Sensation! !
Yandu Fengchao Sports Center,
A pair of fairy couples on the stage were embracing each other, and the audience off the field was cheering.
“The two of you must be well in the future!!!!”
“Sister and Academician Xiao Tang must be together forever!!!!”
U 99
There were various whistles and screams off the field, all of them were blushing and looked at the two people on the stage with excitement.
At this time, the atmosphere between the venues can be said to have reached its peak. Everyone was infected by this atmosphere and was in a state of excitement, blessing the two people standing in the center of the stage in their own way.
Except, of course, one heartbroken person off the field…
At this time, Wu Xingjian’s face was stiff, and his eyes stared blankly at the two people on the stage…
Just now, he watched his daughter fall into the arms of others…
At this moment, thick snowflakes fell from the 18th day one after another, and an inexplicable atmosphere quietly emerged.
The two people who were embracing on the stage gradually separated, and then each looked at each other affectionately, smiled at each other, and all the emotions of the two were combined in this affectionate gaze.
Maybe this feeling….is love!
This relationship has been fermented and brewed for ten years. Today, it seems to be achieved overnight, but in fact it is a matter of course…
At this moment, Wu Shaoying stretched out her hand, her snow-white and crystal clear palm took a few snowflakes, and her beautiful eyes were filled with happiness…
At this moment, she thought of something inexplicably,
If you are drenched in snow together today, you will be whiteheaded together in this life!
Thinking of this, a pair of star eyes stared at Tang Zhenli who was close at hand.
“Tang Zhenli, do you think we’re all covered in snow and whiteheads together…
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was slightly startled, then frowned, how could he remember… This is not a good meaning…
“This… doesn’t seem like a good blessing…”
“Hmph. I said yes!”
Wu Shaoying was stunned for a moment, her expression changed for a while, then she wrinkled her nose cutely, snorted, and said arrogantly. Afterwards, there was a quench in my heart, having a girlfriend still can’t change the true nature of a straight man! ! ! ! !
Sisheng Institute, in the assistant’s office.
After seeing the picture of Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying hugging, the four big boys jumped up excitedly, embraced each other, and shouted in surprise.
That excited look seems to be more involved than the party involved.
“Together! Together!! Tang Gong really is with Tianxian sister!!!”
“Candy! Candy!”
“Why do I feel more excited than finding a girlfriend myself…
At this exciting time, the four of them completely forgot about Qi Lu behind them, and shouted loudly.
And just at this time, Qi Lu was also staring at the live broadcast with a pair of beautiful eyes, and his eyes were a bit complicated…
Shanghai market, Huayu Jingting,
“Yeah! The future sister-in-law has officially become a sister-in-law!!!”
Seeing the picture of the two embracing on TV, Tang Ziyue jumped up from the sofa, startling Chen Xinyao who was sitting beside her, and hurriedly grabbed her.
“Can’t you be a lady? Just like you, you still want to find your brother’s condition, you are dreaming! If you want me to say, you can’t even find your father like this!”
When the words fell, Tang Lizhe, who was still watching the play, looked stiff, a few black lines appeared on his forehead, and he glanced at his wife leisurely.
This analogy…is it really good? Your own conditions… Obviously not bad, okay?
Compared with his own son…it may be a little bit worse…
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue seemed to realize it too, her pretty face changed, and after looking at her father from the corner of the corner, she immediately calmed down, and Chen Xinyao nodded with satisfaction while watching.
Chen Xinyao focused her attention on the live TV screen, and a faint idea emerged in her mind.
Or… go to Yandu… If the marriage can be settled earlier… I can rest assured…
For Wu Shaoying, the more she sees it, the more satisfied she becomes…
The fact that the ten thousand people’s concert is used to express this idea is enough to prove her love for Zhenli!
Ordinary people really can’t think of this way of confession. In a sense, it’s just joking about one’s own starship… One is not good, the angel was beaten to the ground, it was just a momentary thing…
The good thing about 210…the end result is good!
“It’s really courageous. At this point, Chen Xinyao twitched the corner of her mouth and nodded secretly.
With such courage, even when he is old, he is more than enough to take on the responsibility of the mother of the Tang family… Such an excellent girl can come together with Zhenli… Chen Xinyao’s heart is filled with joy from the bottom of her heart.
Yandu, Wind Nest Sports Center.
The snowflakes in the sky became more and more numerous, but still could not extinguish the enthusiasm lingering here.
On the stage, Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying were still looking at each other affectionately, as if the world at the moment was revolving around the newly formed immortal couple.
At this time, the cold weather did not affect everyone’s fiery mood at all.
The audience has not yet come out of this strong atmosphere, and as the atmosphere is brewing, a wave of voices is gradually gaining momentum.
“A kiss! A kiss! A kiss!!!!”

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