the West! main control room,
At this time, Wei Guoyu and Wang Shan’s mood had obviously recovered a lot. They both sent a thankful look to Tang Zhenli at the same time, and Tang Zhenli nodded slightly when he saw this.
It can be said that Tang Zhenli’s contribution to the success of the ‘Zhuangba’ project is so fast!
But after the joy, Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan started the next step,
As a leader, you can be happy with short-term results, but you must not get carried away, and always keep your eyes on the front.
In front of him is only a successful test shot, which can only be regarded as a staged victory, a good start.
Only when it can be put into use stably and frequently in the future can it be regarded as ushering in the final victory!
At present, the test launch is only to reach the warm layer, and there is still a layer of ‘paper’ from outer space. To pierce this layer of paper, it requires the deployment and calculation of orbit.
However, the orbital attitude measurement in the Dragon Country is still mature. With time, the Zhuangba X can be put into use.
The success of the ‘Zhuang Ba’ test also means that the day when Tang Zhenli returns is not far away.
It is now the first ten days of April. In the past two months, Tang Zhenli has learned a lot of knowledge in other fields besides solving the problem of the engine.
And this is not a mere talk on paper. He has personally witnessed some projects, which undoubtedly lays the foundation for some future research and development.
The second day of the test launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle.
Tang Zhenli officially explained his willingness to go back to Wei Pengyu. Although Wei Pengyu was a little reluctant, he also knew that Tang Zhenli was not something he could keep.
Immediately, he could only arrange a flight back for him.
So, on the third day of the successful test launch,
After packing up his luggage, Tang Zhenli came to the airport of the aerospace base, ready to board the return plane.
But the sight in front of him caught his eye.
Two planes parked on the runway one after the other. One of them was from the Longguo CCTV camera crew. One by one, they were carrying their equipment on the plane. It seemed that they were also preparing to return today.
Next to a plane, there are more than a dozen leaders of various departments of the ‘Zhuangba’ project, big and small, as well as leaders Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan. After seeing his arrival, they all showed a smile.
Through the test firing command that day, Tang Zhenli’s voice resounded throughout the space base.
Do they still know that the young man in front of them is the hero who solved the engine problem of the ‘Zhuangba’ project!
As Tang Zhenli approached, everyone shouted at Tang Zhenli in unison.
“Tang Gong!”
On the other hand, the female reporter from the Longguo CCTV crew heard the movement, her expression changed immediately, and her instinctive professional sensitivity made her follow everyone’s gaze.
“It’s him?”
A trace of doubt arose in my heart, and I hurriedly called a few cameramen to stop, gesturing with one finger over there.
The cameramen also came back to their senses immediately. This farewell scene is a good material!
Afterwards, they all went to battle, each chose the angle they thought was the best, and began to take pictures.
On the other side, Tang Zhenli also nodded towards the crowd when he heard the words, with a smile in his eyes.
In the end, Wei Pengyu stepped forward and looked at him first, with relief in his eyes.
“A hundred years of spaceflight, we are already old, the future is yours…” After patting him on the shoulder, Wei Pengyu said with a smile on his old face.
In the 100-year history of Longguo spaceflight, countless geniuses have emerged. Even himself, he was once an invincible genius, but after seeing Tang Zhenli, he really felt that he was really old.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was startled, feeling the strength on his shoulders, and his expression became much more serious. He naturally understood Wei Pengyu’s implication, and then nodded heavily.
At this moment, Wei Pengyu can more or less feel the meaning of the hero’s twilight…
Maybe no one can be young forever, but someone is always young.
But a country must be young, and only a young country, a country with young people, can truly become prosperous and strong.
The Dragon Kingdom can be passed down for thousands of years. Perhaps, it is the inheritance engraved in the bones from generation to generation that keeps the Dragon Kingdom in a ‘young’ state! inherited…
Tang Zhenli murmured in his heart, looking at Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan’s eyes, he was silent for a long time, then turned and left.
the other side,
“This picture is perfect
A cameraman from the Longguo CCTV crew suddenly exclaimed, which aroused the curiosity of the female reporter.
..for flowers….
When she leaned forward to take a look, her face couldn’t help being stunned, only to see a photo appearing on the camera’s screen.
Looking at that scene, it was fixed at the moment when Wei Pengyu spoke to Tang Zhenli.
Wei Pengyu looked at Tang Zhenli with a smile on his face, but Tang Zhenli’s face was serious as if he had a heavy responsibility.On the other hand, Wei Pengyu was standing on the backlight side, Tang Zhenli was standing on the bright side,
This scene made a sense of time and space tearing in her mind.
In the photo, Tang Zhenli and Wei Pengyu are like sculptures representing two time and space.
One represents the past and present, and the other represents the future!
The spiritual inheritance of the aerospace people, there are people who follow…
Looking at this photo, the female reporter’s expression couldn’t help being a little dazed, and there was some unknown meaning in her expression.
In the end, in the sight of the group, Tang Zhenli finally boarded the plane back to Yandu.
At this moment, there were two people in the distance, silently watching the plane go away.
“Old Tang, don’t you want to meet again?”
Wan Wende had a puzzled look on his face and asked Tang Heguang.
Unexpectedly, Tang Heguang waved his hand with a calm expression, and then said.
“What is there to see, it’s not that I haven’t seen it before, he has grown up…”
In fact, in Tang Zhenli’s future direction, Tang Heguang does not allow himself to have a slightest involvement, even if it is an indirect influence.
He had already interfered with Tang Lizhe’s choice, and the final result proved that only the path he chose was the most correct path! Wan Wende stood aside, nodded slightly, looked at his old friend, and naturally understood his mood.
After hours of trekking,
A plane slowly landed on the playground of Longke University,
Fu Zhiyuan’s eyes lit up, he looked at Professor Liu next to him, and then said with a smile,
“You’ll know who I’m waiting for right away…”
Then he turned his head to look at Tang Zhenli who was slowly getting off the plane, and quickly stepped forward,
Looking at Professor Liu on the side with a slightly startled expression, the dean actually made such a big effort to pick up Tang Zhenli?
It’s not that Professor Liu doesn’t understand, but if he wants to know what Tang Zhenli has done some time ago, he won’t be surprised at this moment. next to the plane,
Fu Zhiyuan looked at Tang Zhenli with satisfaction, and nodded secretly,
After a year, I even solved the problem of the Mubaji engine.
Students in other schools are all eating, drinking and having fun during the holidays. Tang Zhenli wins glory for the country during the holidays!
Thinking of what Tang Heguang said to himself on the phone that day, he also felt very honored. Having this son is a blessing to Longke University!
〃Xiao Tang, welcome back to school! ”
Fu Zhiyuan looked at Tang Zhenli with a smile on his face, with approval in his eyes,
Tang Zhenli also smiled slightly and shouted.

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