One day, two people, three meals,
Season, reincarnation!
Yandu, Fengchao Sports Center,
The audience in the arena was still in a lively atmosphere, but Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying, who were the parties involved, did not return to the backstage without everyone knowing, but ran out of the Fengchao Sports Center together.
Even though snowflakes are still dancing in the sky, it doesn’t affect the two fiery hearts getting closer to each other.
Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying intertwined their fingers and were very close, and then they walked aimlessly along the periphery of Fengchao Sports Center.
I don’t know if it was because of nervousness, Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli just walked silently, neither of them spoke first, they just simply felt each other’s temperature at close range.
After a long while, Wu Shaoying thought about it, then turned her head and looked up at Tang Zhenli slightly, her beautiful eyes seemed to contain thousands of stars.
“…Why do I feel like this is like a dream…”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli paused, turned his head to look at the shockingly beautiful face in front of him, his heart trembled slightly, and then he tightened his clasped hands with Wu Shaoying, with a gentle smile on his face, and said in a firm tone.
“This is not a dream…”
“—day, two people, three meals, four seasons, reincarnation!”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying’s delicate body trembled slightly, her eyes were like autumn water, the love in her eyes was undisguised, and she stared at Tang Zhenli affectionately.
Is this the love story that Tang Zhenxiang came up with? Although Wu Shaoying felt some inexplicable joy, she could still feel Tang Zhenli’s implicit emotion.
It is simple, but it takes a lifetime to interpret, just like Tang Zhenli’s choice, he chose the stars, and he has been chasing the stars all his life. Tang Zhenli’s romance is probably like this…
Afterwards, the two continued to walk around the Fengchao Sports Center, talking about the past ten years along the way, with memories lingering in their hearts.
“Tang Zhenli, do you still remember the nickname you gave me in the earliest days…”
“Hmm…Little Miko?”
“Then… can you call me that for the rest of your life?”
“Hmm… then… first time meeting, little witch, hello, I’m Tang Zhenli! Please give me your advice for the rest of my life…”
The icy cold wind mixed with snowflakes gallops wantonly in this world,
But it didn’t affect the mood of both parties at this moment. At the moments of recalling the past one by one, the hearts of the two were getting closer and closer. On the other side, the spectators in the sports center have already started to leave the arena one after another.
After a night of atmosphere bombardment, the emotions aroused by everyone will definitely not dissipate so quickly.
(biei) background,
“Can I call you brother-in-law…”
The little assistant and Ye Yingxin chatted one after another, and the faces of the two women were very excited.
“That’s natural…”
Ye Yingxin Wu Zhu replied, after today, this brother-in-law will definitely not be able to run away.
Just as the two wanted to continue chatting, sister Xia Wu Qiudie and Wu Xingjian walked in.
The two fell silent immediately, and no one knew what Sister Yingying’s parents were thinking now.
At nine o’clock in the evening, Fengchao Sports Center.
At this time, nearly an hour had passed since Wu Shaoying’s concert.
The audience in the arena has gone, and only the staff are left to deal with the follow-up.
Sister Xia and others and Wu Xingjian and his wife are waiting for the return of Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli.
“Where did these two go? The phone didn’t answer…”
Sister Xia held the mobile phone in her right hand, and after listening to the busy voice of ‘beep’ coming from it, she said in a somewhat helpless tone.
“Uncles, aunts, sister Yingying, they will be back soon
On the other side, listening to Miss Xia’s murmur, Xiao Yin couldn’t help explaining to Wu Xingjian and his wife.
“It’s all right”
』Shihuai’s face is very calm, she still has confidence in her daughter.
On the other hand, Wu Xingjian’s expression at this time was a little gloomy. Although he accepted Tang Zhenli, it didn’t mean he accepted that his daughter and another boy did not return home at night…
In case young people are impulsive…
– Thinking of this, Wu Xingjian’s heart felt as if being pricked by a needle, and he felt very uncomfortable.
“No, I have to find
At this time,’ Wu Xingjian said suddenly, and after he finished speaking, he walked outside, with firm steps, as if he would not give up until he found his precious daughter.
Before everyone could react, Wu Xingjian had already walked out of the backstage.
But not long after, Wu Xingjian came back with a sullen face, just as everyone was surprised.
After a while, Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli walked in holding hands.
As soon as she entered the backstage, seeing so many people’s eyes focused on it, especially her parents’ eyes, Wu Shaoying was stunned for a moment, and then parted from Tang Zhenli in a panic, with a trace of shame on her face.
As for Tang Zhenli, he was a little unclear. Looking at the crowd, he knew most of them, but when he saw a middle-aged couple in the arena, he frowned slightly.
This… isn’t it the two sitting next to me…
With a quick mind, he also realized that… these could not be Wu Shaoying’s parents…
The moment he realized it, Tang Zhenli’s heart rose, and he felt a little inexplicable tension. This kind of tension was something he had never felt since he was a child…
I don’t knowWhen Dao opened his mouth, Wu Shaoying reacted, glanced at everyone in the room, and then quickly introduced to Tang Zhenli.
“This is my parents and my girlfriend…”
After speaking, he glanced at his father with a worried look in his eyes.
“Hello aunt and uncle! Hello everyone!”
After Wu Shaoying finished his introduction, Tang Zhenli blurted out almost subconsciously.
“Tang Yuan… Hello Xiao Tang…”
Hearing this, Yao Shihuai showed a warm smile on his face, and habitually wanted to call Academician Tang, but in a blink of an eye, this was already his half-son-in-law, which was somewhat inappropriate, so he quickly changed his words.
“Cough cough~ Young people still need to control their emotions…”
At this time, Wu Xingjian cleared his throat and said with a stiff face, as if he didn’t know what expression to use to face Tang Zhenli.
“Dad! If you can’t speak, don’t say it!”
Unexpectedly, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a dissatisfied Wu Shaoying.
You and Tang Zhenli just got together, what is it like to control your emotions? ? ? ?
A stumbling block on your way to love? ? ?
“Cough cough…”
Wu Xingjian was choked on by his daughter, and in addition to being embarrassed, there was also some unspeakable melancholy.
The two of them just got together…the elbows began to turn outward…the little padded jacket began to leak the wind…no, the strong wind was already leaking.
-In an instant, Wu Xingjian felt the sadness and tightened the padded jacket on his body, only to feel that this winter was a bit extra cold

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