Exposure, Tang Zhenli, the father of controllable nuclear fusion?
Under the boiling tide of all mankind, a question slowly appeared in everyone’s mind. If the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion is successful, then who is the biggest hero of mankind today? Once this problem arises, it will be difficult to dissipate for a long time.
And this answer, Ji Chengtian is also thinking, at this time his face is full of tangled,
“Public? Or not?”

Controllable nuclear fusion has now been made public, but Ji Chengtian is still hesitant about Tang Zhenli’s identity.
Even though it has been made public in the ‘Zhuangba’ project before, this is controllable nuclear fusion after all!
If it is a genius to be a chief engineer at such a young age, then if controllable nuclear fusion is developed, it is completely a monster
Excellence may be enviable, but too good will undoubtedly make people jealous!
“Headache ”
Ji Jitian walked to the window and looked up at the sky, with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.
All of a sudden, Ji Chengtian clenched his fists and punched towards the sky.
The ‘Heavenly Court Project’ restarted, and the journey of the Dragon Kingdom was no longer limited to the surface.
Since you have a sea of ​​​​stars in mind, then what is there to be afraid of!
After the announcement of controllable nuclear fusion, the Dragon Kingdom has nothing to fear!
If ‘Zhuang Ba’ represents the rise, then the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ is the impact towards a higher peak! All that is needed is perseverance!
With a single thought,Ji Chengtian quickly paced to the desk, and then drafted a draft in person. Reply on the selection of Comrade Tang Zhenli to be selected as the academician of the Dragon Academy of Sciences……
After that, the Dragon Academy of Sciences was notified directly.
Looking at Tang Zhenli’s achievements, Ji Chengtian couldn’t help muttering to himself.
“Controlled nuclear fusion…”
“‘Zhuangba’ project
“The Four Saints Project…”
“Magnetic mirror technology…”
“It turns out that he has done so much…”
In the end, Ji Chengtian breathed a sigh of relief, with unspeakable emotions on his face.
All kinds of things during this period, any one of them is a major event that can shock the whole dragon country and even the whole world.
“This young man… when it can be said that there is no one in the past, and no one has come since…
After that, Ji Chengtian seemed to be emotional and said something with relief…
Over time,
The popularity of controllable nuclear fusion has increased rather than decreased. This kind of event related to all human beings cannot be passed in a while! At this time, the discussion of controllable nuclear fusion developers on the Internet has reached an increasingly heated level.
Su Ran is naturally in the wave of this discussion. As a new aerospace enthusiast, he is obviously very interested in this event that shakes the world.
The controllable nuclear fusion technology was successfully developed,
When the Four Sages return to their positions, the heavenly court will appear! ! !
Facts have proved that the scientific research community of Longguo is gradually practicing the myths that have been passed down from ancient times in the minds of Longguo people! And how can these people not make their blood boil!
Naturally, how could there be no interest in the creators of controlled nuclear fusion?
“A list of new academicians of the Dragon Academy of Sciences?”
At this time, he was stunned when he was browsing the official website of the Dragon Academy of Sciences. Looking at the announcement that was suddenly refreshed, he felt a little bit of curiosity in his heart. After subconsciously clicking into it, what I saw was a list with a small number of people.
After a brief look at it, it can be considered to satisfy my curiosity. “Huh? Tang Zhenli???”
Suddenly, Su Ran blinked, and then rubbed it again, wondering if she had read it wrong. “It should be the same name…”
Speaking to himself, he admits that Tang Zhenli is excellent, but it is obviously not enough to be an academician just by virtue of being the chief power engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project. …
No academic achievements, work qualifications say nothing…
This can only be the same name, otherwise, even if Tang Zhenli is excellent, it is impossible for the Dragon Academy to be promoted for this purpose. As soon as his mind moved, Su Ran subconsciously closed the web page, and then he didn’t know if it was because of the slippage. Su Ran actually clicked on a link, and this link was a biography of everyone on the academician list. What caught his eye at the moment was an old man with gray hair, but Su Ran’s focus was obviously not there. After hitting the back button to return to the previous interface, he realized that everyone’s name was a link.
Seeing this, Su Ran had a clear goal and pressed Tang Zhenli’s name directly.
Almost instantly, Su Ran’s body straightened up, his eyes fixed on the screen of the mobile phone, and he muttered subconsciously.
“Tang Zhenli, born in Shanghai in the final year of the Cup, 22 years old, Distinguished Professor of Dragon University of Science and Technology, Specially recruited undergraduate students of Dragon University of Science and Technology…”
After reading the basic introduction and adding a picture of a green face, Su Ran felt like she was about to suffocate.
This is obviously… this is obviously Tang Zhenli…
After a long while, Su Ran took a few deep breaths and forced herself to calm down, because there was still…
“The chief power engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project…”
This was something that had been made public a long time ago, and he wasn’t too surprised when he arrived, but the short sentence that followed almost didn’t make him breathless.
“Chief engineer of controllable nuclear fusion research and development??? Chief engineer of controllable nuclear fusion research and development! !
“The first director of the Research Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Equipment???!!!”
“In the initial stage of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’, the chief person in charge of the Four Saints Project???!!!”
Just these few dozen words made his pupils tremble several times.
Even though he knew something about Tang Zhenli before, he still couldn’t help but think, is it a monster? ? ? ?
It turns out that the title of the chief engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ project is still the lowest…”
“The Four Saints Plan is also his responsibility…”
“No wonder. No wonder…”
Su Ran’s eyes lit up, and he seemed to have found a pattern.
All of these, from the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project to today’s ‘Heavenly Court Project’, behind this, Tang Zhenli is inseparable
At this time, Liu Ling, who came from outside the room, looked at her boyfriend’s strangeness and asked curiously,
“What’s wrong? ”
“See for yourself…”
Su Ran swallowed hard, and then handed the phone to Liu Ling.
Among the dozens of academicians on the list, Tang Zhenli’s profile is definitely the one with the least amount, but he is definitely the one with the most gold content! Just the weight of the words controllable nuclear fusion, the detailed introduction may be difficult to introduce on several pages.
Naturally, there are not a few people like Su Ran who pay attention to the Dragon Academy of Sciences. They also discovered the list and Tang Zhenli at the first time.
“I knocked, what did I see???”
“Tang Zhenli??? Controlled nuclear fusion???”
“Damn it’s not a pirated site!!!”
“Dig the groove, the official website of the Dragon Academy of Sciences? (The one who got the money)?????”
“Fuck! F*ck!!!!”
Almost instantly, a wave of Internet that far surpassed the previous spread.
After witnessing the history of successful research and development of controllable nuclear fusion, they have witnessed history again! ! !

“Academician?????? CanThe father of nuclear fusion? ? ? ? Still twenty-two years old? ? ? ? not yet?
“He proposed the Four Saints Plan???? This Tang Zhenli is a human???”
“The former chief teacher of ‘Zhuangba’ now seems to be the most inconspicuous title…” “I’m stupid, what’s the situation???”
“I’m twenty-two this year… by the way, let me introduce myself, I’m a waste…”
“Help! !! Why do I feel that my sister is a little unworthy of him… This person has a unique look all over him!”
Everyone did not expect that the always low-key Dragon Academy of Sciences was silent, causing an upsurge of the whole network!
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