We Misunderstood Sister Tianxian? ?
Yandu Huanshan Film and Television City,
The single release conference officially started, and the specific process started with the host asking about the specific creative process of the single and the difficulties encountered in it.
And these Wu Shaoying answered one by one, appearing to be calm.
But these entertainment media don’t care, they only care about the free interviews that follow.
It’s not only the media who don’t care, even the true fans who have always called on others to pay attention to Wu Shaoying’s works are also very interested in it.
After all, the new song and single have been heard on major music platforms before, and this release is just a public process of Wu Shaoying’s announcement of transformation.
Compared with the song itself, whether it is true love fans or entertainment media, they are obviously more concerned about the current scandal Wu Shaoying is involved in, and want to see what kind of response she will make.
“Okay, let’s leave the time to the media, and please ask questions in an orderly manner!”
The host in the room also seemed to realize what everyone was thinking, and quickly ended himself.In the link, the time was handed over to a group of media people.
The eyes of all the media people lit up when they heard the words, and they held up the microphones and came over one by one, but Wu Shaoying still had that calm look. Facing the media’s approach, she seemed calm and didn’t feel that way. A little flustered.
In the crowd, Liu Ling’s heart jumped when she saw this, and she couldn’t help holding her boyfriend’s hand tightly. In fact, yesterday’s scandal was not too much pressure for fans like them who still believed in Wu Shaoying, and even her heart was full of fear. Somewhat suspiciously.
Doubt whether the idols that I have always admired are people who are different in appearance as they say on the Internet.
At this time, the first question was finally raised by a reporter from a large entertainment magazine.
“Hello Shaoying, how do you respond to yesterday’s scandal?”
“No response, I already responded last year…”
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying, who answered her succinctly, said these words, and everyone present was stunned for a moment. They did not expect that Wu Shaoying’s attitude was so tough.
The reporter also looked startled when he heard the words, and then reluctantly gave up his position to other media. The family had a question, which was agreed in advance, but this question was indeed a bit too direct.
Then another media reporter squeezed forward and asked Wu Shaoying,
“Shao Ying, can you easily disclose some current personal life situation?”
Wu Shao responded with two words directly and lightly, but his face remained calm.
But other people are not so calm when they hear the words. The short two words contain a lot of information. Being single, does that mean that the boy is pursuing Wu Shaoying? But it seems that Wu Shaoying has not agreed.
Suddenly, they seemed to have figured out Wu Shaoying’s bottom line in answering questions. As long as they didn’t use those fishing reels on the Internet to ask her, they would answer whatever should be answered.
“Shao Ying, do you have someone you like now?”
At this time, a reporter said, but after speaking, he seemed a little unconfident, for fear that he asked too directly, Wu Shaoying chose not to answer.
“Yes, there is no progress
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying blurted out, and everyone was stunned. They did not expect that Wu Shaoying would answer so straightforwardly.
I thought that even if Wu Shaoying might have evaded the past, she now answered positively.
all of a sudden,
Some smart people think of the previous question, and their expressions suddenly change, being single… having someone they like… no progress for the time being…
These three words are linked together, coupled with the decisiveness of the talented Wu Shaoying when he speaks, an inference that is impossible in the eyes of ordinary people emerges in them.
in mind.
Could it be
In fact, is Wu Shaoying pursuing that boy? ? ? ! ! !
Thinking of this, everyone’s eyes changed, whether it was the media or the fans. It seemed that things were not what they had guessed.
However, compared to the previous fishing reels on the Internet, this time it was even more outrageous.
Compared with the national goddess falling in love, it is obviously more shocking that the national goddess is chasing boys!
At this time, a reporter responded and quickly asked,
“Shao Ying, can it be understood that you are currently moving in the direction of love, and you are the one taking the initiative?”
It has to be said that this set of words is extremely clever, Wu Shaoying was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and subconsciously wanted to nod her head, but finally she managed to control it, but a slight nodding motion still came out.
“I choose not to answer this question. Next, please pay more attention to my works. I will not answer questions that have nothing to do with my works.”
