Ending without beginning? ? ?
With a soft sound of “ding!”, the research institute’s autocratic elevator reached the third underground floor. After that, Qi Lu walked out of the elevator with a team of experts headed by Du Wenxuan.
And the members of the expert group looked at the environment on the third underground floor curiously again.
At least in terms of the air we breathe, the air circulation equipment here is certainly top-notch, and even on the third basement floor, there is no dull feeling at all.
Looking left and right, I found that the underground laboratories were like replicas of the floors, and the laboratories were distributed like corridors, forming the appearance of a courtyard.
However, the configuration of the equipment here is indeed a few grades higher than the configuration on the floor…
“Everyone, please come with me…”
Qi Lu turned around, with a reserved smile on his face, as he spoke, he stretched out his hand and gestured towards them.
Everyone nodded in unison, then followed Qi Lu and walked forward…
Tang Zhenli’s laboratory is the core laboratory on the third underground floor, located in the center of the ‘Siheyuan’.
In the core laboratory,
After a busy morning, Tang Zhenli successfully installed the original white tiger power module on the model of this mecha by hoisting the robotic arm, and successfully input the artificial intelligence of “Tianji” newly developed by Longguo. system.
At this time, Tang Zhenli was stepping on a triangular ladder 193, with a tool bag tied around his waist and some tools in his hand.
Check and verify some of the subtle joint components of this mecha prototype.
At present, his position is the right shoulder of the drone. There are some hydraulic components that need to be loosened, otherwise it may affect the swing of the arm of the drone. The purpose is to increase the sense of smoothness and make this drone unmanned. The mech’s limbs look less rigid in motion.
And at this moment, he looked like an ordinary repairman, not only his hands, but also his clothes and trousers were covered with all kinds of mechanical oil stains.
There is also a smell of oil all over the body…
If this appearance were seen by outsiders, no one would have imagined that the young man in front of him was Academician Tang Zhenli, who is currently well-known in the Dragon Kingdom!
I will only think that it is a young repairman, or the kind of apprenticeship.
Just as he focused on twisting the components with the tools, the door of the laboratory made a clear ‘beep’, and then the door extended to both sides, and Qi Lu walked with a dozen experts and scholars from the exchange group. came in.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli turned his head slightly and glanced at the door in the distance from the corner of his eye.
° On the other hand, a dozen professor-level figures led by Du Wenxuan stepped into the laboratory and saw the terrifying mecha in the center of the field, and Tang Zhenli standing on its right shoulder from a distance.
For a time, more than a dozen people actually froze in place, unable to speak to themselves for a long time, even Qi Lu, when he saw this, his beautiful eyes opened slightly, and his small mouth opened somewhat inconceivably.
What the hell is this…?
Why haven’t we seen each other for more than ten days…Tang Gong has another big project? ? ? ? ?
Suddenly, she remembered Tang Gong’s completed Four Sages plan. It seemed that she had indeed said that the power module would be extended…
Could it be… this is the unmanned exploration mecha in the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ mentioned earlier? ? ?
Du Wenxuan and the others just wanted to walk towards the center of the laboratory, but they never wanted to be stopped by Qi Lu who had reacted.
I saw Qi Lu’s face was sober, and he said to the crowd with a firm tone,
“Professors, Academician Tang is testing the unmanned exploration mecha, please keep your distance…”
Even though she didn’t know where the project progress had come at this time, as Tang Zhenli’s assistant, she naturally couldn’t let the exchange group come forward to disturb him.
“Oh…that’s right
Being stopped by Qi Lu, Du Wenxuan and others also calmed down and hurry uphead.
Looking at the device in the center in the distance, if I and others rashly stepped forward and affected Academician Tang’s work, then it would be damned.
Fortunately, this laboratory, as one of the three underground core laboratories, occupies an extremely wide area, with thousands of square meters, nearly the size of a football field, allowing them to watch from a distance…
Then, a harmonious scene appeared in this laboratory, a group of people (biei) watched the ‘giant’ in the center of the field from a distance.
After a long while, Tang Zhenli’s voice came from the center of the venue,
Ji Jibei Zhenli called out Qi Lu’s name, then pointed at his clothes, and then walked out from the side door of the laboratory.
And Qi Lu here immediately understood.
Then his eyes turned to the eager people, and then said.
“Everyone, please come with me to Tang Gong to change clothes… I’ll be there later…”
The voice fell, and there was no need for Qi Lu to lead, a group of old people who had passed the year of destiny briskly moved towards the platform in the center of the venue.
The mecha walked over.
Looking at the frequency of their footsteps, it is only said that they are walking like flying, even if Qi Lu looks at it, he asks himself that it is not as good as it is, almost trotting all the way to keep up with them…
– A group of old men and old ladies looked at the mecha as if they were seeing a peerless treasure.
The sharpness like a knife radiates from the mecha’s slender torso, and the mechanical beauty is vividly interpreted on this mecha.
Even Qi Lu was stunned by this art-like existence.
For a while, there was a lot of discussion on the field.
“Drone armor?????”
An old man stepped forward, looking like he wanted to touch but didn’t dare.
“It looks like… it should have been assembled in the past few days…”
A scholar looked at the mecha up and down, and said with all due respect.
“Hey~ are the two sets of vector jet thrusters loaded at the back the one in the Four Saints plan? So fast?”
A professor walked around to the back of the mecha, looked at the power module loaded on the back, and said in a daze.
“This mecha is much bigger than expected, someone sighed.
“No… The research institute has only been invested in less than half a month. Professor Du, have your mechas been shipped in advance so quickly?”
At this time, an old man asked a question, the voice fell, and everyone’s eyes were focused on Du Wenxuan.
Because the unmanned exploration mecha sector is the responsibility of Du Wenxuan’s research laboratory.
At this time, Du Wenxuan only felt that his throat was dry. In fact, when he saw this mecha for the first time, the shock in his eyes was far more than that of others.
Because he knows the truth of the matter. . .
Everyone else thought that this mecha or blueprint was provided by his subordinates, but the actual situation is not the case…
As the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ assigned to the unmanned adaptive mecha task, he knows very well that the research institute under his command is still designing drawings… But in front of him, a mecha has appeared, and it looks very high-end.
Aware of everyone’s suspicious eyes, Du Wenxuan only felt his scalp tingle…for a while he didn’t know how to speak…
Because he felt that he would have ended without starting.
y I empty

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