Professor Liu: Chief Power Engineer? ? ?
Suddenly, the five people reacted instantly, and looked at each other, all speculating in their hearts.
The newly developed engine! ! !
At this point in their thoughts, the breathing of several people suddenly became a little faster, and the eyes looking at Tang Zhenli were a little excited.
The significance of Tang Zhenli bringing them is self-evident. This is to treat them as a team, or even a future team!
Otherwise, why bother to bring yourself and others.
You must know that even a master’s student or even a doctoral student of Dragon University of Science and Technology can only play a part in the aerospace base! And they went here, but they went directly as Tang Zhenli’s assistant! At this time, Li Haoxuan’s eyes were thoughtful, and he asked straight to the point,
“Tang Gong, is it about our newly developed engine?
Tang Zhenli heard the words, and then glanced at a few people inadvertently, and saw that they all looked expectant and curious-.
A move in my heart, anyway, the car arranged now has not come, it is better to talk to a few people directly.
“Yes, the ‘Zhuangba’ project wants to replace the newly developed engine, let us help out and be responsible for the power module…” The voice fell, and several people froze in their hearts. Although Tang Gong’s tone was calm, they I still heard some clues, responsible for the power module…. Isn’t that the chief power engineer? ? ? As a semi-entry research scholar, it is not unfamiliar to some professional titles.
Before Tang Zhenli, it was said that Longke University had a legendary senior sister the year before, who went to the aerospace base shortly after graduation and became one of the heads of a small department.This matter can be said to be the main topic of discussion among the students of Longke University in the past two years. There are even many people who use her as their idol, and Qi Lu is one of them.
Of course, this was before knowing Tang Zhenli.
So at this moment, when they thought that Tang Zhenli might be directly appointing the chief power engineer, they finally couldn’t hold back.
If Tang Gong was the chief power engineer, wouldn’t he and others be the assistants of the chief engineer?
– At this point, the hearts of several people were excited, and their hands could not help oozing sweat, even Qilu, who had always been stable, was no exception.
Not excited about being the chief engineer’s assistant.
Instead, he can participate in the core research and development process, and by virtue of his identity as the assistant to the chief power engineer, he can truly participate in the project.
Under normal circumstances, they are just students of Longke University, or students in school, let alone fight, they can’t even see the space base.
Tang Zhenli understood the reactions of several people in his heart.
Between the thoughts of several people, a train of trains slowly drove to the front of the laboratory.
If it weren’t for the fact that it was only eight or nine o’clock now, and Saturday was added, this would definitely have attracted a lot of onlookers.
Tang Zhenli looked at the plainclothes, and the man at the head nodded, knowing it in his heart, and then said to the five assistants,
“Get on the bus, the itinerary is arranged, and the documents are ready”
The five assistants nodded when they heard the words, looked at the grand team, and secretly thought in their hearts, the position of the chief power engineer has been hammered!
– Pedestrians got on the bus one after another, and it happened that Fu Zhiyuan and Professor Liu were coming out of the cafeteria after breakfast when they came across this scene.
Immediately, the two looked different. Although Fu Zhiyuan was an insider, he was still a little surprised when he knew that Wei Pengyu was willing to give Tang Zhenli the chief power engineer.
Surprised to be surprised, he also knew that Tang Zhenli had this qualification!
Therefore, seeing Tang Zhenli getting into the car at this time, even if it was him, there was a hint of relief on his face, and he felt a little emotional in his heart.
On the other side, Professor Liu showed a hint of confusion on his face, a little surprised. He glanced from the corner of his eye and looked at Fu Zhiyuan, who was there with the old god. His heart moved, and then he asked,
“President, where are they going?”
Fu Zhiyuan glanced at Professor Liu after hearing the words, and said calmly,
“Going to the aerospace base in the northwest, the ‘Zhuangba’ project wants to transfer Xiao Tang to be the chief power engineer in the past…”
“Power Engineer????”
Hearing this, Professor Liu’s body trembled, and he almost didn’t hold the thermos cup in his hand. Then he looked at Fu Zhiyuan with an indifferent expression, and then looked at the few people who had gotten into the car.
Isn’t this a joke? But on second thought, Fu Zhiyuan had no reason to lie to him, and it seemed that several of his students were among them…
Thinking of this, Professor Liu’s expression gradually changed from surprised to excited.verb: move.
At this moment, Fu Zhiyuan met Fu Zhiyuan’s gaze, and that gaze seemed to say, I didn’t lie to you at the beginning, it must be right to let your students follow Tang Zhenli!
After taking a few deep breaths, Professor Liu looked at the convoy leaving slowly, the excitement in his eyes was beyond words.
…ask for flowers…
I didn’t expect that one day the students I trained would also become the chief engineer’s assistant.
But the more important thing is Tang Zhenli. I had already estimated Tang Zhenli high enough before, but now it seems that I still underestimated this young man.
That’s the chief power engineer. Even at his age, just thinking about it is enough to get excited.
To this, he can only say one thing,
He doesn’t understand the world of young people!
On the other side, the convoy slowly drove out of the campus of Longke University and drove on the road.
Standing at the gate of the school, Wu Shaoying looked at the convoy driving far away, feeling a little disappointed in her heart. It would take several months, maybe even a year, a few years…
At this point in my thoughts, I couldn’t help but let out a long sigh. If she was given another chance to get along with Tang Zhenli, she might be able to win directly…
But lost is lost, she knows what Tang Zhenli yearns for, she can’t and shouldn’t be an obstacle to prevent him from realizing his ideal.
Although this would put him in constant torment, but for Tang Zhenli, he was willing.
Jinling Bieyuan,
Sister Xia and the three looked at the sullen Wu Shaoying, with different expressions on their faces. They seemed to have thought of something. Sister Xia said tentatively, “Yingying, tomorrow is your new song single release conference. Are you ready?”
“Don’t worry, sister, I’ll be ready!”
Wu Shaoying also seemed to find that her state at the moment looked a little abnormal in front of everyone, so she immediately smiled, indicating that she was fine. Seeing the appearance of her idol, Ye Yingxin frowned, but she really couldn’t think of anything to do.
No, I can’t let sister Yingying go on like this, I have to tell her in person!
Immediately, seeing Wu Shaoying go upstairs and return to her room, Ye Yingxin’s expression changed, and she immediately followed.
Wu Shaoying looked at Ye Yingxin, who was following her into the room, with a puzzled expression.
“Sister Yingying, I have something to tell you…”
Ye Yingxin’s face showed a trace of confusion at this moment, but after thinking about it for a while, … for a long time…
鬲 I W
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I still feel the need to express my thoughts.

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