You Must Come! ! !
The cold wind outside is still whipping some poor man,
In contrast, the Four Saints Research Institute is as warm as spring. As the most advanced laboratory in the Dragon Kingdom, these basic temperature adjustment equipment are naturally indispensable…
“Tang Zhenli!”
Suddenly, a shout of surprise came from far and near to Tang Zhenli’s ears, which made his expression change. Obviously, he knew who the owner of the voice was…
In addition, this voice immediately attracted many eyes, and everyone was curious.
Academician Tang’s name is so prestigious now, who dares to call Academician Tang by his name…
Moments later, Wu Shaoying, who was wearing a white down jacket but didn’t look bloated at all, rushed over in a hurry, but after feeling the weird eyes from everyone, her pretty face under the mask couldn’t help but blush slightly.
The five assistants behind Tang Zhenli had ambiguous eyes. Even though Wu Shaoying was wearing a mask, they had already guessed who was coming.
On the other side, Tang Zhenli’s heartbeat accelerated slightly, which was something he had never experienced before.He didn’t know whether this feeling was good or bad, so when Wu Shaoying approached, his expression became a little complicated~.
“You-how did you get in…”
With a blank mind, Tang Zhenli could only subconsciously ask.
“I…I showed my face…they let me in…”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying seemed to remember what the middle-aged team leader said just now, and Wu Shaoying stammered.
Tang Zhenli looked at her inexplicably, and replied sullenly, now that he and Wu Shaoying are getting along, they are not as casual as they were before, and they seem a little stiff…or nervous.
It seemed that more and more people were paying attention to this place. Wu Shaoying felt a little urgent in her heart, and there was a trace of firmness in her urgency. She immediately spoke without hesitation.
“I have a New Year’s Eve concert on New Year’s Day… I want to invite you to come and see it”
“New Year’s Eve concert? ”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was slightly taken aback. After pondering for a while, he continued to speak.
“Well… I will definitely come back if I have time…”
“No…you must come!”
Unexpectedly, when Wu Shaoying heard the words, her voice rose an octave instantly, and immediately attracted the attention of a group of people. Finally, she seemed to realize her mistake, she was silent for a while, and then she simply looked at Tang Zhenli with a hint of earnestness in her eyes.
“.Okay…I’ll definitely come!”
Seeing Wu Shaoying’s slightly pleading eyes, for some reason, Tang Zhenli’s heart softened, and he said immediately.
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying’s pretty face hidden in the mask suddenly burst into a cheerful smile, and her starry eyes narrowed slightly.
Tang Zhenli had a panoramic view of all this, and at this moment, he felt a sense of ease in his heart.
“Then… I’ll go back first”
At this time, Wu Shaoying’s tone returned to the soft and weak look just now, and she said to Tang Zhenli.
“Okay…be careful on the road…”
Tang Zhenli also showed a smile on his face, and his tone carried a trace of concern that he didn’t realize.
“I will…then… goodbye!” Before leaving, Wu Shaoying subconsciously glanced at Tang Zhenli, but Tang Zhenli also looked at her at this time.
In an instant, their eyes met, and there was a trace of panic in the eyes of both of them. This contact was like an electric shock, and then, the exchange of eyes quickly staggered.
After that, Wu Shaoying hurriedly walked outside. She also felt that Tang Zhenli seemed a little strange today, but she didn’t think about it for a while.
Because the little assistant is still waiting outside bitterly, how can the understanding Wu Shaoying bear to keep her waiting for a long time.
After Wu Shaoying left, the mood of many staff members calmed down slightly…
Through the observation just now, how could they fail to see that this is clearly Sister Tianxian’s visit to Academician Tang!
Although I don’t know what they said just now, but judging by their expressions when chatting, the relationship between the two is definitely not ordinary… Sure enough! Everything in the news is true!
Tang Zhenli, who was the party involved, looked at Wu Shaoying’s leaving back, and ripples appeared in his heart.
Finally, after taking a few deep breaths, my mind calmed down a little, and I shook my head slightly, temporarily hiding the thoughts in my mind. He turned his head and said to several assistants,
“After the new colleagues arrive, you are responsible for coordinating… I will go to the laboratory to see
..ask for flowers….
At this time, the expressions of several assistants returned to normal early, and they also responded with a little excitement when they heard the words.
“Yes! Mr. Tang!”
After officially entering the Four Saints Research Institute, the talents selected at the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Device Research Institute and Longke University will enter the research institute as soon as possible in these two days.
And now Tang Gong’s meaning is also very clear, this is to let them take the lead of the new colleagues and adapt to Tang Zhenli’s research and development rhythm as soon as possible. To put it bluntly, Tang Gong still regarded them as his confidantes, how could they not be excited.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli nodded, and then walked straight towards the underground laboratory.
According to the dean at the time, the three underground laboratories are the focus of the institute, and the six floors above the ground are used for administration or some tests.
And this also has a level of confidentiality to a certain extent. The so-called big hermit is hidden in the city, nothing more than that! Right now Tang Zhenli was going to the three underground laboratories.
When taking the elevator down along the way, many staff members were still busy with the equipment. After seeing Tang Zhenli, they all put down their work and greeted them respectfully.
“Academician Tang!”
“Academician Tang!”
Tang Zhenli also nodded in response to this.
Finally, after going down to the laboratory on the bottom floor, the scene in front of him made him stare.
“Here… be careful
The dean actually directs the placement of the equipment here. No wonder… the dean disappeared after the listing ceremony… He actually acted as a supervisor here…
At this moment, Fu Zhiyuan tilted his head as if he had noticed something, and when he saw Tang Zhenli, a slightly mysterious smile appeared on his face, and then he walked over.
“Little Tang, let’s go, I’ll take something to see…”
After speaking, he walked straight in one direction.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was taken aback, shook his head slightly, and then had no choice but to keep up…
I don’t know what the dean is trying to trick…