After she finished speaking, Wu Shaoying felt a little regretful. She didn’t know if her nodding movement was captured by someone with a heart.
If it is caught and posted on the Internet, what if Tang Zhenli discovers it… He is so smart, he must be able to infer something. To be honest, Wu Shaoying was not ready for a showdown with Tang Zhenli, not because she was not ready, but because she felt that Tang Zhenli was right now.
His attitude has not reached the level of his own showdown.
If Tang Zhenli found out, his attitude towards himself would probably change.
At this point, I feel a little uneasy…
In fact, all the people in the media are very sophisticated in terms of observing words and expressions, how could they not have seen some subtle movements of Wu Shaoying? That slight nodding action is clearly a subconscious admission! !
After noticing (Dade Zhao) these, the reporters were all excited. They felt that they had dug up the truth of the scandal! The national goddess, sister Tianxian, was really chasing the male protagonist of the incident! ! !
Is this far more shocking than Wu Shaoying’s tryst with boys?
A well-known star is pursuing a college student, and he has not made any progress, so he would not dare to act like this in TV dramas!
However, the people present were professionals after all, and although there was a storm in their hearts, there was still not much fluctuation on the surface.
After that, Wu Shaoying answered a few more free questions, and the press conference ended quickly.
A group of media people can’t wait to go back and cut out this interview, which must be another hot topic!
Absolutely awesome gas!

His attitude has not reached the level of his own showdown.
If Tang Zhenli knew about it, his attitude towards him would probably change.
At this point, I feel a little uneasy…
In fact, all the people in the media are very sophisticated in terms of observing words and expressions, how could they not have seen some subtle movements of Wu Shaoying? ThatA slight nodding motion is clearly a subconscious acknowledgment! !
After noticing (Dede Zhao), all the reporters were very excited. They felt that they had discovered the truth of the scandal! The goddess of the nation, the younger sister of Tianxian, was actually chasing after the male lead! ! !
This is far more shocking than Wu Shaoying’s tryst with boys, isn’t it?
A popular star pursues a college student, and there is no progress yet, TV dramas dare not act like this!
However, all the people present were professionals after all, and although there were turbulent waves in their hearts, there was still not much fluctuation on the surface.
After that, Wu Shaoying answered a few more free questions, and the press conference ended quickly.
A group of media people can’t wait to go back and edit this interview, this must be another hot topic!
Absolutely the best kind of gas!
ebony i*i forced
reward share
“It’s outrageous, it’s even more outrageous than knowing that Wu Shaoying is in a relationship before!” “The most outrageous entertainment news of the year is scheduled…”
The bottom of the post is full of shocking comments. Obviously, this news has also shocked the big-hearted netizens.
Afterwards, a group of netizens thought for a while, and they finally understood why Wu Shaoying didn’t come out to respond.
This is clearly just a relationship that is not full of lovers, more than friends, how to respond is a problem. After thinking about it, the wind direction against Wu Shaoying also changed slightly.
If that’s the case, it’s understandable.
At this time, many netizens recalled the slander and ridicule of Wu Shaoying.
Dare to love, we have misunderstood Sister Tianxian all this time? ? ?
It turned out that Wu Shaoying had been enduring the unreasonable abuse and slander from herself and others. Suddenly, many people felt an inexplicable sense of guilt in their hearts.
Immediately, many regretful netizens ran to Wu Shaoying’s account to apologize.
“I’m so stupid, really, I knew my sister’s true temperament, and I went to believe the marketing account, I’m so stupid, really…
“My heart hurts, my sister suffered so much ridicule and abuse for no reason…”
“My sister failed to catch up and was scolded by you, what a tragedy!”
“One thing to say, the male lead is quite handsome…
While commenting, Wu Shaoying’s fan base has gradually recovered.
Normally speaking, Zhenghong announced that he has someone he likes and announced that he is in a relationship alive.
Whether it is a male star or a female star, the popularity will drop sharply.
But Wu Shaoying is just the opposite. It has to be said that this has something to do with the previous fishing boat.
