Whether Longguo Aerospace can turn around depends on this battle
Jinling Bieyuan,
At this point in her thoughts, Miss Xia quickly got up and pulled Wu Shaoying to sit down, and gave her a distressed look.
Although they have only been together for two years, Sister Xia seems to have regarded Wu Shaoying as her half daughter. Wu Shaoying is now a fan of the authorities. In layman’s terms, she has fallen into this relationship, even though it is still a relationship that has never happened.
Looking at Wu Shaoying’s appearance, I unconsciously want to think about her, but from an objective point of view,
One is a big star who is currently in the Dragon Kingdom, and the other is a scholar whose rank needs to be kept secret…
It is difficult to combine one word!
But fortunately, Wu Shaoying is affectionate enough for Tang Zhenli, so it is not impossible…
Under her thoughts, Miss Xia always felt that it was time for her to do something…
Here, Wu Shaoying is reclining on the sofa, curled up together, staring at the TV with “130” eyes, and she can tell that she is in a state of mind again at a glance.
Suddenly, as if she saw something, Wu Shaoying’s eyes narrowed slightly, causing the thoughts in her mind to pause for a while, then she straightened up quickly and watched the TV with a focused expression.
Just listening to the TV, came the female host’s slightly solemn voice.
“According to reliable sources, the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket project of Longguo Aerospace has made great progress. The relevant person in charge revealed that the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket project may be launched in the near future. This launch represents the Spaceflight has entered a new phase…”
Wu Shaoying’s eyes flickered, she was still staring at the TV screen, staring blankly.
The little assistant looked at Wu Shaoying curiously at the news, and subconsciously explained.
“Sister Yingying is also interested in this? This is our newly developed launch vehicle, which is very powerful, um… anyway, it is a very powerful thing, and it has been reported for more than half a month…”
Xiao Yin glanced at Wu Shaoying suspiciously, and then said slowly.
“You know so well
Wu Shaoying was taken aback, when did her little assistant start paying attention to the scientific research circle?
“Don’t tell me nowIf you go to the street and drag anyone, you all know ‘Zhuang Ba’, so sister Yingying, you don’t know the world if you don’t ask about it for a while…”
Xiao Yin answered honestly.
“What’s wrong, Yingying?”
Sister Xia also noticed something unusual about Wu Shaoying and couldn’t help asking.
Wu Shaoying had already turned on her mobile phone to search at this time, and she heard the words and answered directly.
There were words in her mouth, and when she searched for Zhuangba’s entries, tens of thousands of posts appeared in an instant.
In the end, Wu Shaoying only clicked on posts with pictures and videos, as if they were purposeful.
Finally, Wu Shaoying’s eyes lit up when she saw a photo. This is the photo she just saw on the news.
The scene in the photo is a scene of a reporter interviewing.
However, her focus was not on the female reporter and the interviewee, but on a corner of the photo.
Then a sweet smile appeared on his face unconsciously, and he murmured in his heart,
“It’s him… this profile… can’t be wrong…”
The corner of the photo is the scene where Tang Zhenli was surrounded by people before.
In the photo, Tang Zhenli was looking at a drawing intently, turning his head sideways and saying something to the surrounding staff.
Although only half of her face was vaguely exposed, Wu Shaoying still recognized it, saying that a woman who is in love is numb.
It can only be said that a woman who is in love just focuses most of her energy on the person she loves, and is numb to the affairs around her.
Seeing Wu Shaoying who was suddenly smiling, Sister Xia and the little assistant were a little stunned. What happened to the eldest miss?
This face has changed too fast!
Finally, Sister Xia asked in an uncertain tone.
“Have you contacted your male god?”
“You’ll know when it’s down…”
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying did not answer directly. What responded to them was Wu Shaoying’s beautiful smile and slightly mysterious words.
Sister Xia and Xiao Yin gossip looked at each other, and an idea emerged in their hearts at the same time.
There must be a resurgence of adultery!
Just like that, before I knew it, the time had come to August, and more than a month had passed since Tang Zhenli went to the space base. Inside the Northwest Aerospace Base,
Today Wei Pengyu is inspecting the power module, and next to him is Tang Zhenli.
Looking at the busy scene in the assembly workshop, and the two-haired Xuanwu engine placed in the center of the venue, the current situation is already over.
Good for the most part…
Wei Pengyu couldn’t help showing a bit of a smile on his face, and said to Tang Zhenli.
“The progress of this project is really gratifying. It seems that it will be officially completed soon!”
Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but nodded when he heard the words. According to this progress, it would only take half a month at most to hand over the two engines. And replaced the original quadruple engine with today’s two-link basalt engine.
At this moment, Wei Pengyu seemed to have thought of something. He stopped, turned his head and asked Tang Zhenli with a solemn tone.
“Tang Chief Engineer, do you think the current progress, after the completion of the Xuanwu engine, how long will it take to change the equipment?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli thought for a while, and finally said safely,
“Fast talk – a week, slow talk for half a month”
At present, the jade box that should be solved is almost solved, and changing clothes is not a big problem. Under normal circumstances, one week is enough.
Wei Pengyu’s eyes lit up when he heard the words, if that’s the case…then the launch application report can be submitted.
With this in mind, Wei Pengyu hurriedly bid farewell to Tang Zhenli and returned to his office…
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Chief,
In front of the desk, Ji Chengtian held a long overdue application report in his hand, with a relieved smile on his face.
“It’s finally here
Needless to say, this application report is naturally the official launch application report of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket!
Although the current situation, the launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket is a certainty, but the process of going is still to go.
Basically, there is no need to think about it, not even a meeting. Ji Chengtian directly signed his name on the launch application report and covered it.
It has the official seal of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo.
After doing this, Ji Chengtian came to the window alone, with his hands behind his back, looking towards the northwest direction, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a trace of inexplicable emotions.
Whether Longguo Aerospace can turn over depends on this battle
“‘Zhuangba’! Don’t let us down!”
I secretly muttered in my heart that Ji Chengtian’s demeanor at this time is more like an ordinary scientific research scholar who is looking forward to the successful launch of ‘Zhuangba’, rather than the person in charge of the Longguo Science and Technology Department.
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