The Vocational College Shocks! Honorary principal! !
Shanghai Vocational and Technical College, or Shanghai University of Science and Technology after the name change. Principal’s office,
Looking at the news in front of him, Tao Chengwang almost stuffed an egg in his mouth. After a while, he patted himself on the chest and said, with a slightly enlightened tone~.
“turn out to be
The original one was a controllable nuclear fusion device…”
He has a deep impression of Tang Zhenli. Although he only met once from a distance at the beginning, he is very sure that Tang Zhenli, academician Tang in the news, is a student who went to the vocational college by himself, that is, he really went to the vocational college by himself. Those who have upgraded their junior colleges to undergraduate colleges.
Now it seems that everything has become clear.
When the celery is dry, the cows can be gathered together, and when the prison is dry, the cows can be gathered together. I I I I
Before that, he still had some doubts: “What kind of scientific research achievements can make colleges and universities enter undergraduates in one fell swoop? If it is controllable nuclear fusion, it doesn’t seem so strange!”
At this moment, he recalled how Tang Zhenli was surrounded by the principals of famous schools back then, and he was still a little surprised at that time.
Why do the headmasters of those prestigious schools in Longguo keep their attitudes so low.
Now it seems that he understands! ! !
Today, Tang Zhenli finally gave the answer…
Chief Power Master of “Zhuangba” project! ! ! The developer of controllable nuclear fusion! ! ! The person in charge of the Four Saints Project! ! ! The youngest academician in Longguo!
This frightening achievement proves that this young man has the qualifications! ! !
At this time, Tao Chengwang also had other thoughts in his mind, his eyes flashed, and then he muttered to himself.
“If only…”
Thinking of this, Tao Chengwang took out his mobile phone, and found aA phone call that has never been made, dialed directly.
After a busy tone of beep, a voice came from the other end of the phone.
“Hey, I’m Fu Zhiyuan!”
It turned out that the owner of this number turned out to be Fu Zhiyuan.
After Tang Zhenli left, all his identity information disappeared, so even Tao Chengwang did not have Tang Zhenli’s contact information.
Fortunately, Fu Zhiyuan, the dean of Longke University, left him a phone call.
“Hello, Dean Fu, I’m Tao Chengwang. I used to be the president of Shanghai University of Science and Technology.
The phone was connected, Tao Chengwang said respectfully immediately.
No way, no way to be disrespectful. Although they are both the principals of colleges and universities, the level of Longke University and the current Shanghai Academy of Sciences is more than one grade.
“Tao Chengwang… oh, it’s Principal Tao.
Fu Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone was surprised for a moment, and then he reacted with a very enthusiastic tone.
When he went to the Upper Vocational College to rob people, Fu Zhiyuan may have left his phone number to Tao Chengwang out of guilt.
It seems a bit inappropriate and inauthentic to rob someone’s student and run away…
After the two were polite for a while, Tao Chengwang spoke directly and told Fu Zhiyuan what he thought.
“Fu Yuan, this is the case. Our school wants to hire Professor Tang from your school, and Academician Tang Zhenli will be the honorary president of our school. I wonder if you can
No contact with Academician Tang…”
“Oh? ”
Hearing this, Fu Zhiyuan pondered for a while.
I have to say, Tao Chengwang’s words are really good! ! !
In the past, the relationship between Tang Zhenli and the Higher Vocational College could not be completely cut off, but now Tao Chengwang offered to take the initiative and gave him the title of Honorary Principal. This can be said to be full of sincerity!
To be honest, Fu Zhiyuan felt that he wanted to agree for Tang Zhenli for a moment, because this only has advantages and no disadvantages.
But then I thought about it again. Today is different from the past. Tang Zhenli is an academician of the Dragon Academy of Sciences. Even if he is also the nominal third-in-command of the Dragon Academy of Sciences, he has to respect Tang Zhenli’s personal decision.
“Headmaster Tao, so, I will personally ask you about this matter, and if possible, I will inform you directly!”
“Okay, thank you Fu Yuan, and I would like to trouble you. In addition, if Academician Tang agrees, our school will support Academician Tang’s scientific research with an annual fund of 10 million yuan…”
After the promotion of the Shanghai Vocational College, the teaching and research funds approved above are naturally not comparable to the previous ones. In addition, with Tang Zhenli’s relationship, the current financial support of the Shanghai University should not be inferior to those of 911,285 double first-class universities!
This is also the reason why Tao Chengwang dared to put forward conditions. After that, Tao Chengwang said some related conditions.
It wasn’t until he hung up the phone that Fu Zhiyuan came back to his senses, shook his head, and muttered to himself.
“This principal… is also a capable person with courage… 10 million a year… tsk tsk
He naturally knew that this 10 million yuan was nominally a financial support for employment, but it was actually a disguised ‘advertising fee’, and now the name of Academician Tang Zhenli is a household name.
It is understandable that you want to promote this!
But even this ‘advertising fee’ may only be eligible to be paid by the Higher Vocational College at present!
I have to say that the teacher of the Admissions Office of the Shanghai Vocational College who recruited Tang Zhenli in that year made a great contribution! ! !
…ask for flowers…
Otherwise, with Tang Zhenli’s reputation and status at this time, even the honorary principal would not be able to get their turn…
At this point, Fu Zhiyuan did not hesitate, and tried to call Tang Zhenli… Planetary Engine Laboratory,
After a familiar ringtone, Tang Zhenli pressed the answer button and said immediately.
“Hey, Dean…”
“Honorary Chancellor?”
Tang Yan pondered for a while, Honorary Principal, why does it sound weird… Why did he hire himself so well?
Looking at his expression at this time, I’m afraid he still doesn’t know about his inexplicable becoming an academician. He doesn’t even know the announcement of controllable nuclear fusion. In the past two days, he has been busy with five assistants until it is dark. ground level.
A lot of verification and calculation work is waiting for them every day, not to mention watching the news, even the mobile phone has no chance to touch.
The list of academicians has only been finalized on the official website, but the actual process is not so simple, and it will take some time before the specific notification is issued.
It can be said that Tang Zhenli passively became an academician without his knowledge.
“I can do it, the dean decides…”
After thinking about it for a long time, Tang Zhenli simply let Fu Zhiyuan decide for himself. He didn’t bother to bother about this kind of twists and turns.
“Okay, that little Tang… I won’t bother you for now.
Fu Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone said in a low voice, obviously he also expected Tang Zhenli’s character. However, listening to Xiao Tang’s tone on the phone, he seemed a little unclear.
Could it be that… Xiao Tang still doesn’t know about the disclosure of controllable nuclear fusion and the academician?
Thinking about it carefully, it seems possible that the controlled nuclear fusion was announced yesterday morning, the academician status was announced in the evening, and then this morning… According to Tang Zhenli’s habit of the entire team, it is common to get carried away working for days and nights.
Thinking of this, Fu Zhiyuan condensed in his heart, it seems that the preparation of the Four Saints Project is already in the final stage…  
After that, Fu Zhiyuan directly dialed Tao Chengwang’s phone number. Since Tang Zhenli believed in himself, all he can do now is to help Tang Zhenli deal with these chores…
After all, 10 million yuan a year is not a small amount… long.

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