Maybe the chief engineer went to the toilet? ? ? After all, it’s just a report
Hearing this, Wang Hongxuan on the other end of the phone did not speak again, waiting for Ji Chengtian.
Afterwards, Ji Chengtian browsed it quickly, and finally stopped in the column of the command of the six major divisions of the live broadcast.
There was a hint of hesitation in Ji Chengtian’s eyes, and he tapped the table with his fingers lightly. For nothing else, he was considering whether to let Tang Zhenli appear in front of the public so early.
But after a few breaths, the hesitation on his face was no longer, his fists were clenched, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.
Ji Chengtian wanted to understand that he would rather increase the security investment in scientific research personnel than let the scientific research workers who are working silently in some areas remain anonymous.
They deserve the flowers and praise they deserve.
Maybe this is a decision-making change that may have a big impact, but Ji Chengtian is ready for everything.
Times have changed.
The Dragon Kingdom is no longer the weak Dragon Kingdom that was decades ago. Today’s Dragon Kingdom is qualified to let everyone know that we are so prosperous and strong today, precisely because there are countless scientific researchers working hard and fighting hard!And the current dragon state has the strength and has the ability to protect them!
Heroes who have fought for the country and the nation and shed blood and tears should not be in textbooks or monuments.
But the place where it should appear most is in the mouth and heart of Longguo Ren 147! ! !
Why can scientists in the Western world be famous all over the world, while the scientists in the Dragon Kingdom can only be unknown? It’s not fair!
When people mention scientists, they are filled with foreign faces, but they don’t know much about scientists in their own country.
Publicity plays a big part in this.
Perhaps people’s perceptions of Longguo’s scientific research scholars will change after this. And the best opportunity for this may start from Tang Zhenli!
At this point, Ji Chengtian said to the other end of the phone with a solemn tone.
“Wang Bu, the current plan, I think there is no problem, can continue to implement!”
“Okay, I understand, then the plan remains the same, Ministry Ji, I wish our ‘Zhuang Ba’ a complete success!” Wang Hongxuan on the other end of the phone also changed his tone and became much more serious.
“Hmm! A complete success!”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian’s eyes drifted out of the window with a hint of sharpness in his tone.
Northwest Aerospace Base, the general control room of the ‘(biei) Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project.
In the huge control room, there are pieces of electronic screens hanging on the wall in front.
The rows of seats extend from the front to the back in a step-like manner. At this time, the middle seat is full of people. In front of each person is either a controller or a computer, each monitoring the board that he is responsible for.
At this time, Wei Pengyu was standing in the center of the main control room. The largest screen in the main control room was facing him. His sharp eyes were constantly scanning every module during the period. Wang Shan was also sitting beside him, watching intently. looking at the computer in front of him.
And this picture is being broadcast live across the country in real time.
At this moment, Wei Pengyu raised his hand to look at his watch, his expression changed slightly, then he picked up the handle in front of him and pinched it in his hand.
The next moment, Wei Pengyu’s voice spread to the ears of the entire ‘Zhuangba’ project team.
“Now I announce that the countdown to the launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project has begun. Please report the situation to the commanders of the command team!”
When the voice fell, in addition to the staff of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project, all the netizens of Longguo who were watching the live broadcast also knew. The ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle is ready to launch!
After a while, the broadcast sound track in the main control room was connected to the external sub-control room, and the chief engineer of the four major modules also began to listen to the report below.
The first self-inspection was the load project, and the voice of Chief Engineer Li, who only listened to the load project, was transmitted to the main control room.
“Load module, everything works!”
Then there is the control module,
“Attitude control adjustment, the sensor connection on the outer end of the arrow is normal!”
After that was the power control module in charge of Tang Zhenli, only to hear his voice that was obviously more immature than the other chief teachers,
“Power module, the engine response is normal!”
Finally, it is the structural module that connects the whole.
“The pressure of the upper and lower connecting modules of the rocket body of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle is normal!”
“Okay, if there is no problem, each commander will enter the general control room to assist the commander!”
There are no problems with the four modules, Wei Pengyu finally responded in a deep voice.
However, netizens watching the live broadcast on the Internet at this time feel that something is wrong. Why does the command voice of the power module sound so young?
Immediately it was a hotly debated barrage,
“Does the conductor of the power module have a naturally young voice? It sounds weird…”
“I feel the same way, is it possible that the intern or assistant conveyed it on their behalf…”
“In general, there is no such possibility. The command of each module of the aerospace project is generally the chief engineer of the subordinate, which is important here.
On occasions, the chief engineer cannot be absent! ”
“Maybe the chief engineer went to the toilet??? After all, it’s just a report…”
“It’s not impossible…”
For a while, the netizens didn’t take it to heart, and the assistant conveyed the news on their behalf, and it was not a special situation…
In the observation room, there are also some discussions.
After hearing Tang Zhenli’s voice, Fu Zhiyuan and Professor Liu, who were familiar with the situation, looked at each other and understood.
The chief power engineer….what a long face…
The mother and daughter, who were sitting on the other side, frowned at the same time.
Why does this voice sound like Tang Zhenli? ?
Under the influence of the current deviation, Chen Xinyao was not sure, and thought it was just a coincidence.
Tang Ziyue flashed a hint of doubt in her heart, and seemed to catch some eyebrows, but she didn’t think much about it, and continued to focus on the screen.
Jinling Bieyuan,
Wu Shaoying’s eyes lit up when she heard Tang Zhenli’s voice, and her heart was a little excited.
It’s him! ! ! It’s really him! ! !
The other three did not respond much. Although Sister Xia and the assistant had met Tang Zhenli, they didn’t talk much, and they were not so sensitive to Tang Zhenli’s voice.
However, seeing that ‘Zhuangba’ was about to be launched at this time, a look of anticipation appeared on his face.
It can be said that the Dragon Kingdom is now paying attention to ‘Zhuang Ba’!

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