In short, it’s like everyone knows you are a good person, but one day you do something bad, everyone will shout and beat you. On the contrary, everyone knows that you are a good person, and one day you do something good, and you will be praised by everyone.
Although this analogy is not appropriate, there are similarities but the same effect.
Therefore, during this period of time, Wu Shaoying’s fishing boat trend on the Internet really fit this principle. In less than a few hours, Wu Shaoying’s fans not only recovered to the previous amount, but even increased.
This makes people have to sigh, human nature is so complicated.
Jinling Bieyuan,
The four people who returned home sat on the sofa, holding their mobile phones one by one, looking at the wind direction on the Internet.
Obviously, they didn’t expect things to develop to this point before.
Sister Xia just watched the fishing boats on the Internet, and found that Wu Shaoying’s popularity was gradually recovering, so she said to Wu Shaoying with a look of surprise.
“Yingying, to be honest, haven’t you thought about it a long time ago, killing two birds with one stone, at least if things between you and Tang Zhenli are to come true in the future, the public will also have psychological expectations
“No” At that time, I was somewhat trapped by that reporter…”
Wu Shaoying curled her lips when she heard the words, her eyes were a little downcast.
“Sister Yingying, this is obviously a good thing, why do you look unhappy…”
At this moment, the little assistant noticed the expression on her face and said with some doubts.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying lowered her eyes and became more and more depressed. She sighed leisurely, and then said,
“I’m afraid…it will affect Tang Zhenli…”
Now that the incident has been clarified, I believe that with the acumen of those unscrupulous media, Tang Zhenli will definitely not let this big news go. If the relationship with Wu Shaoying was guesswork the previous few times, this time it was almost a foregone conclusion.
It’s hard for entertainment reporters or paparazzi not to be interested in this matter.
It is foreseeable that Tang Zhenli will be exposed to the public in the future, and he will dig deeper than last time! Hearing this, the little assistant and sister Xia were taken aback. They were people who knew Tang Zhenli well.
At this time, I also thought of the stakes, but Sister Xia finally comforted me,
“Don’t worry, it’s not like you don’t know his identity, it’s fine…”
Wu Shaoying thought for a while, and could only nod her head, but she was still a little uneasy.
Ye Yingxin on the side seemed to be used to their mysterious conversations, and she had some guesses in her heart.
Tang Zhenli? There is another unknown identity!
In fact, during the last conversation with Wu Shaoying, she had a feeling that maybe she really misunderstood Tang Zhenli?

On the Internet, as Wu Shaoying expected, after the misunderstanding of Wu Shaoying was resolved, many netizens focused their attention on Tang Zhenli.
No matter if you are a male fan or a female fan, you want to know what kind of boy and how attractive he is, to attract Tianxian sister to chase after him, and let Tianxian sister shout that there is no progress!
Where there is heat, people will naturally dig deep.
After a while, a lot of posts claiming to be insiders spread on major platforms.
“The god of learning since childhood, and Wu Shaoying are not only high school classmates, but also junior high school classmates…”
— then news, shockingOther people’s eyes, but there is an even more shocking follow-up.
“Shocked, the hero of the National Goddess Incident is a junior college student!!!”
“Failed in the college entrance examination?? Two full marks???”
As soon as these two pieces of news came out, they completely ignited the hot spot!
“Su Ran, look quickly, the revelations about the hero of the four incidents…”
Liu Ling hurriedly pulled her boyfriend, pointed to the phone and said to him.
“I saw it, nothing else, just being convinced, able to block the love offensive of the goddess of the people, a role model for my generation, if it’s me…”
With a trace of seriousness on Su Ran’s face, she nodded, but when she spoke about the back, she suddenly felt her body stiffen and her back feel cold.
“What’s wrong with you…”
Liu Lingyou Shi Chu whispered in his ear, and unconsciously put her hand on his waist.
“I’m sure I won’t be able to withstand it, but fortunately, with you, I think I can withstand it…”
Halfway through Su Ran’s words, she felt a slight pain in her waist. Immediately, she changed her tone, looked at Liu Ling affectionately and said.
Liu Lingxi cursed, and gradually let go of her hands.

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