Do you know Tang Zhenli?
Northwest Aerospace Base, Chief Engineer Office,
Wei Pengyu was taken aback after hearing what Fang Zishi said, and then said, with inexplicable confidence in his tone.
“There is a problem, but it has been solved. I dare say that within three years, no one can surpass Zhuanghachi’s engine.
Afterwards, the other end of the phone was stunned for a while, no one can surpass? Fang Zishi frowned, has Longguo Aerospace reached such a height? Then I adjusted my thoughts, and continued, anyway, tell Wei Pengyu first.
“It’s solved? Then I won’t be a joke. Do you know what kind of engine test our research institute has today…” Then he told Wei Pengyu about the engine tested today, and Wei Pengyu on the other end of the phone was a little confused. react,
The old classmate who dared to feel sorry for me wanted to introduce the engine to him. As soon as I thought about it, I felt a little grateful for the old classmate I hadn’t seen for many years.
However, the current engine issue has been perfectly resolved by Tang Zhenli. It seems that the old classmate’s good intentions will be in vain. Just as he was thinking about how to politely reject his old classmate, Fang Zishi’s voice came from the other end of the phone .
“I have been involved in scientific research for decades, and this is the first time I feel so shocked today. You don’t know how powerful the engine is…”
Wei Pengyu smiled helplessly on the other end of the phone. With Tang Zhenli’s engine, it is impossible for Longguo to have an engine that surpasses it in at least three to five years.
However, seeing how highly respected my old classmates are, as a courtesy, I can only listen to it. After all, it is his good intentions.
When Fang Zishi on the other end of the phone talked about the engine, he was as if he had opened a chatterbox, and he was not stingy about the engine he was talking about.
The color of praise.
“Old Wei, it’s not me bragging with you. I don’t know if you have seen a space engine with a speed of 55 kilometers per second. Anyway, I have seen it today…”
“Isn’t it just fifty-five kilometers? My old Wei didn’t see anything… What??? How much did you say????”
Wei Pengyu was in the middle of speaking, suddenly stunned, stood up quickly, stood up with a 5-swipe, and asked the phone with a little disbelief in his tone.
“Fifty-five kilometers per second. Of course, this is the data in the wind tunnel laboratory. In fact, boundary interference and bracket effects have to be removed.It should…” Fang Zishi continued to say with gusto when he saw that his old classmate was interested.
At this time, Wei Pengyu’s mind was full of fifty-five kilometers per second. As for what Fang Zishi said later, he didn’t understand a word.
At this time, Fang Zishi spoke again, with a somewhat inexplicable tone. Compared with that engine, the person in charge of the project also shocked him.
The dean of Longke University came forward to second the laboratory, and followed in person. That young man must have an extraordinary identity.
So at this time, he naturally wanted to recommend to Wei Pengyu, but before that, he still wanted to know which engine of the Zhuang 8 project was stronger than the engine he said, and immediately said.
“Old Wei, didn’t you say that within three years, no one will surpass it, how about this engine, which is eight times stronger than yours…”
Wei Pengyu” ”
Unexpectedly, there was a long silence on the other end of the phone, which made Fang Zishi almost suspect that the phone was broken.
“Who did the research???”
Unexpectedly, Wei Pengyu’s complicated voice came at this time.
“Tang Zhenli, do you know him?” Fang Zishi responded, feeling that Wei Pengyu’s state was a little off.
“Yes, I know too well…”
It was previously thought that there would be no engine capable of surpassing the current ‘Zhuangba’ project in three to five years.
But why did you forget about Tang Zhenli?
It took less than three months to return from the aerospace base to Dragon University of Science and Technology, and another ‘new model’ was created, and the speed was much higher than that of the ‘old model’… This made Wei Pengyu feel inexplicably aggrieved, you are so good Forcing you to say it earlier, I will also take you to the aerospace base to improve a der, and let you go back to Longke University. . . .
Think of the excitement of going to Longke Dara to pull the ‘rubbish’, think of the excitement of the Zhuangba engine being solved, now it is not fragrant at all.
He should have thought of it long ago. For Tang Zhenli, in a short period of time, the only one who can surpass Tang Zhenli is himself.
At this time, Wei Pengyu suddenly remembered that when he went to Longke University last year, he heard through the mouths of those assistants that Tang Zhenli would continue new research and development, but he had no choice but to focus on that engine at that time. care.
Looking back now, I really regret it…
“Know? How did you meet…”
At this moment, Fang Zishi’s surprised voice came from the other end of the phone. He also wanted to introduce this promising young man to Wei Pengyu…
“The person in charge of solving the engine problem of the ‘Zhuangba’ project at the beginning was him, and I have to add that no one can surpass the Zhuangba engine within three years, except himself…”
Master Fang: “…”
This time it was his turn to be silent, his face suddenly wrinkled together, and his mind was even more shocked than when he first saw the data. After co-authoring this for a long time, the engine of the ‘Zhuangba’ project and the engine of today are actually the same person? ? ? ! ! ! Is there something so outrageous? ? ? The outrageous kind! ! !
