: A Dual Kingdom Scholar!
Shanghai Stock Exchange Building,
in the office,
Listening to the noisy movement outside, Tang Lizhe frowned, and then left the office.
Tang Lizhe came outside and took a closer look. His subordinates were gathered at a desk and did not know what they were watching…
Tang Lizhe was slightly angry in his heart, and subconsciously cleared his throat. An inexplicable majesty lingered in his whole body, although it was far worse than the original Tang Yang and Guang…
After many years in the workplace, what he hates the most is that someone deserts at work, and it is in the investment department under his jurisdiction!
It is natural for people to want to rest when they are tired from work. He can tolerate taking a rest for a while when he is tired, but he must not do other things in the name of rest.
“Boss Tang!”
“Mr. Tang I”
After hearing the book, dozens of people in the office dispersed like birds and beasts, calling respectfully as they dispersed.
“What are you “147” doing? Do you know it’s still working time…”
Tang Lizhe walked towards the ‘location of the crime’, and asked the staff in that seat, with a little anger in his tone.
“Mr. Tang… the most. Recently… this very popular Souhachi…”
The employee’s face turned pale when he heard the words, and he couldn’t hold back a complete sentence for a long time.
Although Tang Lizhe usually looked amiable, his aura was revealed, making the employee speechless for a while. _ Tang Lizhe was suspicious, so he couldn’t help but take a closer look. He didn’t expect that what was playing on the staff’s computer was the live broadcast of ‘Zhuang Ba’ from Longguo CCTV.
But the person in the picture made his expression change, and then the corners of his eyes twitched,
Hey~ This guy…why does he look so much like Zhenli? ? ?
No, this is Zhenli! ! !
After realizing it, Tang Lizhe’s complexion changed for a while, and then he ignored the surprised crowd and returned to his office excitedly.
Search for the item ‘Zhuangba’ on the computer, and the first thing that pops up is the live broadcast of Longguo CCTV.
Immediately, Tang Lizhe silently entered the live broadcast room…
Driven by curiosity, he eventually became the person he hated the most, and started deserting during working hours…
“Hiss~ chief power engineer???”
Seeing the clear face on the screen, he gasped for air in the office…
When did my son become the chief engineer?
Then I thought of the previous invitation letter, could it be Tang Zhenli sent it…
With this in mind, the more Tang Lizhe thought about it, the more likely it was.
Thinking of his son’s sincerity and wanting to share his achievements, he invited the whole family to watch the ceremony of a world-renowned project such as ‘Zhuangba’. The whole family just refused? ?
With such a long face, I was the only one who didn’t go with the whole family? ? ?
Thinking of this, Tang Lizhe’s eyes showed a trace of complexity.
If you want to ask him how he feels now.
To sum up, it is regret, very regret!
Jinling Bieyuan,
The four women sitting on the sofa have different postures,
Until the camera in the live broadcast room gradually shifted from Tang Zhenli to other places, Wu Shaoying felt a little empty for a moment.
However, the scene in front of the camera made her frowned again, thinking slightly in her heart.
This man…why does he look so much like Tang Zhenli’s grandfather? ? ?
Although she only met once, Wu Shaoying still has a strong impression of Tang Heguang in her heart.
During the Chinese New Year, she met Tang Zhenli’s family by chance. Among them, the old man had the strongest aura, so she was very impressed with Tang Heguang.
There was a slight flash of memory in her eyes. She remembered that Tang Zhenli had said that his grandfather was also engaged in the field of aerospace…
From this, it can basically be confirmed that…
In the end, Wu Shaoying remembered what Tang Zhenli had said to her back then, and her eyes were thoughtful.
This is what was said on the previous program, does a project require the efforts of a person’s whole life, or even two or three generations? Now it seems that it is not too much…
Tang Zhenli and Tang Heguang fully interpreted this sentence at this time.
Longguo Aerospace has never been a success created by one generation, but a myth created by generations!
The “Zhuangba” carrier rocket project, the grandfather and grandson, has spanned decades of inheritance and cooperation, and today is the day of its result! “What’s wrong, Yingying?”
Ying Zhejian noticed that Wu Shaoying’s expression was a little strange, and immediately asked with concern.
“It’s nothing…I think I saw Tang Zhenli’s grandfather…”
“Tang Zhenli’s grandfather?”
Hearing this, a big question mark appeared in the minds of sister Xia and the three of them, and they were all a little unclear.
Could it be…
The three came to their senses together, their eyes turned to the TV, their expressions changed slightly.
Tang Zhenli’s grandfather is also an aerospace worker?
“Is his grandpa also in the Zhuang Eight project?”
Sister Xia asked uncertainly, and Wu Shaoying immediately agreed toNodding firmly….
Seeing this, the three of them were breathing a little faster. Tang Zhenli’s family had such a background? ? ? Looking at Tang Heguang in front of the camera, he stared intently at the computer in front of him, not paying any attention to the camera. Faintly, several people seemed to see Tang Zhenli’s appearance in Tang Heguang’s body…
No wonder Tang Zhenli devoted himself to scientific research without hesitation…
It seems that he was greatly influenced by his grandfather when he was a child…
Unconsciously, Sister Xia and the others could not help but feel a little solemn.
“Sister Shixia, a Shuangguo, murmured in her heart, a sense of admiration emanating from her chest.
Although she knows nothing about scientific research, this does not hinder her perception.
-Two generations of the family have devoted themselves to scientific research, and the spirit alone is worthy of praise! Is the division five open bitter; > Is the bitter I division five open. Difficult I
“It may be like a year, or even a dozen years, without a rest.
Not to mention the work environment or treatment…
This is a hard job. If you want to eat it, your teeth may collapse.
Under the general awareness of scientific research workers in the people of Longguo, it is not easy for a family to devote two generations to scientific research… And it is still in such a high-profile project that both grandfather and grandson are in battle together.
If it spreads out, why is it not a good talk…/7.
A double scholar, a country scholar is unparalleled!
Nothing more than that…
Ye Yingxin also showed a thoughtful look on her face at this time.
She finally knew what the temperament she had seen in Tang Zhenli before.
That is a kind of precipitation, the precipitation of temperament from the scholarly family…
It’s a shame that I thought this was deliberately displayed by Tang Zhenli…
At this time, the little assistant also quietly crawled up to Wu Shaoying and whispered to Wu Shaoying.
“Sister Ying, you must take down brother-in-law, I will always support you…”
Wu Shaoying shrank slightly from the hot air that the assistant spit out while speaking, and her delicate body stiffened for a moment.
Then I heard the assistant’s words, and the ear stick instantly turned red.
Seemingly embarrassed, Wu Shaoying pinched Xiao Yin’s baby fat face,
“Little girl, does my sister want you to teach me?

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