The shame of Long Kingdom’s scientific research community! ! !
Longguo Science and Technology Department, meeting room,
When the wind direction was the same and the opinions were unified, Ji Chengtian naturally spoke.
“Next, the Ministry of Science and Technology will issue a document to officially cancel the research and development authorization issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology in the past. I hope you will cooperate with us!”
“Okay, Jibu
After the words fell, even if there were academicians who agreed, knowing that they had no hope of competing with the Four Sages Project, they seemed straightforward. Although they know all the opinions of the following research, they can only do so, and they will only waste scientific research funds if they continue to study.
After making a decision, a group of academicians also left the conference room one after another, chatting while walking. Although they were a little disappointed at first, they also understood that this is the general trend!
“Now that the conditions are good, I thought our juniors would slack off, but now it seems that I’m thinking too much…”
“The more young people like Long Guo, the more we can rest assured…”
“It seems that our concept should also be changed. We will leave more opportunities to young people, and let them take over with confidence in the future…”
As the top scholars of Dragon Kingdom, their eyes are always on the future! And just now, they saw the hope of Dragon Kingdom’s future!
After a kind of academician leaves,
In the end, only Ji Chengtian and Wang Zhi were left in the conference room.
But at this time, the two have completely different demeanors.
Ji Chengtian’s eyes were thoughtful, appearing to be preoccupied, while Wang Zhi had a smile on his face.
He finally understood what Ji Chengtian said just now, thanks to Tang Zhenli.
This meeting directly saved one-sixth of the Ministry of Science and Technology’s research and development funds for the “Tianting Project” in the next year!
Tens of billions of funds went directly to the account, as the God of Wealth of the Ministry of Science and Technology, how could he be unhappy!
And the main hero is undoubtedly Tang Zhenli, who convinced more than 20 academicians of the Academy of Dragon Sciences by himself! To put it bluntly, this plan is worth tens of billions!
At this point in his thoughts, Wang Zhi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The pressure was finally not so great. He was tossing and turning at night these days, and it was difficult to fall asleep. Thinking about today, he should be able to sleep peacefully. Can’t help feeling slightly.
“Tang Zhenli, what a man!!!”
If you count from the rock-controlled nuclear fusion, in terms of research funding, this young man has at least saved the Ministry of Science and Technology nearly 100 billion in funds! Perhaps it may be far more than that, not to mention the current “Phoenix”, just controllable nuclear fusion technology, if it is not developed in a day, this is a bottomless pit that swallows gold.
Fortunately, we have Tang Zhenli!
The more Wang Zhi thought about it, the more gratified he became. He only realized today that the value of a talent cannot be measured by money.
Amidst the ups and downs of his mood, he saw that Ji Chengtian’s eyes had turned to him at this time, and his tone was inexplicable.said.

“You said, can controllable nuclear fusion technology be used for civilian use?”
Hearing this, Wang Zhi was taken aback for a moment, obviously not expecting Ji Chengtian to think of this.
Civil… This means that the controllable nuclear fusion technology will be made public!
He subconsciously wanted to say something was wrong, but he thought of what the academicians just said, currently in the application field of controllable nuclear fusion, Longguo has opened up the next generation of technology…
After hesitating again and again, he could only say uncertainly.
“Should…it should be possible…”
Unexpectedly, Ji Chengtian’s brows were knitted together tightly, his face was full of entanglement, and after a long while, he said helplessly.
“Let’s talk about it later…”
If controllable nuclear fusion is open to civilian use, needless to say, in a short period of time, this will definitely be a good thing for the country and the people, and it can also play an important role in promoting human civilization.
But if you look at the long-term, the energy abuse problem it brings may plague the entire human society.
This is also the reason why Ji Chengtian is so hesitant at this time…
After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn’t make a decision, so I could only give up temporarily.