I thought Tang Zhenli was a freshman in scientific research, but I didn’t expect that his experience at such a young age would be so terrifying! ! !
Looking at the age, I thought it was a bronze, but I didn’t expect to see the experience directly to the king!
In the end, the two hung up the phone tacitly in silence, and tonight, no one is destined to sleep!
Northwest Space Base,
Wei Pengyu was extremely anxious, seeing that the ‘Zhuang Ba’ project was about to be launched, but who knew that this incident would happen again.
It would be a lie to say that he is not envious of the new type of engine, but there is still just over a month before the launch, which is too late.
And it is said that this is only a successful wind tunnel experiment. In case the engine is replaced, something goes wrong in practice. …
But if he didn’t change it, he was a little unwilling. He had devoted himself to the ‘Zhuangba’ project for dozens of years, and he had long regarded ‘Zhuangba’ as his own child. Naturally, he wanted its perfect birth.
In general, it is naturally more stable if the engine is not replaced, and the effect is naturally more explosive if the engine is replaced.
For a while, Wei Pengyu was caught in a dilemma.
However, he had no doubts about whether Tang Zhenli would agree to take out the engine and replace it.
Judging from the current observation, Tang Zhenli is the kind of pure scientific research worker who will not hide his personal wealth because of fame and fortune.
He is very sure of this, because only pure people understand pure people!

In the end, the two hung up the phone tacitly in silence, and tonight, no one is destined to sleep!
Northwest Space Base,
Wei Pengyu was extremely anxious, seeing that the ‘Zhuang Ba’ project was about to be launched, but who knew that this incident would happen again.
It would be a lie to say that he is not envious of the new type of engine, but there is still just over a month before the launch, which is too late.
And it is said that this is only a successful wind tunnel experiment. In case the engine is replaced, something goes wrong in practice…
But if he didn’t change it, he was a little unwilling. He had devoted himself to the ‘Zhuangba’ project for dozens of years, and he had long regarded ‘Zhuangba’ as his own child. Naturally, he wanted its perfect birth.
In general, it is naturally more stable if the engine is not replaced, and the effect is naturally more explosive if the engine is replaced.
For a while, Wei Pengyu was caught in a dilemma.
However, he had no doubts about whether Tang Zhenli would agree to take out the engine and replace it. Judging from the current observation, Tang Zhenli is the kind of pure scientific research worker who will not hide his personal wealth because of fame and fortune.
He is very sure of this, because only pure people understand pure people!

And it doesn’t look like a rocket engine, does it? you say too muchThey also believe in the 117 engine on the air fighter, but it is a bit far-fetched to insist on the rocket engine…
In fact, many people will be surprised by the shape of this engine at first glance.
Because this look was indeed inspired by some of the science fiction novels Tang Zhenli read before.
“General Manager Wei, it looks good just like this, but the specific data…”
At this time, the head of the department finally raised a question, but it was more euphemistic.
And Wei Pengyu seemed to have expected it long ago, and continued to say to the crowd,
“Then I’ll show you the detailed data next. This is the data from the first wind tunnel experiment!”
The voice fell, and the content on the screen changed, projecting dense rows of data.
At this time, some careful people used today’s ‘Zhuangba’ engine for comparison, but I don’t know if I don’t see it, I was startled when I saw it.
The overall performance of this strange-looking engine is actually 120% higher than that of the engine currently loaded by Zhuangba.
“More than fifty kilometers per second??? This speed has exceeded the limit speed that human technology can achieve today…”
“How is that possible??? Today’s ‘Zhuangba’ engine is considered to be the world’s leading aerospace engine, and its performance is almost twice as high???”
In the end, someone couldn’t help but exclaimed, and the others were naturally not fools. Hearing this, he was stunned, and he quickly compared the engine data of the current ‘Zhuangba’.
Compared with the speed pursued by Tang Zhenli, experts in the aerospace field pay more attention to overall performance. Although the speed of more than 50 kilometers per second is enough to amaze them, performance is more important than performance.
After all, the main purpose of a rocket launch is to send things or manned people into orbits in near space. In terms of speed, I am afraid that only exploration projects such as lunar exploration are more concerned.
“This is too scary, isn’t it? I thought the current ‘Zhuangba’ was scary enough…”
“Looking at this form, maybe two bursts of this kind of engine can equal the kinetic energy of the current quadruple engines!!!”
Ordinary people may not realize what, but for professionals, especially in the aerospace field, the doubled growth is simply incredible.
If this is the case, then the cost will be greatly reduced after the replacement, and it can even be used for dual or even triple use under recycling.