At this moment, Fu Zhiyuan tilted his head as if he had noticed something, and when he saw Tang Zhenli, a slightly mysterious smile appeared on his face, and then he walked over.
“Xiao Tang, let’s go, I’ll take something to see…”
After speaking, he walked straight in one direction.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was stunned, shook his head slightly, and thenCan only helplessly keep up…
I don’t know what the dean is selling…

The Four Saints Plan is obviously not something that can be accomplished overnight, and requires a step-by-step attempt to break through.
In this way, in a sense, it is also convenient for his work…
“Okay, you get used to it as soon as possible, I won’t disturb you…”
After speaking, Fu Zhiyuan left the office, leaving Tang Zhenli alone in the office.
Sitting on an unfamiliar desk, Tang Zhenli propped his chin, and there was a little thought in his eyes.
The new arrivals will definitely take time to get used to. It is estimated that in a short period of time, the progress of the Four Saints plan will depend on themselves. …
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli took out his mobile phone and looked at the sketches he had drawn before, his eyes flickering slightly.
“Unmanned Exploration Mecha…”
At present, the white tiger power module is in the previous laboratory, and its performance is basically qualified in the preliminary test.
But at this moment, Tang Zhenli doesn’t want to improve the individual modules as before. Since the purpose of the white tiger is already clear, it is better to have an overall test at the end. …
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel a little excited.
Although there may not be anyone in the research institute, even if he is alone, with the equipment in the laboratory, he should be able to do it… For a while, Tang Zhenli felt an inexplicable itching.
It’s been a long time since I did a project alone…
As soon as he said it, after giving an order to Qi Lu on the phone, Tang Zhenli walked directly to the laboratory at the bottom.
After a while, Tang Zhenli felt even more confident when he looked at the bright, airy and well-equipped laboratory.
Without further ado, Tang Zhenli thought of it on his own.
The materials are also very sufficient. Since this is the case, we can do it boldly. . . .
Immediately, Tang Zhenli’s busy figure shuttled through the laboratory…
Although Tang Zhenli is confident, the mecha is a device that appears in movies or anime after all. No one has seen it in reality, even according to the outline in the ‘Heavenly Court Project’, Tang Zhenli still has only a rough idea.
Looking at the data parameters transmitted to the main control computer and the sketch of the mecha, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flickered slightly, and then he decided that no matter how much he thought about it, he might as well make a rough sketch first…
With a firm mind, Tang Zhenli began to manipulate the mechanical arm in the laboratory to first make the model of the mecha according to the original concept drawing.
While Tang Zhenli was conducting research and development alone in the underground laboratory, Qi Lu and others also welcomed their new colleagues…
The staff of the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices came by a special bus, which was parked at the entrance of the Institute.
After getting out of the car, they first looked at the research institute curiously, and then each carried their luggage from the car.
At the same time, the students of Longke University also pulled their suitcases and walked towards this side from Longke University.
There is only a wall between the University of Science and Technology and the Four Saints Research Institute, so you can come to the Four Saints Research Institute in less than five minutes from the side door of Long University of Science and Technology.
As a well-equipped research institute, it naturally includes necessary living facilities, including dormitory buildings. In the end, two groups of people gathered in the hall of the research institute. All of them were intellectuals, so there was not much noise in the field. But when they saw Qi Lu and the others coming together, seeing Tang Zhenli was not among them, someone could not help but stand up and ask
“Where’s Academician Tang?”
“Yeah, what about Academician Tang?”
Whether it is the researcher of the institute or the students of Longke University, they can’t help asking at this time, the purpose of the question is very clear. Seeing this, Qi Lu frowned, and immediately took a step forward, glanced at everyone, and faintly revealed an aura of indifference.
Even though there are her alumni and seniors among these people, Qi Lu’s heart did not fluctuate at all at this time.
It has to be said that after following Tang Zhenli through all kinds of experiences, Qi Lu has made obvious progress, and the temperament he has blessed now is obviously not the same as before.
And everyone in the room seemed to feel the momentum of Qi Lu, and the atmosphere suddenly suffocated.
In other words, Qi Luguang suppressed a group of people with his aura before he even opened his mouth. Even Li Haoxuan and the others who had been with him for a long time could not help but feel slightly numb in their scalps.
This woman… quite a bit more and more difficult to mess with…
It is estimated that in the future, only Tang Gong will make her obedient in the entire research institute…
Seeing that everyone’s emotions gradually calmed down, Qi Lu’s expression softened a little, but his tone was still a little stiff.
“Gong Tang is currently working on the project. In the next period of time, we will help you adapt to the rhythm of Gong Tang’s research and development… I hope everyone will be prepared… If there are any who can’t adapt, it is best to be persuaded to quit. Prepare yourself mentally!”
Hearing this, the expressions of everyone in the room suddenly turned solemn, and their eyes became solemn.
Although many of the people present were older and more experienced than Qi Lu, all of them were unable to refute what Qi Lu said at this time… If you can’t refute, then you can only accept it…
Thinking of this, everyone’s hearts gradually became serious.
I thought I would be able to sit back and relax if I was selected into Academician Tang’s research institute, but now it seems that it is too simple…
Four Saints Research Institute, no idlers! ! !
At this moment, Qi Lu, who noticed the change in everyone’s mentality, nodded slightly, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.
It is foreseeable that after a period of adjustment, the Four Saints Research Institute will surely usher in a period of rapid progress.

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