: Will You Make a Public Confession at the Concert? ?
Yandu, Wind Nest Sports Center,
After everyone’s mood gradually calmed down, when they looked at the stage again, they found that Wu Shaoying on the stage still did not leave.
Just when everyone was surprised, in the center of the stage, Wu Shaoying, dressed in full clothes, picked up the microphone in his hand, took a deep breath, and spoke.
“Actually, this concert has another very important thing for me. I’m sorry to delay everyone’s time for a while. Let me say something very important to a very important person~!”
When the words fell, Wu Shaoying gave a long bow.
Seeing this, the situation was a little inexplicable. Obviously, the audience also felt the strangeness of Sister Tianxian at this time, but they all held a tolerant attitude towards it.
“As much as my sister said, we will not delay! ! 〃
“Don’t worry, no one will feel the delay…
U 99
Off the field, Wu Xingjian held Yao Shihuai’s hand tightly, and he was so excited that he couldn’t help himself.
“It’s here, it’s finally here, Shihuai, get ready, maybe we have to go on stage later?” Compared with Wu Xingjian who was excited for the night, Yao Shihuai was obviously calmer at the moment.
Because she just noticed Wu Shaoying’s words, a very important person… her own daughter, should not make such a mistake… Yes, although she has no clue, she is not blindly optimistic like Wu Xingjian.
As for the other side, Su Ran and Liu Ling seemed to have a clear understanding after listening to this sentence, and looking at the situation… it seems that things are bigger than they thought!
Thinking of this, the couple subconsciously glanced at Tang Zhenli, who was still calm.
The two of them had some expectations in their hearts, maybe… something big will happen soon!
And after the noise for a while, the venue was quiet.After coming down, he focused on Wu Shaoying, wanting to see what Sister Tianxian was going to do next.
But B said, if you add the number of people watching in the live broadcast room, there may be tens of millions of eyes focused on Wu Shaoying at this moment.
Under everyone’s eager eyes, Wu Shaoying groped for something in the pocket of her dress, and finally took out a letter. Under everyone’s gaze, she slowly unfolded the letter and presented it in front of her.
The next moment, Wu Shaoying’s demeanor changed the moment she touched the note, her pretty face suddenly became radiant and radiant like a breeze met the warm sun.
This demeanor alone makes many people look fascinated.
At the same time, the large screen at the rear also began to flash frame by frame, which seemed to be some daily photos.
Then, Wu Shaoying’s soft voice sounded in the room.
“Dear someone: Zhan Xinyue, this is the first love letter I wrote to you, and of course it’s the last love letter. This is my twenty-second year alone, and the tenth year with you. Years ago, I don’t know where the love started, but it goes deep…”
Wu Shaoying’s words had just begun, and there was an uproar off the court.
It’s just the beginning, how can everyone not understand, this is clearly… this is clearly a love letter! ! ! !
Could it be that… this concert is actually a large-scale confession scene? ? ? ? ?
Almost instantly, there were waves of discussions on the Internet, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was frantically swiping.
“Fuck, fuck, what the hell is this for?????”
“Crazy, crazy, completely crazy!!!!! Concert confession? ? ? ? Could it be that Academician Xiao Tang is also there? !”
“Finally… Sister Tianxian finally can’t stand it anymore?????!!!”
“This is also a witness to history! ! ! ! !”
With the rapid spread of news, more and more netizens who watched the lively went directly to the live broadcast room. The total number of people in the live broadcast room of major platforms has reached hundreds of millions. The operators of the live broadcast have urgently added several servers.
At this critical moment, any ordinary person can understand the current situation.
If the live broadcast room blows up at this time, the people in the program team will have to apologize to death tomorrow!
In the uproar between the venues, Wu Shaoying’s voice remained unchanged, still firmly and softly resounding in the ears of everyone present.
Off the field, when Wu Xingjian heard Wu Shaoying’s first words, the excited expression on his face suddenly froze, his expression was stunned for a moment, and then turned into grief and anger at a terrifying speed.
..ask for flowers….
By the end, Wu Xingjian’s eyes were twitching uncontrollably.
Dare to feel excited for a long time, is it empty joy? ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! !
In fact, this concert was prepared for Tang Zhenli? ? ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! ! !
Thinking of this, Wu Xingjian’s heart suddenly felt inexplicable grief and anger, a feeling of being stabbed in the back came from his heart, and it was aching.
hateful! ! ! What a sweet little padded jacket, this is obviously a black-hearted padded jacket! ! ! !
Looking at the precious daughter on the stage, Wu Xingjian felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart for the first time…
As for Yao Shihuai on the other side, she obviously realized it at the first time, and then looked at her husband whose face was changing with a bit of sympathy.
Fortunately, she didn’t report such high expectations at the beginning… She can’t be said to be ignorant of her daughter who was pregnant in October.
The daughter’s elbow has always been turned out… Unfortunately, Wu Xingjian doesn’t seem to understand it properly…
Su Ran and Liu Ling on the other side were completely shocked at this time.
Rao is that they are the people who understand the most on the field, and they even predicted in advance that some major events might happen this evening.
But at this time, Wu Shaoying made a public confession, completely disrupting their thoughts.
Even if it was expected before, who would have thought… that my sister would make a public confession at the concert? ? ? ? ? ?
This is too direct, too brutal! ! ! ! !
Before this, I am afraid no one can think of it! ! !
Who can stop it? ? ?
The two lovers are in a mess, and even their breathing is a little disordered.
At this time, Tang Zhenli, who was the party involved, was completely stunned. Yes, he was simply stunned. It took a long while before he recovered.
Rao has experienced many things, but as Tang Zhenli, who has zero love experience, it is unavoidable that this kind of thing is still blank in his mind.
After recovering for a while, looking at Wu Shaoying in the center of the stage, Tang Zhenli felt a long-suppressed emotion gushing out from the bottom of his heart, which made him have an inexplicable desire to stand with her on stage. !

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