In the end, Ji Chengtian and Wang Zhi left the conference room together. Next, they have to take back the research and development rights of the research institutes. This is a big project. …
The next day, the institute responsible for pushing the device under the original twenty academicians received a red-headed document at the same time.
The above is the cancellation of the previously authorized research and development authority of the ‘Phoenix’ power module. Due to the large number of research institutes involved this time, the entire Longguo scientific research community was immediately shaken.
The Four Saints Plan? ? ? Got us all over? ?
really not reconciled…
But no matter how unwilling it is, it can’t change the current facts. In the case of the unanimous opinion of the high-level, the authority will be cancelled, and if it is developed without authorization, it will be exceeding the authority.
Although this news was only spread internally and was not made public, it was finally known to everyone in the scientific research community of Longguo. Naturally, it cannot escape the attention of the outside world.
Obviously, those with ulterior motives will naturally not miss this excellent opportunity for the Dragon Kingdom, although they do not believe in the authenticity of the ‘Heavenly Court Plan’.
At this time, seeing the large-scale cessation of research and development, I am more convinced that the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ seems to be anticlimactic. The so-called ‘Heavenly Court Plan’ is just a pretense fabricated out of thin air by the Dragon Kingdom, that is, a face project!
The meaning revealed by this move, in their opinion, the Longguo scientific and technological circle is undoubtedly slapped in the face, and for a while, various fishing boats abroad have spread the word.
“‘Shame on the scientific research community of the Dragon Kingdom of the Heavenly Court Project!”
“Grandstanding, Dragon Country’s face project ‘Heavenly Court Project’!”
“A country that has just developed the ability to develop heavy launch vehicles dares to delusionally become the leader of human civilization? After it was found that it could not be implemented, many research institutes began to cancel research.”
” 99
At this time, the tone of foreign forces was surprisingly consistent, and they all aimed the muzzle at the scientific research community of Longguo.
All kinds of texts, both overtly and covertly, are satirizing the masters of the Dragon Kingdom’s scientific research.
And this kind of thing was naturally discovered by the aerospace enthusiasts of the Dragon Kingdom.
– in a small apartment,
Su Ran was browsing the posts posted by some foreign media, watching an unspeakable indignation welling up in his heart, slammed his fist on the table, and said angrily.
These people just can’t see us! ”
“What happened? ”
At this time, Liu Ling looked at her boyfriend and asked with concern.
“It’s okay, just a little angry…”
Su Ran waved his hand, indicating that he had calmed down.
In fact, when the media dug deep into Tang Zhenli, Su Ran also ate a wave of melons out of curiosity.
After that, he couldn’t extricate himself anymore. The more he got to know him, the more he realized that Tang Zhenli was a treasure. He was young, handsome, and talented, which brought together all the qualities of the Son of Destiny…
No wonder Sister Tianxian likes him…
Due to the interest, Su Ran is also interested in the scientific research community of Longguo, or the aerospace industry of Longguo. It can be said that under the influence of Tang Zhenli (because of Wang Hao), he is already a qualified person at this time. Aerospace enthusiast.
And under this, it is natural to hate those foreign posts that ridicule and slander.
At this time, he was completely patriotic and angry.
Under the mood swings, I subconsciously clicked into the forum of Longguo aerospace enthusiasts.
At this moment, he was surprised to find that the aerospace enthusiasts of Long Kingdom had obviously learned some inside information through those news.
That is, the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ has really been approved, but it is disappointing that, for some unknown reason, it seems to have stopped on a large scale recently.
Only then did they realize that the previous ‘Heavenly Court Project’, we were actually playing a real game, but depending on the situation, it seems that the game has been screwed up…
It has to be said that the temporary hand of the Longguo Science and Technology Department has not only deceived those people from abroad, but even the people of Longguo who brought their own are somewhat confused.
Afterwards, Su Ran posted an inquiry post on the Internet, trying to console her.
Can anyone tell me whether this ‘Heavenly Plan’ is true or not?
island tip share

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