“But now there is a problem, this engine has only entered the preliminary experimental stage, that is to say, if it needs to be replaced in a short time, the stability will be worse…”
However, when everyone was excited, Wei Pengyu spoke up and poured a basin of cold water in a timely manner to calm them down.
And when everyone heard the words, their expressions really changed, and they changed from their previous fanatical demeanor.
Wei Pengyu calmed down, nodded secretly, and then continued,
“So, let’s discuss next, what do you want to say about whether to change clothes, even if you bring it up
As soon as Wei Pengyu’s voice fell, someone raised their concerns.
“Mr. Wei, according to this, this technology is not yet mature, and if you want to improve it in a short period of time, even if it succeeds, the risk is still very high, mainly because the engine should have just come out, and the time is too late, even if it is delayed, It is estimated that it will have to be postponed for half a year…”
As soon as this statement came out, many people nodded silently, apparently agreeing.
“Yes, I think it’s better to be more secure. After all, the ‘Zhuangba’ project has gathered the efforts of so many researchers, and after debugging by Tang Gong, it is very stable…”
At this time, another person spoke, and when everyone heard the words, they fell silent one after another. This can be said to have touched their hearts.
Years of hard work, in case it goes to waste like last year (biei)
This is not only a question of whether the ‘Zhuang Ba’ project will be withdrawn, it is very likely that the international reputation of the Dragon Kingdom will be destroyed in one fell swoop!
Such consequences, even the entire space base, cannot be held responsible.
However, there are still some people who have other ideas. The chief power engineer of the Zhuang 8 project narrowed his eyes slightly and said to Wei Pengyu,
“General Manager Wei, can you tell me which research institute is responsible for the research and development of this engine…”
Wei Pengyu obviously expected it, and nodded when he heard the words, thinking of that amazing young man in his mind, and said lightly,
“This new engine was newly developed by Tang Zhenli…”
Unexpectedly, as soon as Wei Pengyu’s voice fell, everyone present was gasping for breath, with horror in their eyes.
how can that be? ? ? Tang Gong developed a new type of engine only a few months before he left the space base? ? ? Although most people didn’t believe it the first time they heard the words, but on second thought, it was impossible for Chief Engineer Wei to lie.
For a while, everyone seemed to be able to understand it. No wonder Mr. Wei couldn’t make a decision. It turned out that this engine was developed by Tang Gong? And after hearing that this engine was developed by Tang Zhenli.
Some people’s minds began to become active, and they really thought seriously about whether to seek wealth or risk, or to act prudently.
However, compared to before, the voices against changing clothes were suddenly much smaller.
After all, Tang Zhenli has proved his strength with his achievements, whether it is the research and development or improvement of previous engines, or the research and development of new engines, all of which prove that Tang Zhenli has deep attainments in the field of aerospace engines!
It was then suggested that,
“If you can invite Tang Gong, other research institutes are familiar with the process of Zhuangba, but Tang Gong does not need it, and it is not impossible to change clothes.
Who knew that everyone heard the wordsIf this is the case, it can be regarded as the best of both worlds.
If the engine is replaced, it can be regarded as a great improvement for ‘Zhuang Hachi’.
Even Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan jumped in their hearts and looked at each other. They were too focused on the engine itself before, and the two of them actually forgot this?
Didn’t Tang Zhenli perfect the engine in just one month last time?
There is still more than a month before the official launch. Including the test launch, it is not impossible to completely replace the engine in two months.
Wei Pengyu pondered for a while, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, then looked around the crowd, and said in a solemn tone.
“Okay, let’s vote next, agree or disagree!”
As soon as the words fell, the heads of various departments present began to vote in turn.
“If Tang Gong brings the R&D team to change the outfit, I agree!”
“Me too, if Mr. Tang is in charge, I agree to change clothes!”
When I went to the chief power engineer at the end, I saw him gritted his teeth, and then sat down to make a decision.
“I also agree. If Mr. Tang agrees, I would like to abdicate and become Mr. Tang’s deputy! He will be the chief power engineer…”
As soon as this remark came out, many people immediately looked at it with respect, and it was beyond the reach of ordinary people to give up their position with a single remark.
In the end, more than 90% of the people agreed to change their costumes, but the premise was that Tang Zhenli was responsible.
There is also little opposition from those who do not agree.
Seeing this, Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan discussed in a low voice for a while, and finally Wei Pengyu made a decision directly, looked around the crowd, and said with a serious expression
“Shun decided to try to replace the engine, keep the original engine plan, make two-handed preparations, and notify other project leaders who are linked with us to postpone the launch. This time, we must make a beautiful turnaround and show the Western world !”
“It is decided that Tang Zhenli will be the chief engineer of Zhuangba Power!!!”
At the end, Wei Pengyu thumped the table heavily, expressing his strong determination!

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